7 days on liquids and 7-day feeding lifestyle for those with damaged GI tracts

7 days on liquids and 7-day feeding lifestyle for those with damaged GI tracts

(7/7 diet regeneration protocol)

Your kidneys are hooked to the giant lymphatic system and are designed to drain your metabolic waste out of the body (ACIDS) it’s vital to get your kidneys to filter so you can remove a lifetime of waste. If you don’t remove acids out-out of the body mainly through the kidney channel or skin, then acids stay at home and damage tissue causing dysfunction.

The bowels are designed to get rid of the digestive waste whether that’s new waste form the foods you eat on the daily, or the old fecal matter, and old sticky undigested plaques that build up in the GI tract from processed foods, and foods that body fails to digest. The GI tract can get clogged up with Mucoid plaque and all kinds of microbial waste and mucus.

If you just live on juice and never eat food whole then you can overstress the kidneys and impair them to filter your lymphatic systems waste. You don’t want to stress the kidneys to remove too many fluids because the more you work the kidneys, then the harder it will be for them to heal.

Eating fruit whole (mono meals best) and time restricted dry fasting for 16-23 hours a day with herbs for the kidneys and adrenals is best for kidney filtration. The fiber slows the liquid from entering the kidneys and bladder to quickly and the body puts more energy on the bowels for digestion, so this allows the kidneys to filter better.

What I’ve learned with regenerative detoxification is that when you have GI tract issue and your gallbladder and pancreas are weak that it’s best to take brakes from eating and to go on juice for a solid food vacation and to get rid of the old waste in the colon, and so that you are not always causing a burden on the colon when there are acids that have damaged it.

A week on juice to target cleaning the bowels, and the next week on a mono fruit diet along with time restricted dry fasting. I also time restrict dry fast for at least 16 hours when I take a 7-day SFV to encourage filtering the lymphatic system.

Eating is not going to help the bowels heal, and only juicing is not going to heal the kidneys and weak adrenals effectively and quicker, this is why going in cycles is best, especially if you have a digestive issue, sulfur congestion in the body, and suffer from malabsorption.

If you don’t have a digestive issue and GI tract related issues then I would encourage you to just eat your fruits, whole and dry fast daily for 16-23 hours. Eating your fruit whole is better to filter the lymphatic system and this is vital to get rid of acids that have damaged cellular spaces in tissue regarding organs and glands in the body. It’s best to stop eating no later than 6 pm or drink liquids and to dry fast until 10-4pm the next day depending on where you’re at with your dry fasting transition and how many meals you eat a day.

You want to make this 7-day juice feasting and next week 7 days on eating fruits whole and repeat a lifestyle until you fix your GI tract, and pull out all the terrain backed up in the colon. Because eating with digestive issue and acids that have ulcerated the bowels is not the best thing to do every day, because it will be a long process to heal. Even eating fruit as easy as fruit is to digest will still rob the body of energy and slow down the healing process regarding the stomach and bowels when they are badly damaged.

7 days on liquids and 7 days on a mono fruit diet is a perfect balance, in my opinion, to fix your eliminative organs so you can drain the lymphatic system effectively. Keep it simple and focus on elimination more than the addition of nutrition.

Less is more when it comes to regenerative detoxification and as long as you understand that systemic acidosis is caused from metabolitic waste in the body and old stagnant sewage waste not “deficiency” or “autoimmunity” then you can be focused and disciplined to be consistent with a simple diet and fasting lifestyle and when you fix your health issues and want to balance out down the road I encourage a low protein raw vegan diet for lifestyle and maintaining optimal health.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


The Mangotarian @ YouTube:


First published: 6 years ago
Views: 591
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