Acne is systemic acidosis

Acne is systemic acidosis

You always must remember that anything that is going on in the head means that the lymphatic system is backed up from head to toe, and the GI tract is inflamed and congested as well. If You are dealing with acne on your face or on your back then your kidneys are not filtering well. The kidneys are your main channel to eliminate acids out of the body.

Acne is acids coming out of the skin. Forget about the term “acne”, forget about the conventional reasoning for it. You can say it’s a hormonal problem, it’s puberty, it’s youth etc, but at the end of the day the cause of the imbalance is systemic acidosis. So what is systemic acidosis? It’s acid chemistry that stays dormant in the body, and is not being removed, and whatever genetic weakness you have, the location of that weakness will express symptoms (the skin) systemic acidosis is a lymphatic system that has reached a saturation level, and after long periods of not filtering out your waste you run into inflammatory conditions that lower the quality of your life.

So how do you create systemic acidosis in the body? it’s simple, it’s a pattern of eating acid forming foods, and ingesting acidic chemistry of all kinds, and damaging the eliminative organs with acids such as your skin and kidneys, and failing to remove them as you continue to create them in the body.

We can look at possible factors to what also slows down the process of healing the skin, but again it will always go back to the chemistry you consume, and it must be changed to alkaline chemistry if you ever want to improve the state of your skin tone.

The thyroid gland is responsible for helping the skin remove waste from the body. If the thyroid is under active (low basil temps), and you don’t sweat well, then acids will build up in the tissues of the skin, and create skin rashes, acne or whatever you want to call it. It’s all just sewage that’s not being eliminated effectively. If you work on your thyroid on top of an alkaline diet, and get your skin sweating in the sun or a sauna, then you can detoxify your body effectively, and you can dig up the root, and fix the problem for good.

Another factor is a clogged up transverse colon. When the transverse colon is clogged up, then so will the head, and the head cannot effectively drain itself from acid lymph in the head when the transverse colon is clogged up with acid and mucus. If you clean out your bowels with living foods, and herbs, then you will improve symptoms located in the head area such as the face were acne mostly presents itself on the human body.

It makes no sense to try and treat acne with topical solutions because it doesn’t address the root cause to why acne presents itself. The human body fails to detoxify because it’s always being so saturated with acid chemistry form the food and drink, and then you put more chemicals on the skin, and hope that acidic lotions and creams are going to solve the problem. Not washing your face is much better then putting anything on it. Makeup, locations, and acne washes will only temporarily cover up a problem that’s systemic.

Address the cause which is always the simple understanding of cause and effect. Alkalinity hydrates and removes acid chemistry from the body, and acid chemistry will cause inflammation, redness and swelling etc. you decide what side of chemistry you want to be on.

When you address the causative factors of why you have an issue related to a body that’s backed up with acids, then you will have to deal with the symptoms and discomfort when you remove them from the body. The only real way to remove acids from the body is by allowing the body to detoxify at a level to get rid of the saturation of acids that built up in the tissues causing the reactions to develop (inflamed bumps on the skin)

The most aggressive detox you can put yourself on, and I highly recommend transitioning to it at a pace you and your kidneys can handle is a fruit diet. Fruit is full of water, alkaline chemistry and are astringent (pull things out of the body) fruit wants to remove obstructions out of the body, however you need to open up your kidneys so that you can remove the waste your steering up.

One of the main reasons people shy away from a high fruit raw food diet with skin problems is because the detox makes the problem worse in the beginning. Why is that the case? It’s simple cause and effect. Your removing acids from your body and steering up a lifetime of acids that have been dormant and stuck in the tissues of the body, and the fruits are trying to remove them, and they will faster then you desire without any mercy. When acids come out they don’t come out nicely. Understand that your skin will look bad and maybe even worse in the beginning even though your eating living and hydrating foods that should make the skin glow with radiance. You will get there in time, but you need to get your kidneys filtering, and your skin sweating if you want to speed up the process.

Many people have overcome acne with a raw food diet void of overt fats and high in fruit, but they struggled in the beginning of this detox journey. Once the skin starts sweating well, and the kidneys start filtering well, the skin clears up and you just cured yourself, instead of trying to treat with products that don’t address the cause, and can also make skin worse down the road, because these products are acidic. You never put acid on top of acid to get rid of it!

And please don’t take Accutane because this drug will damage your health in other areas, and create a painful list of side effects. Accutane will damage your adrenal glands, and when you damage them you loose function of your kidneys, and loose filtration even more, and then more health problems come knocking on the door, and you end up with new hellish symptoms down the road. You loose your cortical steroids, then you deal with more pain and when you crash the adrenal glands, you run into chronic fatigue and all kinds of “deficiencies” mineral utilization, sugar metabolism, sex hormones, loose Neurotransmitters, etc.

If you want to get rid of acne then you must change your diet to a raw food diet, high fruit, use herbal botanical formulas that address the kidneys, adrenals and bowels, do some short term daily dry fast 15-18 hours daily(no drink or food, or contact with water) to better open up the kidneys so you can eliminate what you steer up with the raw foods cleaning the body, use the sauna to sweat, hot and cold compression on the face, and head to help it drain in the process, be patient and with time you can get rid of “acne” and you won’t have to revisit brake out after brake out down the road.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
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