All genetic weaknesses are caused from a backed up lymphatic system, and systemic acidosis

All genetic weaknesses are caused from a backed up lymphatic system, and systemic acidosis

The reason why humans are inheriting genetic weaknesses, it’s not just because they’re unlucky, but because of what was passed down to them by their lineage, and family that has compromised their body by being on the wrong side of chemistry. It all will point to the simplicity of understanding the two sides of chemistry which are alkaline or base, if your family lineage was eating foods on the acid side of chemistry, then their lymphatic system was backed up at some level, and it’s these acids that settle in the body and cause it to mutate, and create damages to how the body functions as a system.

All genetic weaknesses can be reversed at some level when you get your body regenerated on a lifestyle that promotes full body regeneration. Say you have a genetic weakness in your thyroid gland and it runs in your family, this doesn’t mean that you’re stuck with this dysfunction, and that you must deal with the symptoms. The body is a self-healing mechanism, and all you have to do is get it to heal itself, and if you saturate it with alkalinity and foods that are designed for it, then you could remove systemic acidosis, drain the lymphatic system, remove the cause of the issue, and watch the body heal itself.

The best diet to reverse genetic weaknesses is going to be the diet that your species is most compatible with and design for. The very diet that your design for is going to be the most alkaline foods. The problem is humans are eating very acidic foods that are not very high in alkaline pH, and this is why humans are running into the systemic issues and genetic weaknesses.

Truly humans are designed for fruit, and tender leaves as far as we have on record, and both these foods are very hydrating, and alkaline base. Why I believe humans are dealing with these systemic genetic weaknesses is because we have gone away from eating are foods in the living state, and have decided to put fire to our foods the damage them, which in return damages the body by creating an out-of-balance environment, and this is why it’s very difficult to heal systemic health conditions on cooked food, versus that of raw food.

When you get back to a living foods diet, and you’re dealing with systemic acidosis, and have a weakness that was passed on to you through genetics, and have had no success reversing these problems, you will find the body’s ability to heal itself much more effectively when you remove cooked food from your diet, and this is why cooked food does not promote full body detoxification, and a living foods diet does. For those that have successfully detoxified their body on a living foods diet can attest to opening up the floodgates, and emptying the sewage that is on the acid side of chemistry that has created damages to vital glands, organs, cells and the nervous system.

If you give it time and hard work and get your kidneys filtering, and continue to hydrate and alkalized with the living foods based around the astringents such as you are fruits, berries and melons, and you fast, you will notice problems that you have faced your whole life starting to vanish, and this is where you turn your genetic weakness around, so that you could pass it on good genetics to your children and defeat the curse that was inherited.

All these health problems that were facing in today’s world are all due to a congested constipated lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is the largest system in the human body and it’s what carries and holds all metabolic waste that humans accumulate by saturating their system externally and internally with acid chemistry. Your kidneys and your skin are the major eliminative organs to remove acid waste from your lymphatic system. It’s very difficult to drain a stagnant backed up lymphatic system, when your apart of an out-of-balanced society that is creating pleasure foods that are extremely acid forming. It’s very sad that babies are being born what these unfortunate genetic weaknesses that can be reversed If only humans would get away from these acid and mucus forming foods, because they are the main contributor to why the genetic weakness was inherited. The mother’s lymphatic system is attached to the babies when they are being born, and if the mother’s lymphatic system is congested and backed up, then most likely so will the babies, and also if the mother is eating acid forming foods during pregnancy this is going to be fed to the baby, creating systemic acidosis in the baby.

This cycle can be demolished only if humans would build the self-control, and train themselves to return to a diet that is most compatible with their species design, and also doesn’t create systemic acidosis, which is the only true disease that exists. Most health problems that people are dealing with is lymphatic congestion, and kidneys that are not filtering, and if you continually back up the lymphatic system with acid chemistry, then you’re going to continually burn and damage vital systems in the body, and never experience full body regeneration. You can cure and reverse these problems, not only “manage” and just be stuck with them because you were told that your genetic weakness cannot be reversed.

The testimonies can be limitless if humans would only consistently pursue this lifestyle of eating a fruit based diet, but unfortunately humans have been so domesticated and indoctrinated to think that fruits are not beneficial to the human body, because they contain too much sugar, and this is an unfortunate lie, because it’s not the alkalizing sugar in the whole fruit that causes a problem, it’s the synthesized and processed sugars that are the problem, because they are acid forming, but if you check fruits in their properly ripe state, you will see that they are alkaline forming. People are not getting worse on a raw food diet based around fruits, berries and melons. The biggest confusion that is linked to thinking this, is the fact that a fruit based diet promotes detoxification, which will be the process of the body going through a state of withdrawal, and also removing decades of metabolic waste through the system, and out through the kidneys, skin and bowels, and there’s no comfortable way to remove sewage from the body other than just enduring through the process of cause and effect.

If you put in the work, and you wait for the body to heal by removing the acids that cause these genetic weaknesses, you will start to experience results that you never thought could be attained, when it comes to rebuilding a damaged body, problems that you had since you were a kid all of a sudden go away, these disease labeled conditions you were told you have and must be managed for the rest of your life, all go away, and it simply was accomplished by changing your diet to what your species is designed to eat, and getting your kidneys to filter, so that you could remove the acid stagnation that is backed up your lymphatic system, which is the human septic tank, and once the sewage is drained, the body rebuilds, and heals, and this is why those that are actually putting in the work, and putting to death the acid forming food addictions, are finding their remedy, getting the results, and removing the curse of genetic weaknesses, so their kids don’t have to enter this world in pain and suffering.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
Views: 768
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