Anger issues can mean a toxic liver

Anger issues can mean a toxic liver

Anger it’s definitely something you see very present in the world today. Toxic livers in human bodies are also a serious epidemic, especially in the western world. I believe a toxic liver is not just due to drugs and alcohol, but the toxicity that is present in the food that humans eat day in and day out that are highly processed and contain lots of chemical additives, and also showering themselves with toxic chemicals when it comes to the water they drink, put on their skin, and the toxic hygiene products that humans are constantly rubbing on themselves. What you must understand is the skin is the largest eliminative organ and it will absorb toxicity when exposed to it, this toxicity goes through the bloodstream gets dumped into the lymphatic system, and eventually will make its way to the liver to be processed and filtered out through the kidneys and bowels.

The liver is the largest organ in your body and carries on the most functions. The liver is compared to a huge chemical factory that supplies a whole city with its function. If your liver has been compromised then it’s un able to metabolize hormones, drugs, chemicals, and all other toxicity that enters the body. You don’t want to damage the liver from producing enzymes to help with detoxification. It’s very important to keep liver healthy so that you can rid the body of acidosis, and all other extreme for harmful substances that affect the liver. Almost all drugs, and the ones that people normally use such as over-the-counter painkillers severely destroy its tissues. Your liver is also tied to your mind in my opinion. If the liver is inflamed and impaired by its function it’s going to affect your mind, this could create low self-esteem and anger. I’m not making these statements as objective facts, but studying detoxification and people expressing cleaning out their liver have experienced much less issues with emotions and anger. Those that have toxic livers also usually struggle with anger issues, so I think there is a correlation in real-time versus studies that have been observed through science.

It’s very common when someone does a liver cleanse, or simply just changes their diet, gets off the chemical medications, stops the ingestion and consumption of foods and drinks that contain heavy amounts of chemicals, will go through detoxification with cleaning the liver, and when the liver starts to go through the cleansing process, your going to experience negative emotions and anger while this takes place. But once you clean out the liver and you cause it to function better, and you consume less toxic acid/mucus forming foods, and chemical ladened things that you ingest, it will function better, and it will filter out toxicity of the body, and overall this will help you to manage your mental emotions, and you won’t deal with anger issues as you did with a toxic liver. I highly suggest people get healthy and start consuming more fresh fruits and vegetables, so they could clean out their liver, and have a more stress free and productive life. We all know that anger can not only affect you personally, but could greatly affect your friends, family and co-workers having to deal with somebody that can’t let go of anger, because it’s very difficult to when the body is full of toxicity, and the liver has been badly damaged from years of eating toxic foods and putting toxic chemicals on your skin.

To really clean out and regenerate the liver, I highly suggest a lifestyle of consuming predominantly raw living fruits and vegetables, so that you can detoxify the body and get to the root cause of the issue rather than trying to find a quick fix, that doesn’t exist with a backed up lymphatic system, and having a systemic issue with the body not just related to the liver. If all your glands aren’t functioning properly and your organs have been compromised by heavy proteins and animal foods, such as grains, beans and process starches, then you’re not only going to struggle with anger, but you will struggle with stress, anxiety, and depression.

I don’t believe that it’s necessary to do heavy liver cleanses such as the liver and gallbladder cleanse using heavy amounts of oil and lemon juice to spasm thr liver to get rid of liver stones. I think this may be necessary one time during the process of changing your diet from a cooked mucus and acid forming diet to a raw living alkaline structured diet. But to do aggressive liver cleanses with oil spasming the liver. I believe this could cause irritation and damage to the liver and may be too much innervation for the body to handle. I believe the best way to go about this is to change your diet to a high fruit 100% living foods diet, and use herbal botanicals to help cleanse, and also to regenerate the liver in a holistic and natural way. There is no point to do a liver cleanse and then to return to an acid forming diet. You want to make this a life style change to not only clean out any potential liver stones, and regenerate a toxic liver, but to continue to keep the liver free from damage, by being on a diet that promotes detoxification all year around, instead of just trying to treat the problem with periodic cleanses.

If you choose to do a liver and gallbladder flush, you may experience stones that look like green globs, may be yellow, red or black. The stone sizes range from a pea size to a quarter or larger. Most liver or gallbladder stones are soft in nature, as they are lipid and bile stones. With degenerative problems, the liver and gallbladder flush should be supervised by a health care professional.

I say this in no means to be judgmental or cruel to those that eat animal products, but usually those that are high meat-eaters seem to be more aggressive and struggle with anger, versus somebody that has a clean liver, that is on a diet that promotes detoxification and optimal health such as the raw living foods. Highly processed animal foods, can cause cirrhosis of the liver. You do not want to die from a toxic liver because that would be a miserable existence of dealing with anger, as well as suffering because of stubbornness and addiction to acid forming foods, and taking highly chemical structure prescription drugs, to mask symptoms instead of getting to the root cause, and that’s only achieved on a healthy diet that promotes liver health.

Animal foods are extremely toxic to the liver, because they’re very acid-forming, and these animal products that people consume today are also contaminated with chemical structure hormones, antibiotics, and other pathogens that are found in these conventional meats and processed meats. Somebody that has a toxic liver and especially cirrhosis of the liver or liver disease, just look at their diet, it will tell you everything on why the person may be going through this. We are truly living in a world of chemicals, and we’re bathing in a cesspool of chemicals, if you remove the chemicals from your life and get back to nature, you will be able to keep the liver functioning properly so that it could be used as that chemical manufacturing plant, to filter out environmental toxins that you may be exposed to on a daily basis. A healthy diet that promotes detoxification, will always keep your liver clean, and it’s important for a clean liver if we want to have healthy minds and not battle with emotional upsets and anger outburst.

If you think this theory is silly, test it for yourself if you struggle with anger and go after your liver and clean it out with herbs and diet, and it may take a 100% raw food diet and at least 80% fruits to create the detoxification your body needs in order to properly clean itself out and regenerate the liver If you have had your gallbladder removed by surgery, then I’m sure there’s a lot of scar tissue and metabolic waste on your liver. If you don’t have a gallbladder, then it’s even more important to be on a healthy diet, low in protein and fat, and high in fruits and vegetables, because your liver as most likely it’s been damaged, not only from surgically removing the gallbladder but If the gallbladder got removed in the first place this would indicate high toxicity in the liver as well. So instead of getting your liver removed, I highly suggest you treat it with love and care, and that’s by living a healthy lifestyle of natural hygiene, and being on a raw living foods diet. If you want to get to the root of the problem, I highly suggest you transition yourself quickly to 100% raw food, so that you can better detoxify this organ which is vital to your health. experiment with cleaning out your liver to overcome your anger issues for yourself and watch your anger problems go away.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

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First published: 7 years ago
Views: 648
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