Autoimmune “disease” what?

Autoimmune “disease” what?

Do you have an autoimmune disease? Or do you really just have systemic lymphatic acidosis? You must understand that there is only two sides of chemistry, that being alkaline /acid, and there is only two major fluids in the human body blood and lymph. The blood system acts as the kitchen of the body, and the lymphatic system fluid runs like the sewer system of the human body, or another words the septic tank. You cannot find so-called “diseases”in the blood, because most of it is found in the lymphatic system.

This is a system that conventional health modalities do not cover, or look into. The system in the body that inhabits all the metabolic wastes is not even looked into or studied. This is why all diseases is just a fabricated term coined by the AMA. It’s easy to call something a disease, when you don’t know the cause that contributes to the problem. The cause is being on the acid side of chemistry, and eating acid ash dominant foods such as grains, beans, starch, and animal foods, as well as high protein supplementation, and abusing the body with chemical prescription drugs.

If you woke up in a nightmare, drove yourself down to the medical establishment, took some blood tests, and we’re told that they don’t know what you have, but they suspect it’s an “autoimmune disease” you just have to understand that your body is on the acid side of chemistry, your lymphatic system is backed up from head to toe, and your eliminative channels that eliminate these waste are clogged up, and damaged by acids making it difficult to detoxify the body, On top of a damaged and clogged up lymphatic system, and having clogged up eliminative organs, an acid forming and mucus forming diet day in and day out. Your septic tank will soon explode and destroy every room in your house (that being your body) and all the organs and glands that are in it.

When you damage your kidneys and adrenal glands, it’s extremely difficult to eliminate these waste, and high protein diets, and eating putrefactive dead animals, will only weaken the kidneys even more, damage and prolapse the colon, making it very difficult to eliminate these waste, and you end up dying in your own sewage. Or you can just get back to the diet your biologically designed to eat, clean, and enhance, and eliminate these waste by adopting of living foods diet predominantly based around fruits, veggies fruits, some leafy green vegetables if you desire, and herbal botanicals to help enhance and accelerate healing in compromised and weakened organs and glands.

The lymphatic system is one of the most vital systems in the body. It’s job includes removing cellular waste, removing excessive fat soluble compounds from the gastrointestinal tract, and serving as the house of the immune system. It creates white blood cells and antibodies and is truly the battlefield of the good first the bad. Where the immune cells that all pathogens, including bacterial, yeast, viruses, and all other unwanted Intruders. The system is also a carrier of nutrients to various parts of the body and serves as both the police force and part of the body septic tank system. It becomes heavily congested and excessive mucus and lymph from dairy products and refined and complex carbohydrates. This causes a type of congestion that most people are unaware of except when their sinus cavities and lung tissues let them know.

Your doctor could coin a label, identify a symptom, and tell you that you must treat the problem. But yet don’t know what causes “autoimmune disorders”, and it’s based around fear, ignorance, and unawareness. Even a 12 year old kid can understand the concept that acids are corrosive, and alkaline chemistry and fruits and vegetables, are alkaline and clean and enhance, and create a healthy body.

If you get the body back to an alkaline balance by removing the acid that dehydrate, and damage the body interstitially, you will be able to heal and regenerate damaged organs, glands, so that the symptoms that are caused by acid will no longer express, the inflammation that is causing the symptoms.

When we think of inflammation and simplicity, we could understand that it’s acid, that inflame tissue, and if your eating food that is acidic, and you’re not eliminating these acids, your going to deal with inflammatory conditions.

It’s very very sad, that people are entrusting their care with so-called professionals, that would rather treat and mask a problem caused by acids, rather than educating humanity to stop eating acid dominant foods. People continue to ruin their bodies, with acidic food.

Its common sense to understand that a piece of dead tissue, a highly cooked grain, and processed starches, are very acidic and mucus forming, and you can’t just pile in acid and mucus all day long, and expect that your body is just going to eliminate them. You can’t plaster something on the wall, or glue something together, and expect it to just clean itself up nicely.

You pile in acid and mucus forming foods day in and day out, they will start to form plaques that harden stick like glue to the walls of the bowels, and create a substance called mucoid plaque! (the serpent of death), the creates all kinds of inflammatory, GI tract related illnesses.

The study of regenerative detoxification is vital, and important when it comes to cleaning up and restoring and regenerating damaged tissue brought on by acids. Acids get backed up in the lymphatic system, and make that the body work overtime trying to eliminate them, but the body fails to eliminate them, because theirs too many obstructions that are blocking the flow of energy slowing down this process.

  • Acid burn and inflamed tissues causing tissue failure.
  • Alkalis are cool and are anti-inflammatory to tissue.
  • Acids can destroy tissues (cells)
  • Alkalis could heal tissues.
  • International medium, nutrients become and iconic (coagulate)
  • in an alkaline medium, nutrients become cationic (disperse)
  • Acidosis creates bonding a fats, minerals, and other constitutes creating stones of all types, including liver, gallbladder and kidney stones. It also creates the adhesion of blood cells and platelets. All this causes cellular starvation. (through lack of nutrient utilization), strokes, and the like.
  • Acidosis and congestion (toxicity and mucus) is the root cause of 99.9% of all diseases.
  • Some foods (carbohydrates) require alkaline digestive juices to be broken down, others (protein) required gastric acid juices.

If you’re not eating a diet rich in raw fruits and vegetables, you’re not getting enough of these vital electrolytes. This compound’s the over acid condition within the body and creates dehydration. The Detox Miracle Sourcebook by Robert Morse, N.D.

Just replace the term autoimmune disease, with acidosis, and understand the two sides of chemistry, and if you’re on the alkaline dominant side of chemistry, you will be able to remove acids, and you will be able to restore damaged tissue. We don’t need to complicate things anymore then they should be. We just need to return back to an alkaline based diet, that’s raw, fresh, whole and its natural state the way that nature intended it to be consumed.

Fruits and vegetables are on the alkaline side of chemistry, so when they’re consumed you will create an alkaline dominant environment. But in the process, you must eliminate the metabolic wastes, that has been stagnant in your body for many years, and even decades, and the process of elimination is not an easy ride depending on how toxic your body is from the acids that have caused it. But getting through the detoxification process is the best thing you could invest your money in, when it comes to what causes this to take place and that is fruits, berries, melons and herbal botanicals would be in my opinion the diet that should be considered, when it comes to the elimination cycle of these waste, and also to create an environment that is hydrating, alkaline, and that will promote health and vitality, rather than create more acids so that you could be studied like a guinea pig, with an “autoimmune disease”.

It’s sad that diet is never discussed in medical circles, but rather drugs to treat a problem that they can’t even tell you what caused it. Is this something that you would rather put your trust in? rather than understanding that diet is 99% a contributing factor to these so-called autoimmune diseases that people have is poor diet.

You can continue to eat highly cooked and processed foods, that are acid dominant, or you could remove them, and start getting healthy, get through the drug addiction of cooked food, and junk food, and allow the body to restructure beautifully on the diet that it’s designed for, which is a frugivore diet, predominantly based around fruits, berries, and melons.

The best thing you could do for yourself is to start cutting out acid-forming foods, and transition yourself in a responsible way, towards a raw food diet so that you could start to eliminate the sewage waste in the body that is extremely corrosive to organs, glands, and the cells in the body, and eventually eliminate them, so that no so-called disease could thrive in the body any longer. If your on a standard American diet, the first step that I would suggest is to adopt a low-fat, whole foods plant-based diet, and have fruits for breakfast, and gradually move your way up over a specific period of time depending on how bad your health is, and soon adopt a fruit base 100% real living foods diet, and get your health back for good, and save yourself some time, heart ache, and being abused and informed with illogical, information, as well as untruths to just to keep you in bondage and fear, suppressed to a prescription drug that will only cause more health problems for you down the road, with its detrimental side effects, that are even known to cause fatal events with thousands of people that suffer with this bday after day, month after month, and year after year.

If your already vegan and consume the bulk of your calories from whole foods, then I would suggest to go a 100% raw especially if your dealing with a health problem, you need the energy and the alkalinity that comes from a raw living foods fruit based diet, not a diet of dead, dormant, enzyme inhibiting foods, such as grains and starch that are high in phytic acid, and do not move the lymphatic system and create detoxification of old stagnant cellular wastes. Their is no excuse to stay on that type of diet long term.

You have cleaned yourself out from all the dairy and animal products, but now you need to dig deeper, and go 100% Raw, and get rid of the fungus and mucoid plaque. if you really want to get to the root of the problem, I would highly suggest you start to wing yourself off the cooked food, and adopt are raw food diet based around fruits, berries, and melons.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 7 years ago
Last updated: 6 years ago
Views: 554
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