Bacterial infections can only occur in a sewage environment in the body

Bacterial infections can only occur in a sewage environment in the body

Everybody’s always worries about bacteria but in all reality with a strong immune system bacteria can never be a problem, and a healthy body should be resistant to bacteria when they are clean. Bacteria only grows in a sewage environment. You don’t “catch” a bacterial infection simply by being contaminated with something. When you have a clean body bacteria cannot thrive, it’s only when your sewage system is backed up with sewage.

We need to come to understand that most of our health problems we have, have nothing to do with bacteria but rather a lymphatic system that is backed up with metabolic waste due to an environment created from eating acid and mucus forming foods. When somebody gets sick they immediately resort to thinking it’s bacteria and go to the doctor, most of the time it’s not bacteria related but still get prescribed antibiotics to “kill bacteria”. You don’t want to kill beneficial bacteria because it helps to regulate a healthy immune system. If you kill the bacteria that grows around the lymph nodes, it’s hard to get rid of lymphatic waste material, which is important in order to keep the body clean so that you dont create a sewage environment for bacteria to grow on.

The more beneficial bacteria that you kill the more sewage grows in the body, and also this suppresses the lymphatic systems ability to get rid of metabolic waste. Again bacteria can only grow in the body when your septic tank is backed up with acids, parasites, biofilm, mucoid plaque, undigested fecal matters, protein plaques and every other metabolic waste that enters the body from consumption diseased laden foods.

When you eat dead animals that are infested with bacteria, your going to create an unhealthy environment in your body for bacteria to thrive on, and when this happens it’s easy to get sick not because of the bacteria primarily, but because of the environment you created in your body from eating putrefactive dead animals. Somebody sneezes on you or coughs on you and you easily get sick it’s only because that bacteria has entered your body and has an environment to live on that is dirty. When your body is clean and your lymphatic system is moving and you are getting rid of metabolic waste on the daily through the bowels and through the kidneys and through the skin and lungs (your eleminative channels) then bacteria cannot thrive and live in your body, which means it’s very difficult to get sick or contract bacterial infections.

If you clean your lymphatic system on a diet that promotes health, then your body will be an environment of alkalinity, and when the body is alkaline and you have gotten rid of the byproducts that is sewage waste through detoxification and natural hygiene, you will never have to worry about bacterial infections, because a clean lymphatic system cannot harbor these pathogens to thrive. If it was me I would give up the dead animal products and understand that these products create and acid environment for bacteria to thrive on simply because these dead animals do not digest properly and leave a lot of residue, and plaques building up in the body that set up a perfect environment not only for bacteria but for parasites, worms, fungus, yeast and the like.

Processed starch as well is a problem because this leaves a lot of mucus residue in the body and when this mucus hardens and sticks to the walls of the GI tract and the colon, then pathogens, microbes, and bacteria will be attracted to these types of infestations and can grow on them, but when the body is clean and residue-free, then bacteria if it enters the body should pass right through you because it doesn’t have an environment to live on (sewage waste)

Bacteria are microscopic, and they live and thrive in lymph congestion. Lymph tissue, remember, is your septic tank, which move cellular waste and byproducts of metabolism out of the body. These wastes and by products can appear as mucus on the skin, in the gastrointestinal tract and throughout the body where toxins are present. Bacteria of complex sugars, milk and starch a byproduct. This is why, when you “catch a cold”, the body starts purging the lymphatic system, causing a discharge of mucus and parasitic feeding within it. One notices this purging especially from the sinuses, lungs, kidneys and bowels. However, the body also starts purging itself through the entire system, causing the “achy - all-time over” feeling. There are bacteria all along the GI tract helping the body to break down foods. Many vitamins are created by the action of bacteria. A good example of this would be the virus bacteria that live in your GI tract that creates B vitamins from the breakdown of the foods you eat. The Detox Miracle Sourcebook by Robert Morse, N.D. (Page 146)

If you change your diet to a living foods diet predominantly based around fruits, berries and melons, and you get your kidneys filtering, you could remove metabolic waste material, clean out your lymphatic system, and never have to worry about catching bacteria infections, or viruses because they cannot set up an environment in a clean body. Raw living foods do not leave residue behind in the body for pathogens to thrive on. We must come to understand that the raw living foods are what keep the body functioning the way it’s designed to function because the human body is designed for living foods.

When you start eating living foods the body goes into a healing event, called detoxification, when you start eating cooked food the body stops healing and detoxification stops, this is proof that cooking food creates a negative environment for pathogens and bacteria to grow on, and the living foods flush these metabolic waste materials out of the body and create a healthy environment to where these pathogens cannot thrive. It’s very difficult for somebody that’s been on a raw living foods diet for decades to get sick when their lymphatic system is moving in their kidneys are filtering, this is why they have a high reputation of longevity and health, because their bodies are back to homeostasis because of the foods that they continue to ingest.

The reason why humans keep getting sicker and sicker is because they have not adapted to cooked foods that they eat on a daily basis. If you set up a clean environment in your body, you never have to worry about bacteria attacking your immune system, because the immune system will become extremely strong on the living foods diet and will fight off anything that enters the body that may be detrimental to its function. You must always also remember that the immune system is pretty much your lymphatic system, and in order to keep them lymphatic system flowing you must be on a diet that promotes the movement of the lymphatic system, and COOKED FOODS do not move the lymphatic system it’s the raw living foods that do.

Don’t waste your time with antibiotic drugs, they will only make your issues worse adding more sewage waste to your lymphatic system. Antibiotic drugs leave behind residues that create a perfect environment for bad bacteria to grow.

One case out of literally thousands that I have worked with will show you the difference between manufactured antibiotics and natures botanicals gifts. A female client of mine contracted e-coli. Where she got it we were not sure. It could have been in a restaurant, or at home using unclean vegetables, or in the fish that she had eaten on the day she became ill. She became deathly sick and went to the emergency room. Consequently, they admitted her to the hospital and put her on strong antibiotics. Because she had been on a healthy program for a year or so, her body was very sensitive to toxins. The antibiotic for making her even sicker. She felt a multitude of side effects, which were ignored by the staff. Her husband became very alarmed and finally pulled her out of the hospital, after a lengthy battle with her there. This doctor finally told my client that she would be dead within 3 days, however, I had her up and around and feeling great, all because of dietary interventions and herbal formulas that left her with no side effects or damaged tissue. As you learn about the true cases of disease and the nature of parasites, this will set you free. As you learn the way of nature, you will save yourself a lot of needless suffering. The Detox Miracle Sourcebook by Robert Morse, N.D. (Page 274)

If you have a bacterial problem, you need to get to the root cause of why your getting these bacterial infections in the first place, but in the meantime instead of using chemical prescription antibiotic drugs that only weaken the immune system and cause systemic acidosis in the body and leave behind sulfur residues that create fungal infestations in the body, it’s best to use the herbs such as black walnut hall, it doesn’t kill the beneficial bacteria like chemical antibiotics do, and it has no harmful side effects.

Get back to nature my friends, get back to the diet your biologically designed to eat, tap into your intuitive consciousness, let your instincts guide you, and if your wise and want to get to the root cause of problems that you face with your health, then return to a living foods diet, clean out your lymphatic system, strengthen your immune system with the living foods, and you will never have to worry about bacterial infections, and fall prey to antibiotic drugs that are ruining and causing all kinds of health problems in many people’s lives, only making it more difficult to clean out the body to get to the root cause of the problem.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 7 years ago
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