Becoming more conscious on a raw food diet

Becoming more conscious on a raw food diet

For those that make the switch, from consuming foods that are obstructive, corrosive and damaging to the human anatomy, will not only experience benefits physically, but will also be awakened mentally, emotionally and spiritually as well. As much as it is a huge blessing to be awake, it also can be, a very difficult process when everyone around you the reality is when you do get on an all raw food diet for long enough, these raw foods will cleanse you and detoxify you, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, and will enlighten your senses to pick up on things that are very negative, that will stimulate you in a way that you’ve never been stimulated before. When you get on raw foods and you clean out the negative energy that has obstructed you, you will be pulled more in a positive direction, and cannot tolerate negative energy anymore, in fact you just want to run away from it and not embrace the duality of positive and negative. You must be prepared to see life differently, and to become much more sensitive in a world that is not embraced nature, but rather has embraced a system, that has conditioned and domesticated the human species, to think and act upon impulse, and negativity, regarding gossips, slandering, judging, being cruel and verbally abusive, and unconsciously eating animals without any guilt whatsoever. When you escape from that modality, it’s very difficult to function properly in circles that are trapped in that state of unconsciousness, so it’s very tempting to isolate and remove yourself, but you must find a balance and honor the reality of duality which is always going to be positive and negative.

When you transition off of a low vibrational, and low energy producing diet, your senses will awaken drastically, and you must be prepared for this. The vibrational electricity that comes from a fruit based diet 100% raw, can be a little stimulating when we’re not ready for this, and the reason why we wouldn’t be ready for this type of energy and awareness, is because we’ve been living in the matrix our entire life, and conditioned with low energy, so it’s very difficult to embrace the reality of energy that flows through you, when you start eating living food. The more living food you eat the more alive you will become, this is the law of nature.

If your starting to experience sensitivity, from being on raw foods for certain period of time, you may be struggling with how to create a balance, because it’s like you’re crawling out of your skin in certain circumstances when you enter the cage of a system that is constipated in their thinking and actions, and they want to unintentional pull you in that direction because they don’t know any better. You have to stand your ground and say no to a lot of things, or even separate yourself from certain people that bring out negative traits, or just the negative traits they bring off are hard to deal with, so you kind of have to find that alone state and learn how to feel balanced in an energy that is much higher than your used to, and that’s why I recommend flower essence herbs, and meditation, to help relax and quiet the mind, because it’s too much thinking, on top of an energy that is produced from the living foods, that could get you in a lot of trouble.

Awareness is a gift, and being more awake in this life is the ultimate goal, to get back to nature, and to be a species that goes by their instincts and intuition, rather than a model that has been laid out for them to follow, which is usually a model that brings a deep level of unawareness, karma, and also degenerative dis-ease based on the things that we put on our skin, the things that we choose to consume, and the air that we can continue to breathe on a daily basis. It’s also a gift, that the god consciousness has given you, to find the discipline, desire, and spiritual enlightenment, that usually comes when you remove dead

And cooked food from your life. If you start to gain new interest, that are more on the positive side, and all the negativity in the music, the media, and the television do not become much of an interest to you any longer, you no longer want to listen to certain music, and be a part of certain trends, that are unnatural. I highly suggest you bring in more positive things in your life, such as yoga, meditation, positive music, and surround yourself with like-minded people that live the same lifestyle that you’ve been awakened too, and they will also build you up, and show you love, rather than tear you down, be critical and judge you do to their unawareness, and their poor lifestyle choices of being too consumed in the concrete jungle, outside of their natural habitat which is the earth in nature, abiding by their instincts like all the other species do. When you have been on a raw food diet long enough, you will also become much more sensitive to the other living creatures on this earth, such as the animals, well unfortunately the humans have been killing animals and torturing them, and also consuming their tissues. It’s very difficult to be in these environments surrounded by people even you love and respect, because they continue to eat these animals, and you don’t look at their plate of food, like it’s a meal, but rather like it’s an innocent animal that was tortured and killed for somebody’s personal enjoyment, and the very “food” that they feel is nourishing to them is actually harming their body, so they’re killing animals, and killing them themselves, and these things go through your mind, and it’s hard to process and channel these things and accept it.

We have to learn to not project our awareness on others, but instead be a shining light, so that people will be in awe of your presence and light, and will see the truth, that way rather than intellectualizing everything and trying to convince somebody of something that they can never be aware of to receiving, until their karma is dealt with, and they have become awake, and it’s their time to become awake. It’s best to just live by an example, and overwhelm the unconscious being with love and light.

It’s also very difficult, being subjected and surrounded in circles, in regards to friends, peers and family, that do project their negativity on you when you become awake and conscious. They will try and pull you into their lack of energy and unawareness, and silence you, or judge you, or criticize you because they cannot handle the light that your bringing off, and it blinds them, and they want to bring you down, and find a way to convince you that your lifestyle is not healthy, when they really have no idea to examine their own lifestyle, and it’s very easy to point this out to them, but still even in that they will not understand, because gossiping, judging, being critical, supporting and consuming the death of innocent animals, cheating and lying, and just being caught up in these things in life, that are not seen as clear in their minds, because they have not been awakened, and it’s because their minds are still being suppressed by obstructive sources, such as a destructive unconscious lifestyle that is transgressing against the law of nature, as well as consuming death, in the form of food, that does affect there mind, spirit, and emotional body.

Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, and which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed, to you it shall be for meat. Gen 1:29

It is written in the old text, very clearly that were designed to eat living foods, such as fruits and herbs, but when we drift away from this, we will also drift away from our natural Instincts, and our consciousness will be tainted, because we have transgressed against the natural law of nature, and whenever a species drifts away from nature, he drifts away from conscious awareness.

I believe that many people will drift away from a living foods diet, because they must find balance in a world that is extremely driven with low consciousness. When you start to eat dead food, you become more dead yourself, and you remove energy and you were also remove a level of consciousness in my opinion. I don’t think the goal is to come down from consciousness, and lower your energy, because it’s a difficult process to manage. We must learn to accept awareness and consciousness and embrace it as much as we can, but at the same time for certain people, and certain circumstances they may have to lower their consciousness levels with cooked food, because their not ready or available emotionally to embrace it. It’s much easier to give into the trap, then to be an outsider isolated in a world of awareness. Awareness is not always a pleasant thing, because again your levels of sensitivity become more awake, and that could bring a lot of anxiety, and sadness. I think that if we bring awareness through our actions, and through our lifestyle, and people see this joy, and spiritual love coming off of you, because you are aligned with nature, and the living foods diet you are on, has brought out a spiritual awareness that has helped you to tap into, to where you are now tapping into the god world’s through meditation, spiritual teachings, and quieting your mind, because your finally able to awaken that god consciousness from within, because you become more alive on a living foods diet. Most people that are on a living foods diet long enough, will get in touch with their spiritual side, and will learn, and discover a state of awareness on a level that can be nirvanic, exhilarating, but also scary, to be able to see reality, when you have been in the dark for so long. It’s far worth it in my opinion to not only embrace this lifestyle in regards to the raw foods but also into the world of fasting, and discovering the god consciousness from within, because you must learn how to deal with the reality of consciousness, when your on a living foods diet, to help bring balance that way, so that you will be able to stay calm within the duality of nature, when it comes to positive and negative. Meditation and spiritual teachings, and even yoga, will help to bring a balance in this regard, so that your sensitivity levels will be managed, and that you’ll be able to function in a society of unconsciousness, and not feel overstimulated and anxious when you’re surrounded by it.

I think that meditation, yoga, along with flower essence herbs will help calm you down, on a mental and spiritual level, so that you will be able to shine your light in love, rather through critiquing, being critical, and judgmental of a world that is asleep, because you also must realize that you were once asleep transgressing against the law of nature yourself.

The answer is love, the answer is to not kill your food, and become more Alive with the real living foods, so that we could bring more love to the world to bring more consciousness without having to join them, and balancing out with certain practices that pull you away from the god consciousness from within, that I believe is vital in achieving, and why we’re here on this earth in the first place. If you don’t transcend into the god conscious state that is within you, then you will end up reincarnated back to this life, having to deal with the karma you continue to repeat.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

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First published: 7 years ago
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