Calcium utilization problems is a parathyroid weakness

Calcium utilization problems is a parathyroid weakness

The parathyroid gland is responsible for allowing the body to utilize calcium effectively. The body needs calcium to help fight acids and to keep the bones strong, however when the body becomes very acidic due to the acid/mucus forming diets that humans are on, then the parathyroid glands becomes suppressed and depletes the body’s ability to utilize calcium effectively, so acids in the body will rob it from connective tissue, joints, and anywhere in the body that’s high in calcium to fight off acidosis, because calcium is an antacid. There are four parathyroid glands that sit on the thyroids. This gland is overlooked and not studied into correctly by the alapathaic community. A lot of people are born with his genetic weakness that they inherited from their family members. If you have had achy joints, or a tested low for calcium then it’s most likely because your parathyroid gland is down and you’re running into utilization problems. If you can’t utilize calcium, and you take calcium supplements, these isolated supplements could create arthritis because you don’t want to take too much calcium if your body is not utilizing it because this could cause the opposite effect. You have to fix the gland that allows the body to utilize and facilitate calcium in its proper ratio and balance.

Your experiencing symptoms such as bone loss, improper proper bone growth, brittle and rigid fingernails, depression, connective tissue weakness, scoliosis of the spine, arthritis, osteoporosis, herniations, prolapsing, spider veins, hemorrhoids, cramping of the muscles, weak bladder, bruise easily, aneurysms, herniated disc, low calcium levels etc, then you probably have a parathyroid issue due to acidosis in the body, and these symptoms will not go away and only get worse until you get to the underlying cause which is an underactive parathyroid gland. The only way to truly regenerate and enhance these glands that help the body deal with the utilization is through detoxification.

How to detoxify?

You need to stop eating acid and mucus forming foods such as beans, grains, starch, dairy, and all animal flesh. Adopt a living foods diet, mainly fruit-based of at least 80% and the rest consisting of green juice if you need your greens, utilize the herbs to help bring enhancement to the body, remove acidosis by getting your kidneys to filter, and create an alkaline environment in the body which will help fight off acidosis, so that these important glands will turn on to help the body facilitate the minerals and vitamins they need to function properly. It’s interstitial lymphatic constipation that causes all these problems, and in order to get rid of systemic acidosis you must clean out the lymphatic system which is miles long and consists of 80% of the fluid in your body. The body only consist of two major fluids that being blood and lymph, and the majority of that fluid is your sewer system which is the lymphatic system. Your kidneys are your major eliminative organ to remove the acid waste that’s backed up in the lymphatic system suppressing important glands and organs in the body. Your kidneys will only filter metabolic waste from the lymphatic system when your on the proper diet designed for you.

The kidneys hate cooked and high protein foods, mucus and acid builds up and suppress them, clogs them up so that they don’t eliminate the waste that back up in the body. If you get on a fruit-based diet you can’t eliminate any form of mucus and residue that clogs them up. If you have severe lower back pain, it’s most likely a sign that your kidneys are very clogged up and acids are building up in the lymphatic system with no exit route because you have clogged and jammed the valve (kidneys).

Fruits, herbs, an intermittent dry fasting is the solution to create the most effective detoxification and to also restore the kidneys, and all the glands in the body. The glands cannot restore until you remove the acids that damage them. You need calcium to keep connective tissue, joints, and bones strong. The problem is when the parathyroid gland is down, your unable to utilize and facilitate calcium in a proper balance. When the parathyroid gland goes down, it’s going to take a lot of hard work throug detoxification in order for this gland to turn on again. You must remove lots of acids in interstitial spaces in the walls of the gland in order for it to turn on, and this could take a long time, but with dedication and commitment to an acid and mucus free diet consisting of living foods you can create this process which is vital and important if you ever want to live a quality life without dealing with these issues I described that take place in the body from not facilitating calcium.

In the process of getting to the root cause of the problem, through detoxification and opening up the kidneys to remove the acids in the body, you could take herbs that are high in silica and calcium in their holistic form and proper balance. Horsetail, and oat straw herb are high in silica, and alfalfa is very high in calcium, so taking these herbs together can help the body to at least try to process the calcium while you were moved to acids that steal calcium from connective tissue because of acid stagnation in the body. You must remove the acids with the diet and by getting your kidneys to open up to remove the acids, but in the meantime you could do your best to replace calcium with holistic herbs grown in nature that are a gift for all species to help bring restoration, enhancement and cleaning of damaged areas of the body.

Taking an isolated supplement high in calcium will only exacerbate and make the issue worse if you’re not utilizing calcium, that’s why I suggest herbs because they have a proper balance and the body knows how to use calcium in holistic plants, but isolated plants suppress the body’s function and over-stimulate function, which could make this issue worse and throw you into extreme arthritis problems.

Without detoxification, you cannot move miles of lymphatic waste to the kidneys for elimination. The body can only heal itself when you remove cooked foods. At least you could only go so far healing yourself with cooked plant foods. If you have a parathyroid weakness it’s most likely that you have other issues in the body, and your backed up from head to toe with systemic acidosis. This means that you don’t have much time to waste on a mediocre diet that will only get you so far and detoxification in healing. You need to astringe with the fruits, and you need to fast, so that the body can rest and purge acids out. In order to put the fire out you can’t add more fuel to it. A fruit based diet will create the most aggressive detoxification and healing and this is what you need in order for the parathyroid gland to start producing parathormone. It’s not fun not utilizing calcium, and it will get to a point to where you experience hellish symptoms until you get to the root cause of the problem which are acids suppressing the gland, and that’s why your running into these uncomfortable and painful symptoms.

To fix this problem it’s going to take a lifestyle change, and dedication to detoxification and a raw living foods diet along with fasting. If your on the acid side of chemistry when it comes to what you put in your mouth, what you drink, what you put on your skin, and the air that you breathe, it will be very hard to get to the root causes of these problems. You can get on the journey to wellness, or you could allow acids to continually break down tissue, and suppress glands that are vital and important in the body to help to utilize specific minerals, hormones and steroids that you will need in order to live a pain-free life.

Dairy products are the worst form of calcium that humans can ingest because dairy is very acidic, mucus forming, and actually leaches calcium from the bones rather than helps to contribute to calcium function. It’s very common that people run into these issues with arthritis due to consuming high amounts of dairy, osteoporosis is a very common acidic condition that people get from these types of diets. So if you have a parathyroid weakness and your also consuming high dairy products, your only going to create a serious problem with calcium loss. Avoid dairy products like the plague if you suspect you have a parathyroid weakness, a matter of fact it’s best to avoid all animal products all together because humans do not have the anatomy and physiology capable of tolerating these acidic foods for long term, some people get lucky but most people don’t.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
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