Chemical medications mask symptoms, and contribute to acidosis

Chemical medications mask symptoms, and contribute to acidosis

Suppressing and masking symptoms with anything cannot promote effective detoxification when it comes to removing the obstructions that cause “disease” in the body. The whole point of detoxification is to remove chemicals from the body. Chemical medications that are prescribed to you by medical doctors, leave behind toxic residues, that don’t get naturally detoxified out of the body, damage the liver, damage the kidneys, and also damaged the adrenals, thyroid, pituitary, pineal, pancreas, and pretty much all the endocrine glands in the body get affected by these chemical medications that are prescribed. It’s easy for a doctor to slap a label on a condition, prescribing medication, and tell you pretty much there is no hope, to completely reverse the problem, and that you may have to stay on these medications for the rest of your life.

With that said it’s quite obvious if you have discovered detoxification that there has been many people that have reversed these so-called irreversible health conditions, by simply changing the food they eat, fasting, taking herbs, and watching the body heal itself naturally. I highly suggest anybody before they start detoxifying their body, with diet and herbs to wean themselves off of the medications. They must get over the fear that they still have to take these medications in order to function. The body is much more intelligent then a doctor’s recommendation. Nature knows what it’s doing, the body knows how to heal itself, and there is hope to reverse this so-called irreversible problem you were told that you have. Chemical medications will only suppress the flow of the lymphatic system, overburdened the kidneys, and make it very difficult for you to eliminate waste.

The whole point of detoxification is to remove as much metabolic waste as possible. Anything that promotes acid stagnation in the body, create these health conditions the people are suffering with. You don’t want to eliminate, and then add on more toxicity. To me this is counterproductive, and a waste of time. If you get over the fear of having to stay on these medications, and you slowly wean yourself, or have your doctor wean yourself off them, you could properly enter into the phase of true regenerative detoxification, and not have any fear of wasting time detoxing because you’re still on very toxic chemical prescription drugs.

You first must understand that these chemical prescription drugs that you are taking are only shutting down your organs, and clogging up your lymphatic system more and more every single day. Drugs deplete the natural function of the brain, by depleting The receptors that create natural chemicals like dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, many more. One of the main reasons why people struggle with brain fog, is because these chemical prescription drugs are damaging the brain. Drugs can do a good job at suppressing symptoms, but the body is so intelligent and will soon recognize this, and that’s why these medications lose their effect, create more side effects, and then they have to prescribe you more prescription drugs to counteract the side effects, and it just becomes a continual adding on more prescription drugs that damaged and destroy the human body, and create new diseased labeled conditions that you become brainwashed that you have and cannot fix.

The answer is to never suppress, but always to restore, and enhance, and regenerate. If you want to strengthen and clean the body, and reverse the symptoms that are brought on by acidosis, you want to get back to a diet that your biologically designed to eat which is fruits, berries, melons, and herbal botanicals for daily detoxification and medicine. If you stick to this simple method long-term and also incorporate fasting, there is nothing in my opinion you cannot reverse, if you do this long enough, without any prescription drugs, or cheating with acid in mucus forming foods. If you simply regenerate your kidneys, and you get them to filter out these stagnant waste in the sewer system of the human body the (great lymphatic system) then you could properly detoxify your body, and get rid of the underlying cause which is acid stagnation. Interstitial lymphatic constipation, is really the only health problem people face.

Thank God that nature has provided a remedy, that allows the circulation and movement of the lymphatic system to remove the waste in the body through the kidneys. All you have to do is eat living foods, that are based around fruits and herbs, and you can make this a result, and watch your problems go away. First you must get rid of the medications, before you enter into a detoxification program. If you absolutely are desperate, and you must clean out your body quickly, because your life is on the line, then you have to do the best you can, and start detoxifying your body on the living foods diet high in fruit, while you take your prescription medications. And you want to slowly ease your way off of them, because they will never aid you in true regenerative detoxification if you continue to take them everyday. In order to get to the stagnant waste you got to remove the current chemical waste that you put in your body on the daily. You don’t want to put your body through a lot of stress adding in chemicals that it has to work its way out, when you want to get to the deep layers of stagnant constipated lymphatic waste in the body, that has been there stagnant for decades.

I’m not going to say that you can’t, detoxify at all while taking prescription drugs, and this would also depend on how many prescription drugs that you are taking, but if you truly want to effectively get to the underlying cause of the problem, and have a full body detoxification, that will not only heal and regenerate your body from specific symptoms, but will reverse damage, and rebuild your body in the most powerful way that you’ve never experienced. The way I see it it’s best to get to the root, and fully clean out the body if you even plan on detoxification. True regenerative detoxification is not a diet program, or a temporary cleanse. Regenerative detoxification is a lifestyle of removing the stagnant acid waste, that you have accumulated from childhood. The human body is always accumulating some form of metabolic waste, and in today’s world of such high levels of toxicity that humans are exposed to, detoxification should not be a temporary program, but rather a lifestyle if you truly want to gain health, vitality and function at the highest level in this life, as well as living a long life full of energy and happiness, you want to stay on a fruit based diet that your design for, and utilize the herbs.

This is the sad reality and statistics of the damage thats caused from prescription chemical drugs, and the deaths that they contribute to.

Nearly 500, 000 Americans died after taking a prescription drug in 2015, according to cases reported to the US National Poison Data System. By comparison, no deaths were recorded for vitamins, minerals or nutritional supplements.

In total, 443, 900 deaths from prescription medication were reported to one of the US’s poison centres, with analgesics—or pain-killers—being the deadliest poison, responsible for 11 per cent of all deaths reported. Sedatives and antidepressants were the fifth and sixth major killers respectively.

Of these, 275, 000 were due to some error—such as a wrong dose—and 130, 000 were caused by unintentional misuse, such as taking the drug more frequently than prescribed. Nearly 40, 000 deaths were attributed to an adverse reaction to a drug that was properly prescribed and taken.

It’s not worth gambling with your health taking these toxic prescription drugs, when you can get to the root cause of the problem and reverse this so-called labeled disease that you have, that’s irreversible, by simply changing your diet to a living foods diet that allows the body to clean itself out and bring full body restoration the way that nature can provide. Diet plays a part in why you have a chronic element that is contributing to the low quality of your life. Masking and managing symptoms of prescription drugs will never bring more quality to your life, it’s a tease of masking symptoms, and then creating more side effects. It’s a waste of money, and it only feeds the wallets of the pharmaceutical industry, which does no good for the people. We want to create a need for natural remedies, so that we could get rid of these pharmaceutical focuses. The more the people reject these pharmaceutical drugs, and get into regenerative detoxification, and allowing nature to clean out the obstructions that cause the disease, then we can get rid of the demand, and crate high-functioning world again, that doesn’t rely on masking symptoms, but rather reversing the underlying cause.

Let’s get back to nature my friends, get back to the diet we are biologically designed to eat, tap into intuitive consciousness, let your instincts guide you, and don’t rely on prescription drugs. You must understand that prescription drugs will suppress your ability to detoxify at a high level. Humans need to detoxify at the deepest level possible, because of the level of damage that they’ve caused, not only with poor eating habits, but also by over-saturating the blood and lymphatic system with these chemical prescription drugs that they take day in and day out in abundance every single day. What you suppress today you will have to deal with tomorrow. Living foods, and fasting, will allow the body to fully regenerate and heal, and it doesn’t cost thousands of dollars wasted on trying to treat a problem, that can never be treated until the body eliminates the sewage waste that caused the problem to occur.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 7 years ago
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