Chemotherapy administered in children should be a crime

Chemotherapy administered in children should be a crime

This concept and reality of chemo and radiation being medicine should literally cause you to completely turn your back, hand your insurance in, and say ? You to this unconscious killing system that suits a money grab interest, and children are being subjected to this, because your trusting your doctor knows what they are doing to help your child recover.

I got news for you world, the concept of cancer the way it’s understood in their world makes me sick, because it’s a concept of illusion, and it’s simply damaged cells that are caused by acids that come into the body, day in and day out, and are not eliminated. What do you think happens when acids are not eliminated? They damage cells. The body is just a bunch of cells and spaces! If your damaging them with acids, and you’re not removing them, because you’re not on a diet that creates the flow of energy to eliminate them, and in return hydrate, and alkalize the body, then expect damages in to cells, and the eliminative organs that help the body get rid of them.

Children are eating acid ash forming foods, and are being forced to get vaccines and flue shots and the like, and they are coming down with their term “cancer” which is damaged cells, and what is really called systemic acidosis. Babylon is dangerous and the medical system is dangerous and the answer to keeping you and your children safe is back to nature where the fruit is abundant and not sprayed with cancer causing chemicals.

If we change the diets of the kids, and clean up their genetically weakened body’s they are inheriting in a world of chemicals, processed foods, and high protein diets in this crazy day in age we live in, you would never have to subject them to a system of poison, all in the name of money, I mean “healing” wtf! Acids on top of acids, and this is the solution to end suffering? Chemo is acid, and chemo is a chemical, and chemicals should not be administered in the body, according to the oath they take as medical doctors?

Not only are chemicals being administered in the body in the name of “medicine” ? it is being forced on the children even without the consent of the parent. If your dealing with these mindless kooks, and you sign their documents, and oncologist diagnose the condition as “cancer” their bullshit term, then you just sacrificed your child over to a death cult by design, because their chemo is killing more people then the mindless wars that have been fought in the name of “freedom” and that alone should wake you up to understand that if your child has damaged cells, and dealing with systemic acidosis that there system doesn’t have an answer, and signing your child over to there “care” is a death wish, and it should make you sick, and also it should cause you to understand that natural healing is not “alternative” healing, it is HEALING!! as long as it’s rooted in regenerative detoxification.

If it was me and a beautiful child I brought to this earth plane was stricken with damaged cells at this level I would turn to nature. I would get my child on an all fruit diet along with herbal healing botanicals and I would address the cause to why cells are damaged and it’s interstitial acid stagnation and you can remove acids that damage cells through the process if hydration and alkalization and most impotently through the process of kidney filtration.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 5 years ago
Views: 583
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