Chiropractic work won’t fix your lower back pain, you need to remove the proteins from your diet

Chiropractic work won’t fix your lower back pain, you need to remove the proteins from your diet

Why waste your hard earned money when you can go after the cause? The reason why you are dealing with lower back pain is because your kidneys are shutting down because there is too much proteins in your diet, your lymphatic system is backed up and you are loosing filtration with removing the acids that are braking them down.

It starts with the kidneys first before the disk in the lower back starts to degenerate, and if you don’t make any changes your looking at the prostate/uterus, and bladder braking down as well, because when the kidneys shut down, everything else will shut down next to them.

Pain and aches that take place in the body are acids staying at home in the body. Too much protein in the body is too much acid in the body. It’s not fibromyalgia, it’s systemic acidosis, and kidneys not removing acids saturating the lymph system.

It’s going to alway go back to the diet when it comes to aches and pain in the body, and of the location is the lower back because it’s your kidneys and adrenal glands shutting down, and this is very serious, and you don’t want to waste time with chiropractic work just loosing up inflammation, and temporarily masking a symptom, but rather you want to remove the acids that are braking down the kidneys and disk in the lower back.

It’s not rocket science! Acids are corrosive and cationic and damage tissue in the body. Alkaline living foods hydrate, repair and clean out the body. Remove the acids by repairing your kidneys, and you must remove the high protein foods in order to repair the kidneys. You also need to remove the acid and mucus forming cooked foods if you want to ever get rid of lower back pain, and also to remove the mucus and stone formation on the kidneys that impair them from doing their job to drain and filter septic tank (lymph system)

Try it for yourself and get rid of the high protein foods, get rid of the animal proteins because they are the worst offenders, and watch the pain start to go away. If you already have degeneration in your lower disk in your back then you have work to do with healing that, and your kidneys because this is a sign that you have been backing up your lymph system and you have lost filtration for a long time.

A fruit based diet and a 100% raw food diet is going to be the best diet to heal and repair your kidney, and to get rid of the back pain your dealing with. Just try it for yourself, but understand when the body starts to detox you will feel back pain temporarily because the diet is braking up the stones, and calcification on the kidneys and fixing them, but after the detox of dealing with the back pain while the body eliminates excess proteins and acids it doesn’t want, you will get relief that no chiropractic adjustment can provide, and you will have consistent long lasting results as well.

If you’re not convinced that it’s proteins that are hard on the kidneys then go on a fruit based raw food diet for 30 days, and then cheat on a high protein meal and watch what happens! Your lower back pain will come back like a vicious storm proving that it’s proteins that are hard on the kidneys and main cause of lower back. Yes there are injures that take place damaging the lower back, but most people waking around eating acidic foods and high protein meals that have lower back pain, it’s all because they are damaging their kidneys with these foods and the easy solution to fixing the problem is to remove them!

I promote a fruit based diet at least 75-90% fruit or 100% if you can, and the rest coming from raw or cooked plant sources not to high in protein, for detox and healing 100% raw and 80% fruit is vital. I believe herbs for the kidneys and adrenals are important as well with healing the kidneys on this detox protocol, and dry fasting is the magic bullet to opening up the kidneys, and encouraging the body to heal and remove acids from the body.

Foods you must remove if you want to get rid of lower back pain and to heal damaged kidneys, is going to be all animal food sources such as meats, eggs, and dairy. You want to remove high plant protein sources as well that are acidic such as your grains and beans from your diet, and especially the gluten grains, be carful with too much quinoa as well, and peas because the protein can add up quickly in those foods as well. Focus on amino acids found in fruits and vegetables because that’s truly all the body needs. The body doesn’t use “protein” anyways it uses amino acids, and fruits and vegetables are high in them, and more bioavailable in their raw state. If you want a building plant food source for your muscles then pump the alfalfa, because it’s not high in protein but very high in amino acids.

Find the discipline to make the changes because your body deserves it, and if you want to get to the root cause and fix the problem then it starts with diet first always, and pills and chiropractic work won’t fix the problem it will only provide temporary relief.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
Views: 580
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