Chronic inflammation and it’s cause

Chronic inflammation and it’s cause

If you are facing chronic inflammation this didn’t just come out of nowhere, you must understand the basics of chemistry. There’s only two sides of chemistry and that is acid or base. The body cannot express chronic inflammation if it’s on the base side of chemistry. How do you create an alkaline body is the question. We must get back to the basics and understand what foods are alkaline and what foods are acidic. In my personal opinion, all cooked food has somewhat of an acidic quality to it. True alkalinity in foods will be found in their natural living state unaltered and changed in their structure. Nobody’s body these days has a proper acid and alkaline balance, which I believe should be at least 80% alkaline and 20% acid.

You don’t want your body 100% alkaline because then you could run into alkalosis which is also out of balance, and can cause detrimental health conditions. However people aren’t running into alkalosis but rather creating acidosis because of the acid forming foods they eat such as your grains, beans, starch, dairy, eggs, and your meats. This leaves us with fruits and vegetables for our food consumption. Fruits and vegetables happen to be alkaline based foods. This may be a limited variety for the average person because of their thinking in their conditioning of how there supposed to eat, but the problem is what there eating is not foods design for their species, and that’s why they are running into chronic inflammation.

When you understand chemistry, then you will understand chronic inflammation. Nobody needs to be a chemist expert but simply understand the simplicity of it regarding the food you eat and what’s acidic and what’s not acidic. People reverse their chronic inflammation on fruits and vegetables raw in their natural state because their alkaline and because they are designed for the human species mainly fruits.

Systemic acidosis is when the lymphatic system gets backed up with acid chemistry residues that come from acid forming foods. When the human body takes in chemistry that’s foreign to its anatomy, it doesn’t just leave the body its stores in cells, and it gets dumped into the sewer system of the human body which is the lymphatic system. These acid forming foods also break down the kidneys which are the most important eliminative channel with removing acid waste from the body. If your sewer system is backing up, and your kidneys are clogged, then your whole body is going to deal with chronic inflammation. The only way to remove acids that are stagnant in interstitial spaces in the body is to get your kidneys to filter so that you could remove the acid that’s causing the inflammation.

This truly is not rocket science, all you have to learn is to get your kidneys filtering by getting back to a diet that your species is designed for which is primarily fruits, berries and melons. However because humans have really damaged their bodies, they may need more help with herbs and fasting in order to really get those kidneys to regenerate to remove the lymphatic acid waste buildup.

If you go to a legitimate acid and alkaline food chart, you will see that it’s the fruits and vegetables that are superior in alkalinity, and this is what your body needs in order to rid the body of acids that are breaking down your tissue causing inflammation in your genetic weak areas of your body.

You cannot move the great lymphatic system with low vibrational foods that don’t contain the electromagnetic energy they need in order to keep the system flowing pushing acids to the kidneys for the elimination of waste. There is no other way around this, treating chronic inflammation in the body is a dead-end focus, because you cannot treat inflammation, you must remove it from interstitial spaces in the body.

If you get on fruits and vegetables, and you eat them raw in their natural state, you will soon find out that these foods are designed for your body will remove the inflammation that is stagnant, which is acid chemistry that has been dormant In the body for decades because you have continued to eat acid forming foods, and put acid forming products on your body. We also must take into account that there are many acid forming drinks that have a very low alkaline pH balance which also contributes to more acid inflammation in the body.

One of the most popular drinks that humans consume several times a day in the world today, happened to be coffee, and if you test the ph and alkaline balance ratio of coffee you will notice it’s very low, and very acidic. Instead of getting caught up in pseudoscience and intellectual bs fed from the internet regarding health and nutrition, just come to understand the basic acid and alkaline ratio of foods, and then come to understand that cooking the food kills it which makes it a powerless source to systemically regenerate the body.

If you don’t want to waste your money on painkillers, and supplements that only suppress and mask symptoms, I highly recommend you get to the root cause of your chronic inflammation and it’s plain and simple as understanding that your body is full of acidosis because of the acid forming foods you are consuming. The higher the protein the more acidic the food is. Mother’s milk only contains 1% to 3% protein, which proves that protein is not an essential component for growing a healthy baby. If you have chronic inflammation, and your on a high-protein diet, this would explain why your dealing with these acid blowbacks.

Get off the protein and you will notice much less inflammation in the body, but you must get to the root cause of the problem and that’s a backed-up lymphatic system and kidneys that are not filtering. When you get on the raw living foods based around fruits, and you do some fasting a couple times a week or intermittent dry fasting every day you will be able to open the floodgates of acids in the body so that your body will no longer deal with the inflammation. Because humans lymphatic systems today are so backed up and their genetic weaknesses are off-the-chart when it comes to weakness, it may take a couple of years to get all the inflammation out of the body, but the only true and regenerative way to cure the issue is through detoxification and that’s going to take a 100% raw food diet, an intermittent dry fasting to keep the kidneys open because of how weak they are in humans because of being on the opposite side of chemistry predominantly the majority of their lives.

You want to keep the diet simple such as 80% fruit based, and 20% coming from veggie fruits and the very tender leafy green vegetables such as your lettuces like iceberg, romain, and butter leaf lettuce. Not all raw foods are going to help the body to regenerate and heal, and will be compatible with our digestive system. Cruciferous vegetables do not digest well because of the heavy cellulose fiber so they should be avoided, the nuts and seeds in large amounts contain too much protein, and this will also increase inflammation. Truly the human body is designed for simplicity, and most species in nature have a diet that’s design for them that is also very simple. Humans can’t get their minds around the simplicity, because we have created drug like addictive foods by cooking them, and adding chemical additives to them and spices changing the natural structure of the food, which will in return manipulate the natural chemistry of the body, which will cause dysfunction. The more keep simple you keep your diet and the more satisfied you are on fresh ripe fruit, you will be able to remove the inflammation from the body, but in the process of removing it you may also experience the pain.

If you find the discipline, and the determination and the right focus, and return back to the diet your design for, and you get your kidneys to filter, you could remove all the inflammation from the body, reverse your inflammatory condition, and no longer identify yourself as someone that has chronic inflammation, because the cause is acid stagnation.

I recommend cleaning the acids out of your lymphatic system with the highly electric and energetic food such as your fruits, berries and melons, use the herbs to help buffer the pain during the process, and to bring better function to the organs and glands, and you will find a healing remedy that is compatible with nature, and gets to the root cause of the problem which is systemic acidosis stagnation in the body.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
Views: 553
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