Cilantro is a powerful herb

Cilantro is a powerful herb

Cilantro is powerful for removing heavy metals and removing metabolic waste through the kidneys. It is no question that fresh herbs that mother nature created designed to help heal every species body that has been compromised or damaged through poor food choices, or environmental pollutants the tax the body and suppress the lymphatic system as well as compromising the eliminative channels that remove toxins.

Cilantro in my opinion has very powerful properties to remove these heavy metals from the body from the environmental pollutants that we are exposed to on a daily basis. I have also experienced more detox when I add plenty of cilantro to my diet. On days that I eat lots of cilantro I seem to filter more metabolic waste through my kidneys. If you can’t filter metabolic waste through the kidneys, then you create an environment in the body that inhabits an acid environment which will then in return break down your vital organs, and glands, and impair the nervous system Etc. You want to do anything it takes to eat the living foods that promote kidney health as well as removing toxicity through them. Cilantro is a powerful herb that will help increase and encourage kidney filtration and it has special properties to move the lymphatic system because of its astringent nature. In my opinion cilantro is a powerful lymphatic herb.

Whether you juice cilantro and take a shot, or add it to your guacamole, or salad you could benefit greatly from adding cilantro in your diet when it comes to your living foods program. Heavy metal suppress the nervous systems, and when the nervous system is down, this can create a whole lot of cognizant problems. Heavy metals bind to sulfur in the body and other sticky residue that we accumulate from not eating foods that create an alkaline Ash in the body. When you remove heavy metals that block the flow of energy, you could create more of an environment that is based dominant. Heavy metals set up an acid environment in the body, and other chemical residues that humans accumulate from prescription drugs will bind to them. Compounds in cilantro leaf bind to toxic metals and loosen them from affected tissue. This process allows metals to be released from the body naturally. this is why I believe it’s an amazing herb that nature has created and we should consume it on a daily basis for medicine and for detoxification.

Cilantro is also a powerful herb when it comes to pulling mucus out of the body. I have experience more mucus in my bowel movements when I eat cilantro which tells me that it’s an effective herb for pulling out mucus and mucus blocks the flow of energy and impairs the body from proper absorption and utilization. Too much mucus in the body will create acidosis. You want to avoid the mucus forming foods which are your beans, grains, dairy and meats and starches and eat cilantro which is mucusless and also will pull excess mucus out of the body through the bowels, lungs, and kidneys.

I believe the stems are also powerful in regards to the coriander herb and should also be chopped up and used along with the coriander leaf. I’ve noticed that when I consume that stem, I get even better benefits with removing heavy metals and increasing kidney filtration which is pulling metabolic wastes from the body (acids) Cilantro has the ability to mobilize mercury from the brain and central nervous system by separating it from the fat tissue and transferring it into the blood and lymph where it gets removed safely through the kidneys.

Cilantro is also a powerful antifungal herb! Cilantro contains an anti-bacteria compound called dodecenal which can kill salmonella bacteria and prevent salmonella poisoning. It’s a good natural herbal killium! herb for excess fungal overgrowth in the body and also fungus and parasites hate the chlorophyll that’s highly rich and cilantro as well.

I also believe that fruits and herbs are everything you need to detoxify your body effectively, and the herbs will contain more bioavailable nutrition in minerals to be absorbed In the human body then trying to get it from vegetables and that’s why I believe that getting your vitamins and minerals from Cilantro is a better option and It is rich in iron which is beneficial for people with lower haemoglobin levels and helps with anaemia. Its also high in magnesium, which helps facilitates proper functioning of the nervous system and strengthens the bones. cilantro has also been known to improve circulation in the head which could help facilitate hair growth. Of course you want to move your lymphatic system and remove acids from the head, and cilantro as a powerful and lymphatic herb that can help facilitate in that.

If you have stubborn kidneys, and believe in the power of the herbs, chop up fresh organic cilantro and add it to your salad or guacamole or juice it, and you will most likely experience great kidney filtration and also remove mucus from the bowels and see heavy metals in your urine, this is why I believe that cilantro is a powerful herb, and should not be overlooked as a detoxification remedy not only for removing heavy metals, but also removing drug deposits and removing acid from the lymphatic system.

Cilantro is also a powerful anti-spasmodic, has anti-inflammatory properties, and also a natural deodorizer that will make you smell fresh especially when you’re detoxing LOL. Fresh organic living herbs such as cilantro, will move the lymphatic system, remove toxins from the liver, and kidneys, remove drug deposits, have you metals, and fungus from the body and will aid and regenerative detoxification, and should be utilized in your daily protocol especially if you want to increase kidney filtration which would make it a powerful kidney herb which I believe it is. Nature has created herbs as powerful remedies to heal the human body. Fruit, herbs, and dry fasting is all you really need to fix a damaged body brought on by acidosis.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
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