Cipro an antibiotic drug that (“could”) kill you!

Cipro an antibiotic drug that (“could”) kill you!

First thing you must understand about these deadly drugs, is that most people’s problems are not related to bacterium. 95% of the time, the main contributing factor is all lymphatic system related.

The antibiotics just make the lymph system more saturated with acids, and the lymph nodes that are connected to the lymph system loose beneficial bacteria on them, that help the body remove acid waste out of the body, through the lymph vessels, to the kidneys for elimination.

Why would you want to kill all your bacteria? Why take a drug that kills beneficial bacteria in the body, when you’re not even dealing with a bacteria problem? Your actually creating more health problems you will face down the road, by killing beneficial bacteria your lymph system, and colon need to help brake down the terrain in the body contributing to health decline.

Clean the terrain in the body! Clean out the sewage! And you won’t run into bacteria problems. If it was me, I would never take an antibiotic drug, because I would get to the root of the problem to why I would be dealing with bacteria problems. I would get my kidneys filtering, I would hydrate and alkalize with fruits, berries, and melons, I would clean out my colon that accumulated waste from unwanted bacterium that may enter the body to live in it, and my body will reach a state of homeostasis, and this issue would never take residence.

Now understand these antibiotic drugs are not the answer, changing the environment in the body through regenerative detoxification is!!!

These antibiotics are toxic to the body. They only mask and suppress symptoms temporarily, and they weaken the lymph system, and GI tract, and you run into all kinds of health problems down the road that lead to food intolerances, and chronic candida problems.

These antibiotic drugs are acidic, and they have synthetic sulfates in them, that stick to the GI tract, and create a nest for fungus in the body to feed on this sticky glue like substance, then they poop in the body creating more acidity, and the more sulfur you accumulate in the body, the more gassy bloaty you will become, and you can run into inflammatory joint issues, if you don’t detoxify these sulfates out.

Cipro is an antibiotic that’s known to cause fatal events, and yet it’s still wildly subscribed to people all over the world!!?? This is an outrage! These drugs don’t solve problems, they cause more!!! Get to the root cause!, clean out the terrain, use the herbs to get rid off any unwanted bacterium, and change the diet, so that you don’t back up your sewer system.

You want as much healthy bacteria in the body as possible, to help clean up metabolic waste. It makes no sense that chemo and antibiotics are so widely subscribed to people that are not even dealing with health problems related to the purposes to why they are subscribed for?$! Plus these drugs don’t solve the issue anyways, and they have both been known to kill millions of people!!

Please read this statement below regarding a person that was poisoned by this useless chemical drug ?

These symptoms evolved to include burning and crawling sensations on his skin, and an ‘electrical buzz’ type feeling – ‘shocks into eyes, teeth, head, face, legs, feet [and] parts of my body [were] jumping, twitching, spasms so significant [it] made me itch, ’ Robinson recalled. He says he experienced an altered heart beat at night, with it feeling ‘very slow then speeding up.’

What does this sound like to you? ACIDS!!! It’s backing up the lymph system, and it’s killing the bacteria on the lymph nodes causing stagnation, and constipation to the lymph system, and this locks in more acids in the body, which contribute to these symptoms that are described above.

If your dealing with health problems, the answer is not antibiotics (anti life), the answer is cleaning and enhancing structure function with fruit and herbs! The answer is taking out the trash, and creating a new environment in the body. If you just get healthy you can regenerate your body, and it will stop expressing weaknesses. You don’t won’t to be a feather blowing in the wind with people that barely listen to your long list of symptoms, and just write you a prescription for a drug that mask symptoms temporarily, and also contribute to new ones down the road, and they don’t even have a simple understanding of chemistry to how they are caused, and how to get rid of them.

Again 95 to 98% of your problems are related to your lymphatic system, and the only way to clean lymph, and to stop further backing it up, you need to change your diet! A diet of raw foods, and that mainly being fruit, berries, and melons will help this process take place. Get rid of the food and drink, and toxic skin products, hydrate and alkalize your cells with the living foods, use the herbs to enhance, clean, and get rid of unwanted bad bacterium, get your kidneys filtering on fruit, herbs and dry fasting, and you will never run into these issues in the first place! A clean body will protect you, and create the energy flow to remove unwanted pathogens out of the body, because when the body is clean, and doesn’t have unwanted trash build up, these issues with bacterium don’t take place.

you don’t want to kill, you want to remove, and by changing a diet to a raw fruit dominant diet, will clean you out, and repair in the process. Herbs like black walnut hall is what I would take if I had a bacteria problem, and I would put more of my focus on kidney filtration, so my body will naturally eject the bacteria, instead of killing everything. You don’t want to just treat and kill. Just take out the trash, and stop piling, and piling more bags of trash in your body, because it has no room, and this is why you keep getting infections in the first place. Cause and effect is what rules creation, and it’s chemistry that will determine wether your body detoxifies, and becomes clean.

Acid and alkaline chemistry, it’s that simple, and fruits and herbs designed for the human body just happen to have the perfect ratio our body needs, and we are an alkaline dominant species, that need alkaline dominate foods, not acidic diets, that are built around acidic foods, like (ALL) meat, eggs and dairy, because these foods also bring in more unwanted bacteria in the body, because they are putrefactive dead foods full of bacteria! The bowel transit time of these foods being eliminating from the human body is to long, because they are not foods designed for the human animal, so they putrefy, and create unwanted bacterium and acidity, and eventually if you don’t remove them, you will end up dying on your own sewage waste.

While I detoxify and clean out the trash accumulated in the colon and lymph system with the diet, I would take these herbal formulas to get rid of unwanted bad bacteria that causes these “infections”

(If it was me I would take these for at least 30 days)

  • Kidney and bladder (1 tonic tincture)
  • Kidney and bladder (2 caps)
  • Stomach and bowel caps
  • Lymph system (1 tonic tincture)
  • Lymph nodes (1 caps)
  • Heal all tea (bag) or heal all tea caps
  • Parasite m tonic tincture

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
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