Conventional fruit dilemma, pitfalls and solutions

Conventional fruit dilemma, pitfalls and solutions

It truly saddens me to think about the state of the fruits and vegetables and the way they are grown in the world today. It also pains me to even write on this topic, because it’s kind of a downer. It’s important though that I address the truth so that you could better equip yourself with the right tools to properly heal your body, and also to keep it at optimal health, and making sure this is an important aspect of your life, because things are unfortunately not getting any better when it comes to the agriculture of fruits and vegetables.

Anybody that is 100% raw understands the struggle of finding good quality fruits and vegetables that are high in minerals, and also have the alkaline sweetness to them because they’ve been grown in quality soil. The most ideal way to eat your fruit really is to plant your own fruit trees, and grow your own vegetable gardens so you will have full control of the soil. The soil is being manipulated, to produce fruits and vegetables with large yield. Everything is rushed and quickly processed, because the world is more focused on greed, money, and materialistic endeavors. There is no more pride, heart and soul put into labor of producing quality fruits and vegetables that taste good, that will attract the consumer, and encourage them to invest more into fruits and vegetables. A lot of the reason why people don’t like fruits and vegetables, is because they’re low quality, there grown an improper soils that are not mineralized and properly cultivated, and they’re also eating fruits and vegetables that are highly GMO and that are sprayed with herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, and the DNA of these plants are being manipulated with genetically modified organisms.

Don’t get me wrong raw fruits and vegetables will always be the healthiest option for you to consume when it comes to creating optimal health. You cannot compensate this problem by eating cooked food because the cooked foods are also coming from the poor quality soil and they’re also being chemically sprayed as well. It’s important whether you eat raw or cooked food, to wash and clean your foods before you eat them, but it’s very difficult to do this when you’re eating packaged cook foods, when it comes to like flour products, grains and beans, and of course the animals that your eating, that are also consuming food that is highly GMO, highly sprayed with pesticides, and you are getting tthese chemicals in your body when you eat these dead and putrefactive meat products.

Don’t be too discouraged and think that you can’t heal by eating conventional fruits and vegetables, because this is simply not true. We have testimonies of people that have been able to heal themselves on conventional food. Even though these fruits and vegetables are being manipulated with chemicals, they’re still not going to be highly acidic and mucus forming, like the dead dormant foods and of course the putrefactive animal products. You could still move your lymphatic system, still heal your kidneys and your endocrine glands, and reverse your health problems on these poor quality produced fruits and vegetables. You may not heal as fast as somebody eating high-quality nutritive fruits and vegetables grown on proper soil picked ripe, but you still can heal, it just may take longer.

If you have access to organic fruits and vegetables, or even farmers markets that do not use pesticides, herbicides and fungicides and there fruits and vegetables are pretty much grown in their backyards, I would definitely invest your money in these foods before settling for a cheap option of store-bought fruits and vegetables. You don’t want to compromise your health with neurotoxins that are found in these chemicals. You also must understand that when you buy the most quality fruit you have access to, your going to be more satisfied and satiated with it, because unsweet and acidic fruit will not satisfy you, and you will quickly fall back to cooked food cravings, and end up struggling to reverse your health problem.

You will always going to be most satisfied and satiated with nutritive in mineral dense fruits and vegetables. So my advice to you would be to prioritize your finances, and make sure that if you do have access to organic fruit to invest your money in that rather than conventional fruit. Unfortunately there are people that live in climates that do not produce organic fruits, and you have no choice but to buy conventional fruits and even some of the conventional fruits are very expensive. If you only have access to conventional fruit, don’t just eat them without washing them. If you’re trying to detoxify your body, and you’re getting extremely unpleasant symptoms, even though a lot of this is contributing to the elimination process when it comes to detoxification, but you also could be creating more symptoms in the process by ingesting chemicals in the food, that are neurotoxins, that are corrosive and damaging to the glands, the organs in the lymphatic system. If you have neurological problems and weak adrenal glands you do not want neurotoxins in your body. These neurotoxins that come from these chemical pesticides, can also increase pain, and cause depression.

Wash your conventional fruit!!!, you could use non aluminum baking soda, and vinegar and soak them in water for 20 minutes before consuming them. You want to wash as much pesticide residues as you can, and you can remove them if you get creative and find ways to remove them. When I don’t have access to organic fruit, or I am in a serious financial bind and I need to save money, I focus on the conventional fruits that have a shell, or thick skin or peel. I prefer the fruits with peels and shells, because I know that at least the flesh inside has been more protected from any excess pesticides and residues.

Unfortunately though depending on where you’re buying your fruits and vegetables, the seeds already have pesticides that are built inside them, this is the way that they genetically modify a lot of the fruits, so you want to avoid conventional fruits that you know are genetically modified, and one of the biggest ones are the papayas. If the conventional fruit is not genetically modified, but still contains pesticide residues, at least you could wash them off and not fear that the seed itself already has a pesticide residue built in to were it affects the actual chemistry and DNA of fruit or vegetable. If you’re in a dilemma, but you also have a backyard, I highly suggest you go online, and buy organic seeds to plant fruit trees and start planting them now, because we cannot wait for things to just get better if we’re in a certain climate, or we don’t have access to quality organic fruits that we could afford. Vegetables and veggie fruits are also going to grow much faster than fruit trees, so you may have to downsize to them temporarily, at least you will know you’re getting quality veggies and veggie fruits, because they’re grown in quality soil that you purchased, and you have full control. It is a huge blessing if you have a house that has a backyard to grow fruits and vegetables, and instead of complaining about not getting quality fruit and vegetables, I would start planting and cultivating them now, because that is a huge blessing to have, that a lot of people don’t have. You could also sell these fruits and vegetables, to the public, so that you can increase the yield and have a sustainable life living off the land. This is most compatible with nature.

Just be careful if you’re buying conventional fruit, to wash them well especially the fruits like the berries and the apples and the fruits that contain high amounts of pesticide residues, because of the nature of the chemistry of the food itself not having a thick skin, peel or shell.

I think though that if you’re complaining about quality fruits and vegetables and you do have access to organic, and you don’t want to invest a little bit more money in this organic fruits and vegetables, then you’re selling Yourself short, because it’s going to be very hard for you to sustain yourself with this as a lifestyle, which is important to sustain yourself as a lifestyle, if you want to heal your body and keep it healthy long-term. A lot of people try to heal themselves on fruits and vegetables, because they want to go back to their old eating habits, thinking that their body will be able to tolerate these acid / mucus forming foods, most of the time people get a big wake-up call and realize that their body can no longer tolerate these cooked foods because the body has been reactlimated back to its proper biological design of eating. This is a good thing though because this will physically tell you that raw fruits and vegetables are the best option for you, and will ultimately make you feel better, give you more energy, and not over stimulate your body causing anxiety, stress, and fatigue.

If I have the option to eat organic, vs conventional and I still have to spend an extra buck or two, I’m going to spend that extra buck or two on organic, understanding that neurotoxins are not going to benefit your healing, let alone provide you the optimal health that you want to achieve. It’s important to find the most nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables you can buy, because these are the foods that will satiate you, and keep you sustained with nutrition, so that you don’t end up binging out on junk food to get your satisfaction. If you live in a climate that doesn’t produce good quality fruits and vegetables, and you’re desperate to heal, you may want to consider moving to a warmer climate, to were you could actually have access to the food you are designed to eat, because unfortunately the world is not designed to benefit humanity when it comes to high consciousness, optimal health, that we all deserve to experience on this earth.

Always go with organic if you have access to organic fruits and vegetables, always wash your fruits and vegetables well. It would be a big mistake for me to not address the dangers of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides that are grown on these foods that we eat Unfortunately the fruits and vegetables contain a lot if they’re not organic. So if raw fruits and vegetables that are conventional contain a lot of pesticides, you should be washing them very well before consuming them.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

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First published: 7 years ago
Views: 892
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