Degeneration to cells

Degeneration to cells

What is “can**r the word used for can**r is simply just a damaged cell. What would damage cells? What fluids are attached to the spaces around the cells? If you don’t understand the basic function of the body and how chemistry affects the body and the roles of the 2 major fluids in the body that deals with the cells then you will never understand health and how a person losses their health in the first place.

The 2 major fluids that deal with the function of the cell are the blood system (minor fluid) and the lymphatic system which is the larger fluid.

The natural healing world and the medical chemical “healing” world seem to ignore the lymphatic system or have very little knowledge of what it is and what it’s role is in the human body.

The simple understanding. The blood system is like a kitchen. The blood is the nutrient carrier system that feeds the cells and the waste products that shouldn’t be in the body goes into the bathroom (lymphatic system) cells eat also and cells poop. If you don’t remove the waste which is ACIDS in the sewer system in the body (lymphatic system) than the interstitial spaces around the cells get stagnant with lymph (acids) and cells become damaged because when acids stay at home in these spaces and are not flushed out of the body through the skin and through the kidneys you damage cells and get “cancer”.

So how do you regenerate cells?? Do you damage more cells with chemo?? Or do you remove the chemistry that damages them?? Hmm, I think addressing the cause makes more sense because acids on acids usually only bring more pain, suffering, and death because chemistry is ignored and it must not because chemistry comes into the body through liquid, food, breath, and skin.

There are only 2 sides of chemistry right? Acid and base (alkali) what chemistry in food and drink are alkaline and hydrating and protecting to cell integrity? Fruits and vegetables! Why do people get damaged cells? Because for one fruit and vegetables are rarely eaten especially in the raw living state and the food, drink and what’s breathed in and put on the skin is mainly acidic.

When you bring in to many acids the body has to create protection to buffer acids because of acids strip, damage, and destroy tissue. The body must create mucus, steal calcium, bring in water, and make cholesterol to try to protect cells that are being damaged because of interstitial lymphatic constipation or systemic acidosis. (Terms phrased by Robert Morse ND)

You must remove the acids out of the body. You must detoxify these acids out through the process of hydration and a living foods diet under an alkaline sky. Fruits, herbs and lettuce and fasting, and even just an all-fruit diet of astringent fruit, herbs, and fasting for a season.

Fruits are astringent meaning they are the cleaners. The veggies and greens are the builders. If you want to clean clogged-up damaged kidneys so you can empty your sewer system regarding stagnation of lymph you want to focus on the citrus fruits, mangoes, grapes, and berries. There are herbs that move lymph, enhance adrenal gland function as well as helping the kidneys filter.

If you got “cancer” it’s vital you remove acid-forming foods from your diet and it’s essential to get your kidneys filtering. If you pee in a jar and your urine is always clear and you see no mucus, cloudy residue, sediment, sand-like particles in your urine than you are in trouble because you can’t regenerate damaged cells unless you remove the acids the damage them any you can’t dissolve harden lymph in the form of a tumor (Department of acid fluid) a tumor is a pocket of lymph stagnation. The lymph system is failing to move waste out of the skin and out of the kidneys through urination.

If you put in acids because of an acid diet lifestyle you must remove them or pain and suffering is around the corner and this is why if you want to heal naturally I highly advice and suggest you help encourage your body to heal itself by removing the obstructions that damage it.

To heal damaged cells it’s simply you must remove the acids out of the body through detoxification, you must stop eating the foods that are acidic and highly mucus forming, you must hydrate and alkalize with livings Unaltered foods and focus on the fruit because fruit has the cleaning power not the veggies and veggie matter is designed for herbivores anyways not frugivores accept for tender lettuce and herbs in a moderate amount are better digested for the humans.

This means you must go 100% raw if your in really bad shape and stop eating foods like all dead animal tissue, there fluids and grains, beans, starchy veggies, and cooked foods until you heal yourself and maintain a fruit-based mucusless diet for an optimal healthy lifestyle after you effectively clean the lymph system and regenerate the cells and tissue that was damaged.

Cells don’t get damaged unless cells are affected by the chemistry that causes damage which is the acid side of chemistry.

Take part in the fundamental laws of nature or be taken out it’s your choice and the truth is found in her wisdom not under an acid sky, allopathic chemical and removal of tissue, and ignoring the cause as to why cells become damaged!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 4 years ago
Views: 536
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