Detox “Freestyle” # 1

Detox “Freestyle” # 1

Winging my thoughts with no premise to the essay? ?

Heart palps while I lay in bed and expectorate. In iridology when I asset my iris I see genetic weakness in the heart. This means acidic accumulation has been settling in the tissue there probably from birth. This is a healing event when your weak areas expose dysfunction. Should I be scared? No, I should allow the body to clean itself because the body is desperately trying to get rid of the waste that shouldn’t be residing in it.

I feel deeply connected to my emotional body and I can hear my heartbeat and I can feel my kidneys tightening up and loosening up for the process of kidney filtration due to the long duration intermittent dry fast I’ve been doing for 4 days 23 hour dry fast with one 24 oz orange juice or one 24 oz smoothie of mango (mango pudding) my doors are open and my kidneys are filtering. The physical body is not something I’m too attached to when it comes to slowing down the detox process. When I’m focused I get it done and I detox and fast intuitively. The challenge for me has always been the comfort and pleasure of eating and that’s always the reason for breaking a fast not to slow down a detox.

When I asset my eyes as an iridologist I see sulfur accumulation in the stomach and bowels still. I’ve pulled out a lot of sulfur out of my body on this lifestyle. This sticky inflammatory substance that has entered my body and has caused discomfort in my digestive system and this is why I’ve been working on my bowels for 3 years straight and not always strict with the detox. I like the balance and I like seasonal detox and seasons of enjoying myself responsibly.

I was on a pharmaceutical drug called suboxone for 10 years and it’s been 3 years of this very toxic drug that doctors often prescribe for opiate abusers. I was an opiate abuser for 15 years before I found myself through spirituality. Even right now as I speak on my dry fast I feel my stomach grumbling while my body breaks up mucus, sulfur and my microbiome dies of and shifts in a more alkaline environment.

Lots of the generic versions of suboxone contain sulfates and I ate tons of these toxic pills! About a month before my detox still having these drug in my system my eyes had a very transparent orange color thick around the iris. Now I just have a little orange color around the pupil and this is why I take breaks from eating on dry fasting or citrus juice fasting and another reason why I like the hybrid fast of 23 hours dry fast with one juice and it’s usually orange juice or watermelon juice because I can’t always find worthy enough grapes to juice. I want to pull lymph to the kidneys or any sulfur to the bowels and give my body also some astringents and electromagnetic energy from the fruit to spasm the kidneys to open the gate to eliminate the waste. I’ll get the sulfur out and I will bring regeneration to my gut because I have already loosened up this gorilla glue substance out of my body you know the substance (sulfates)they use to harden the tires on the car you use on the road!!

Detox is the best way to rid the body of stagnation and stubborn waste build up and it will take a fruit diet, dry fasting herbal botanicals, and positive attitude and the mind frame of remodeling your house and trusting in nature that it will do its job.

drain the bowels, clean the kidneys and move and remove lymph! Your tongue is an extension of the bowels so when the tongue gets dark and the breath gets nasty ? it’s the bowels draining. A successful fast is when the tongue turns from pink after it turning white, yellow, or brown this is the stages of acute/subacute, chronic and degenerative bowel congestion and yes during this process some have fasted and detoxed there bowels to where their tongue has turned black! This is a magic mirror of the state of the GI tract! Shout out to Gabriel Marquez ??

Enjoy detox and fasting and trust in nature’s natural process of detoxification and this is true naturopathy not those that recommend high protein diets, supplements and the ignorance and awareness of the lymphatic system, kidneys filtration and the process of eliminating lymphatic waste and this gets done on fasting and electromagnetic foods such as fruits, berries, melons, and herbal botanicals!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 5 years ago
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