Detoxification will expose inflammatory conditions

Detoxification will expose inflammatory conditions

We live in a day and age where chronic inflammation has become a systemic epidemic. Everybody’s dealing with pain because they’re eating predominantly acid and mucus forming foods. When you clog up the body with high protein, dead dormant cooked food such as beans grains, dairy, and animal products of all kinds, you will leave behind an acid ash in the body that clog up the lymphatic system, dehydrate the body and create an acid ash response which contributes to inflammation.

There’s only two sides of chemistry and not being acid and alkaline, if you’re eating acid forming foods you will create inflammatory conditions, if you eat alkaline forming foods you will remove inflammatory conditions and create an alkaline body that will not cause the pain epidemic that your facing.

There’s only two major fluids in the human body that being the blood and the lymphatic system, the blood circulates metabolic waste and dumps it into the lymphatic system. The lymphatic systems role is to remove these acids, mucus and metabolic by-products, through the kidneys, the bowels, the lungs, and the skin.

When you go through the detoxification process, of eliminating the acid stagnation in the body, you will experience pain during the process. In order to create detoxification you have to be on it raw living foods diet predominantly high and astringent fruits. During the process of elimination of eating astringent fruits that scrub and pull and remove acid byproducts stagnant in the body, will give you uncomfortable symptoms during the process. It’s not the fruits, or the vegetables causing the problem, it’s the fruits and vegetables exposing the underlying issue which is terrain and sewage trapped in the body, that has been putrefying and not being properly eliminated.

When you eat acid forming foods this creates a lot of mucus in the body to protect it. The problem is this mucus will clog up these eliminative channels, and you have to break them apart with the astringent fruits, and during the process of breaking these mucus plaques apart, it’s going to stir up a lot of acidity in the body and this will expose these genetic weak areas in your body that have been causing you pain during the process. The process of elimination is never fun, but it’s necessary in order to get to the root cause of the problem. You must understand that fruits are high in alkalinity, and are the best food option to relieve chronic pain.

The body is not designed to even utilize protein, the body will dump protein as an acid ash to be eliminated through the lymphatic system. The body needs amino acids, and amino acids are found in fruits and vegetables, and the animal foods that you eat that have amino acids in them, it’s because the animals are eating the plants to where they come from.

After a while of unclogging the eliminative channels, you will notice lots of mucus in your bowel movements and your urine. This is a good sign this is a sign that you’re removing the acid by products that are causing the inflammatory conditions. You want to get black rubbery mucoid plaque out of your bowels, you want to see parasites, worms and fungus and all kinds of weird looking bowel movements, you want to see spots and bumps coming out of your body, this is years of abusing your body with chemicals, mucus and acid forming foods, prescription drugs, and showering and fluoride and using chemical hygiene products Etc.

Once all this stuff starts coming out of the body then you will notice inflammation relief. You want to get to the root underlying cause of the problem, not cover up the problem with supplements, stimulants, prescription drugs, Etc, what you suppress today you will later have to deal with down the road. Just don’t ever get it twisted and think that fruits cause pain, fruits expose pain because there designed to remove the cause and that’s the terrain stagnant in the lymphatic system.

Once you remove these metabolic waste products through the kidneys, you will soon experience the benefits. You have to work at this, and rest and allow your body to recover from the damages you caused to it, by only eating cooked foods high in protein, and that are highly mucus forming, and also create a lot of fungal activity in the body. Starch is a fungal food, and starches also a mucus forming food.

Humans will always have some kind of excuse to find some kind of food that they could comfort themselves with that is cooked. We must understand the truth of the matter, that we are species that is designed for living foods like every other species in nature. If we don’t get back to the diet we are biologically designed to eat, we will never be able to get rid of the chronic pain we are dealing with.

If your body is very toxic, and you’re dealing with systemic acidosis which you probably are, and you have chronic inflammatory conditions, when you transfer yourself from a cooked food diet to a raw living food life style, you may want to slow ease your way into the astringent fruits. You may want to focus more on the sweet fruits and the sub acid fruits, and use the green juice to buffer the pain during the detoxification process. Your astringent fruits are always going to be your citrus fruits, and also the Watermelons and grapes are very astringent to. Work your way up to these fruits and focus on cleaning out your bowels well, and you will be able to tolerate them better, and use them as a tool to systemically clean out and detoxify your body, because they will always be the best option to detox rapidly and effectively.

If you enter through the process, and allow your body to eliminate these acid waste by products, you can get to the other side, and understand the true benefits that come from fruits and vegetables and that is a pain free life, full of energy, better digestion, and overall just dealing with optimal digestion, and not feeling weighed down with chronic fatigue and brain fog that these high mucus and acid forming foods promote.

When it comes to detoxification you will feel the burn when the problem is created, and you will feel the burn when the problem is being eliminated from the body.

Understand that foods that are high in alkalinity that hydrate the body interstitialy are going to be the solution for the problem not the cause.

For anybody that has successfully detoxed their body, and have removed a lot of inflammation stagnation, will be able to attest of this truth that they have overcome chronic pain. I myself and testimony of this. Now for those that have done this, and go back to high protein food whether that’s high protein found in grains, beans, or even dead and putrefactive animal foods will tell you that there pain will very quickly show up again. Why do you think this is? It’s because of protein that creates inflammation in the body because the body doesn’t utilize protein. The body is looking to find amino acids found in raw a living plant foods, not dead and dormant proteins, that leaves behind an acid Ash the create acidosis and inflammatory problems.

Your body will always tell you when it’s clean when you try to eat any type of protein and get a blowback from it. You must remove the excess protein in the body, in order to bring hydration and alkalinity to it.

Patience, and endurance is vital, and that means more than a couple weeks, and more than a couple months, to experience the benefits. We must understand that the food that we have been eating as a culture is so highly toxic and acidic, it’s going to take more than a couple weeks to fix your body if you’re dealing with chronic pain systemically. If you don’t have patience for the detoxification process and understand that you’re getting to the root cause of the problem, then you will just continue to deal with pain, and never eliminate it.

You must understand this simple concept that there’s only two sides of chemistry and that being alkalinity and acid or base. If you’re consuming chemistry on the alkaline side eventually the acids will come out in these inflammatory conditions will no longer be a present reality.

Understand that your body is designed for living foods, the don’t leave behind in acid ash in the body. Every animal and nature lives and thrives on raw living foods, and human beings are not an exception. I repetitively say this because it’s important to understand, that cooked foods are not the solution they are the cause of chronic inflammation.

If you want to completely reverse this problem, you can’t have a treatment based thinking of masking your symptoms with supplements, and stimulants of many kinds to cover up the problem. You have to go after the swamp, and in order to drain the swamp, you got to allow the body to heal itself the way nature designed it by eating raw living foods. The problem you suppress today you will face later down the road, and it may be worse if it’s not taken care of the right way.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 7 years ago
Views: 674
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