Don't try to gain weight while fixing malabsorption

Don't try to gain weight while fixing malabsorption

So many people on this planet suffer with malabsorption, their not absorbing the nutrition properly, and because of lack of absorption of nutrition, it’s very difficult for this type of person to hold a healthy weight on their body. Malabsorption is caused from systemic acidosis mainly stagnant in the small intestine. It’s very typical for people that struggle with IBS to also have an absorption problem. It’s very common for people that have been on a standard american diet that have abused their bodies with the wrong foods for the majority of their life, contributes to systemic acidosis in the GI tract, that contributes to malabsorption. Excess starches, and too much processed food can contribute to the build up of mucoid plaque in the small intestine that blocks absorption of nutrition. If you have a lot of lymphatic congestion from a poor lifestyle of abusing junk food, prescription drugs, antibiotics, and other things that pile-up in the body get stored in the lymphatic system, and these acids start to destroy the organs, glands, bones, connective tissue, cells, and nerves. When the kidneys get damaged, and the adrenal glands get damaged, you cannot filter out these metabolic wastes through the lymphatic system, so when acid start to build up they usually will target, and expose weaknesses and genetic weak tissue of the body. so for those that have a family history, as well as suffered with GI tract problems, most likely will run into malabsorption issues, at some time in their life. Another common reality of realizing you have malabsorption, is when you start to eat healthy, and allow the body to detoxify and cleanse on a cellular level. People start to lose weight drastically on very nutritious foods, such as raw fruits and vegetables. Their should be no good reason to lose weight on a nutritive raw living foods diet. Every animal in nature, that eats plant foods which are the majority of the animal species, are very strong muscular and not underweight, so why are humans underweight on a nutritive raw living foods diet? It’s because of systemic acidosis that was brought on before the diet, and the body is trying to repair, breakdown, so that It could build new tissue, and fix itself from the damage. The body cannot repair itself until it gets rid of all the old damaged tissue. The body will go on a season of healing and repairing, so things will temporarily shut down in the body so that they could function the way their design to. When the body is trying to fix a systemic problem, it does not want to build, but rather to break down. The body will break down to a remarkable level, before it could build up naturally again. That’s why it’s very difficult for somebody with malabsorption to put on weight even when their eating 3k+ calories a day. This is the sad reality, you cannot put on weight with calories when you’re detoxing and trying to reverse malabsorption.

I remember when I became so backed up in my lymphatic system and suffered with systemic acidosis, I couldn’t gain weight on fettuccine alfredo and Industrial size chocolate bars. I was so fixated on my appearance, and trying to treat a problem that cannot be treated, I wasted so much time piling on more acids and mucus in my body trying to gain weight on foods that are unhealthy and not designed for my body to consume. My frustration and my ego got the best of me. Trying to put on weight the improper way, just put more damage on my kidneys and adrenal glands, contributing more to my problem. You don’t want to try and put on weight just for the sake of putting on weight, and are suffering with malabsorption, you want to focus on cleaning out your body, and also getting high quality nutrition from raw living food sources such as fruits and leafy green veggie juices, or high nutrive herbs, such as afalfa and horsetail. But even if you pile on nutrition, and are struggling to get absorption because of mucus clogging the small intestine, this may also be counterproductive.

You will have people constantly in your ear telling you to eat protein, fats, and a variety of food, because of the fear that has been instilled in them, that you must eat a certain amount of calories, or be at a certain amount of weight in order to even live, this is all just not true, it’s not about calories it’s about absorbing nutrition that matters, and clogging up your body with mucus and pus is not going to give you better absorption of nutrition, you may put on weight temporarily but you’re just putting more damage on your kidneys and bowels, and we’ll end up crashing and burning and regretting this decision based on family pressure, personal vanity, and just being too embarrassed to be skinny in front of family and friends.

It’s very unfortunate that most people have to literally escape, when they start to detoxify their body on fruits, berries, and melons. I personally had to escape and I’m glad I did it, because I refuse to let somebody project, and suppress my ability to heal the proper way, and to be patient with how nature is designed to heal the body, and that’s breaking it down from top to bottom, and repairing all the damage that was caused from improper lifestyle, and just trying to fit in with the rest of the crowd and be a sheep on the path to chronic and degenerative disease. Just tell people that your car is in the shop, and that it will be fully repaired in the future. There are countless testimonies of people that have gotten scary skinny, and also were able to put on all their weight after detoxification on the same food that took it off. If they did it so can you, that is always been my mentality, if someone else could accomplish the task, then so could I, and I’m literally in the process right now of reversing the systemic health condition that is quite serious, and should be focused on fixing now before it’s too late down the road.

During my healing Journey, embracing nature’s cure, such as detoxification, I lost so much weight, and was as thin as when I was a pre-teen, but my body is starting to build up naturally on a very strict diet of mono fruit eating, because I’m starting to get absorption from removing the mucus and acids that are lockedin interstitial spaces in my body, that contributed to the problem in the first place. So now I could build up the natural way, put on healthy muscle that’s not built on acids, that’ will last four decades of my life, rather than artificial muscle that gets deflated down the road when people burn out their colons and burn out their kidneys on proteins, whether that be plant protein or animal protein, excess amount of protein of any kind is not healthy for your body, and you will pay the price sooner or later if you continue to try to build up and that’s kind of fashion.

Frugivores species such as the chimpanzees are very strong, and flexible creatures oh, and they also share about 97% of are physiology and Anatomy as humans. If they’re able to stay strong and fit on fruits and vegetables alone then so can humans, we just have to fix a systemic problem of acidosis before we can build up on foods that also Focus On Healing the body when it’s damaged. The cool thing about this is that when the body stops trying to heal itself from all the damage, it can rebuild very powerful muscles on the same food that made you feel weak and scrawny. Another reason why a lot of people fail on a raw food diet especially a fruit based diet, is because they never get their kidneys to filter well, because they’re unaware of true regenerative detoxification. So what happens is they end up adding on proteins, and starches and what have you, and think that the diet created a problem but really it was their body that was the problem, and they didn’t detoxify it properly to rebuild naturally on the food that took off the weight in the first place. I am strongly determined, to fix my malabsorption issue, on fruits, berries, mounds, and herbs alone, and also build powerful muscles to prove that we shouldn’t fall prey to fear, of losing too much weight because its Much better for mental stability, rather than trying to artificially put on weight that contributes to the problem in the first place with acid and mucus forming foods. The best way to attack this problem and fix it permanently is through detoxification and allowing the body to break down and get skinny, even at levels that you may feel are dangerous, so that you can start getting absorption of nutrition naturally on the same diet that took off the weight.

The body will not lose too much weight to where you could die, as long as you’re eating plenty of fruits and vegetables and also taking herbal botanicals, your body weight will stable out at a certain point, and it will also build up naturally, when you clean out your lymphatic system, get your kidneys to filter, and clean out your bowels, with all the mucus and that’s blocking the ability to get these goodies inside the cell on the same detoxification diet program that took off the weight to repair the problem.

Mucoid plaque

Your bowel movements will tell you a lot about weather you have a lot of mucoid plaque build up in your large bowel. Are your bowel movements thin, and not full, and large? And if your finding undigested food in your stools this is your pancreas being suppressed by acidosis, and your foods are not being absorbed in the villi in the small bowel, because of mucus, and sulphur blocking absorption, and starchy foods stick like glue in the Villi. Detox will resolve this issue in time, if you get your bowels moving well, and are eating plenty of astringent fruits, and herbs, veggies will not scrub this stuff out, you need the fruits, and fruit juice for this. It takes time to clean this junk out when you have been eating starchy cooked, and processed food for the majority of your life. After about 6 months I’m just now getting absorption. You got to be at least 80% fruit based, if you want to resolve this issue faster.

Gi broom, parasite m, pancreatic formula, grapes, watermelon, citrus ? juice and lymphatic herbs can help pulling it out and a few enemas with lemon juice added a week can help!

Be patient and allow your body to break down as much as it wants to, because you can’t fix Malabsorption with supplements, nutrition, fats, and proteins. This issue of malabsorption must be fixed through detoxification. Work on your endocrine glands as well to create optimal utilization so you can get as much nutrition into your cells, while you scrub and pull the mucoid plaque out. It’s just like pouring draino down the drain to break down the blockage to fix the clog we must do the same with the fruits and herbs nature has provided for us to remove this gorilla glue form the bowles. If you have lots of mucoid plaque, sulphur, and fungus in the body, then it may take a while to get this stuff out. Get used to being skinny, and don’t allow pressure, and judgment pressure you to eat “calories” to put on weight. Most likely trying to do this will for one not resolve the issue, and two will not help you put on weight depending on how bad your Malabsorption is, and you will just end up causing more acidosis trying to out on weight with protein. Protein, and fats will only slow down lymphatic flow, and over stress the kidneys making it very difficult to filter the acids out. The acids and mucus is the root of all these obstructive health conditions. Starch to put on weight will only make malabsorption worse, because starch sticks to the bowels like paper machete, and is the main contributor to forming this mucoid plaque rope like substance, that’s called the serpent of death.

Your going to be dealt with pure pressure when it comes to friends and families that are conditioned and brainwashed by society, when it comes to trying to reverse a chronic health condition. 90% of the people on this planet are fixated on treating a problem, rather than getting to the root cause of this problem, and detoxification is the only tool to fix the problem for long-term results and benefits.

When we could rebuild nature’s way.

If you get your kidneys to filter, and you find mucus in your bowel movements and you focus on cleaning and enhancing cellular function, and removing systemic acidosis, in time you will achieve the reward, that awaits you. I am still very thin, but I’m also starting to gain weight after about six months of intense detoxification. I would say that I’ve gained at least 10 lbs back from what was taken off of me. If you don’t get the serpent of death out which is mucoid plaque, and you don’t get your kidneys to filter out systemic acid waste, then you cannot fix this problem, and we’ll end up returning to the problem down the road, when the body burns itself out on stimulants, acid and mucus forming foods that are not designed for the body in the first place. Humans are always going to be frugivore species regardless of how bad humans have damage their bodies. You can benefit frobm a frugivore diet when you fix the underlying issues.

The beautiful thing is a frugivore diet will promote detoxification and fix the problem instead of trying to mask the problem with supplements, proteins, fats, and starches. Your going to have to build strength on an emotional and spiritual level, to take charge of your own health, and don’t let anyone else dictate what you know is right for yourself. As long as your on a balanced diet of fruits, herbs, and veggie fruits, and you’re not under eating, and you get your kidneys to filter, you could achieve your goal to reversing a problem, that is quite serious rather than struggling hard to eat what your body doesn’t want, to artificially put on weight in order to fit into an unconscious world and society to calm the fears of unconscious people that surround you.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 7 years ago
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