Don’t be anal about your skin during a detox. It’s sewage coming out, so celebrate

Don’t be anal about your skin during a detox. It’s sewage coming out, so celebrate

Your skin is your largest eliminative organ, it’s the 3rd kidney of the human body. Depending on how hard your detox is, and how fast you transitioned off dead foods and proteins, your body will steer up waste fast, and Mother Nature doesn’t care about the blow back you experience. The body is only doing you a favor, trying to remove what it doesn’t want.

The main focus, and should always be the main focus regarding detoxification is getting your kidneys to filter! You can assist the body with kidney herbs, and Mother Nature created tons of them, and you can get rid of excess drinking water, have dates for your last meal before the sun goes down, and do some 16-20 hour time restricted dry fasting to get them filtering. If your skin still brakes out early on in your detox on a living foods diet based around astringent fruit, don’t panic, just understand that you most likely have a lot of lymph that has been stagnant in the subcutaneous layers of the skin your whole life, and now that the body is cleaning and repairing on a raw food diet, it’s coming out, so be grateful and try to bite the bullet, get in the sauna, and take some natural salt water baths to sooth the inflammation, while the body takes you through the elimination process.

The skin blow back is only for a season, so don’t panic, fruit makes the skin shine and glow, so never think fruit is causing the problem. Remember fruit is astringent, lymphatic herbs are astringent, and that means your body is being scrubbed, and if your kidneys are not taking the lymph though the lymph nodes, and lymph capillaries, through the kidneys, (via urination) then your skin will pick up the slack and try to pull it out.

You can look at your eyes, and if you see a skin ring around the iris, as shown in the photo below, then your most likely going to have to deal with some skin related stuff during detox ? but who cares, let the body do its thing, and try not to hyper focus on it.

Don’t try and look for a diagnoses, because what will happen is, you will panic and think it’s bacteria related or some kind of mystery disease virus, you will go to the doctor, and they will give you steroid anti inflammatory creams, this will just lock in the acids, sulfur, fungus, yeast, uric acids, virals, bacterium, and whatever else metabolitic waste that is stagnant in the skins tissues.

Stop looking for a diagnoses! If your detoxing on fruit and herbs, then except the skin to show it’s weakness for a season, whether it’s “eczema” “psoriasis”, or whatever else fancy label that’s given, that just points to just sewage coming out of the body, who cares what it looks like, I understand it can be creepy, but it’s all lymphatic anyway, and the good news is that a diet of fruit is not going to create waste to back up in the body, but instead will pull it out, so celebrate the healing crisis, and understand that when it all comes out, and you get those kidneys cracked open good, and start filtering, the skin will calm down, and you won’t deal with such a blowback.

Be patient and just understand the skin is the largest eliminative organ, and if it gets tore up during the detox process, understand that you created this, by putting toxic junk on your skin your whole life, and you were eating chemistry that has been almost all mucus and acid forming, and when the flood gates open up, celebrate the fact that your getting rid of the sewage, or you can just continue to create more, and suppress the issue with steroid creams, crash the adrenal which are responsible for helping the body produce steroids naturally, and then loose filtration even more, because the adrenal glands control the kidneys, and deal with this problem again down the road.

Don’t run away from detox, invite the healing process! run away from why your skin is braking out, and it doesn’t matter what it is, because it’s all sewage that’s constipated in the human body, and the fruits and energetic chemistry your now consuming is pulling it out. It’s just a season of your car in the repair shop, so let it repair, and trust Mother Nature.

You can play with diagnoses and waste time with skin doctors, or you can open up the flood gates to why you have skin issues in the first place, (systemic acidosis) and clean out the cause to why your dealing with them. Acid chemistry and not filtering, and possible a low functioning thyroid gland that controls the skin, because the thyroid helps the body sweat because it deals with metabolic function (basil temps) so that you can sweat properly, and if you don’t, then acids and sewage will settle in the subcutaneous layers, and become stagnate in them.

You can get a skin formula from the herbal health club while you detox, and work on getting your kidneys to filter, and you can bump up that thyroid, so you can sweat, if you struggle with that, you can use castor oil to help sooth the inflammation, you can take salt water baths as well to bring down the inflammation, because salt water is alkaline, but if you go after the cause, and focus on the detox regarding a diet of fruit and herbal botanicals, you can end the skin issues for good, but you may have to deal with the pain for a season while you fix that.

Remember acids in a blow back occurs, and acids out, you deal with a burn, but it’s better to get them out then to panic and suppress with big pharma drugs, and deal with more side effects down the road, because you failed to understand that chemistry plays a part with how you heal, or the disasters you run into, and if it’s acid, expect a blow back, and if it’s alkaline expect a permanent result when the acids come out, because when the acids come out, and the great lymphatic system is addressed, then you win the day, and solve the puzzle to why your dealing with the bodily dysfunctions your dealing with, and the beautiful thing is, the whole body will heal, and regenerate on a systemic level, not just the skin, so don’t look for a quick fix that doesn’t exists, endure through the process of cause and effect, and make this a lifestyle, so you can be healthy for the rest of this life, if you plan to enjoy your time here in a physical human body.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
Views: 610
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