Don’t support the vegan agenda when it’s in bed with Monsanto!

Don’t support the vegan agenda when it’s in bed with Monsanto!

Mock vegan meat is toxic AF! Don’t eat it. Yes there is an agenda to confuse you into thinking about the animals but in all reality, this GMO garbage is designed to kill the human “animal”.

Don’t buy into the scam and don’t encourage the mock meats to your meat-eating friends. This GMO is designed to Alteryour DNA and damage your genetics.

Vegans think they are encouraging hope for the animals but in all realty tons of animals die producing this GMO Frankenstein food! The human-animal is under attack as well! Your Reproductive organs are being altered by the estrogen forming soy GMO! It’s population control food.

You can hate me all you want but the truth is if you don’t grow your own food you will be subjected to bodily harm! And good luck trying to grow your own food in an oven off chemtrails!

Nutrition and genetic weakness regarding absorbing these foods produced in labs is an issue and this is why so many fail to thrive on a vegan diet even if it is a raw vegan diet because of the chemicals sprayed on the food and sprayed in the air!

I wish there was an alternative route but there’s not. If you are failing to thrive on a raw vegan diet it’s most likely because you are eating chemical-laden foods and these foods are altering your genetics and they are acidifying your body.

If you are truly thriving right now in the Babylon system investing your hard-earned money on grocery store fruit speak loud and clear, please! I know for myself I wasn’t, and this is why I left the United States and I started to explore the tropics and even in the regions that I have explored have been problematic regarding food because of the failure to pick the fruit ripe and learning how giant Monsanto is and how his GMO corporation is in bed with so many countries!

This is why we need to purchase land and we need to grow our own food because the time is at hand and it’s only a matter of time until your body fails you until you wake up and you start listening to what I’m saying!

If you are in Babylon you are not safe and you cannot trust the food that you were investing yourhard-earned money and because it’s feeding the system and it’s feeding genetic weakness within your own body!

If I am discouraging you I am not sorry because if I truly love you I will not deny my intuition and the facts at hand, and if you do the research you will come to the conclusion to why I feel so grieved for the human species!

I have to expose the truth because I am the rare breed that walks this earth plane regarding true love and true light! And money doesn’t drive me to manipulate the minds of the masses and make everyone feel like everything is ok will know the truth and the truth is it’s not safe anymore to invest your money in the grid regarding these western civilizations and any country that’s in bed with Monsanto!

Stop thinking that this mock meat and this lab-grown meat is a problem solver for the planet! Because it’s not and if this human-animal becomes extinct then there is no hope for this existence that we are experiencing!

In my opinion, it would be better to eat an animal than to eat this soy GMO laden vegan food! Because if you don’t put yourself as importance then you don’t care about any animal because we got to start encouraging real food not this mock meat bullshit just to make food palatable for food addicts!

I’ve always been the person to look at the big picture and if we’re going to ever talk about being positive we got to avail the facts because without the facts there is no positive transformation that will ever occur!

I’m here to stir shit up and if you truly follow me and you get what I’m putting down then I surely hope that you start making the transition because I’m not about the talk I’m about to walk and I’m tired of being the only person that thinks that it’s doable to change your life and make a sustainable income to where you’re not in bondage and under the control of the taxation system that slaves you!

I am not a rich man and I do not possess material things but one thing I do possess is a heart and a passion for true genuine truth and I know that universe has got my back and I will never starve on the streets because I believe in the MIA principles and I hope you come to adopt them too! The universe will always provide for my needs and I will continually manifest my needs being taken care of because I don’t live in doubt and I don’t live ina bubble of thinking that I must contribute like everyone else because this is the misery of the human spirit and the human spirit is asleep! We must wake up out of the coma and we must believe so that we can move mountains with our faith!

Even if today this journey ends of me making money online you better believe it that I still will find a way to provide for myself because my heart and soul goes out to the truth and to love and to light and that’s to blow the trumpet so that my reflections hear loud and clear that if you continually be lazy and continually fall asleep you will fall into your demise and you will regret it!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 4 years ago
Views: 558
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