Dry fasting is more healing then fruit, herbs and water fasting

Dry fasting is more healing then fruit, herbs and water fasting

Most people don’t understand dry fasting because they are still very clogged up, and dehydrated on an interstitial level. Also when a person lacks Neurotransmitters they can become very fatigued with dry fasting. This is not what should happen when you dry fast but it does with people that have weak adrenals.

Think about it real energy comes from the sun, and the oxygen we breath from the atmosphere and getting into the water and getting electrically charged from the ionic minerals from the water. oceans, lakes, rivers, streams, etc.

Eating and drinking is not the “source” of energy for the body. Yes fruits and herbs are very energizing to the body, but it’s not long lasting, because the body has to use energy to digest and process chemistry which robs the body from energy it can use in the fasting state, when the body is free from this burden of digestion. Digestion takes up a lot of energy for the body which means your loosing energy.

Dry fasting is not dehydrating if your hydrated on a cellular level, and have cleaned out the terrain in your body. When the flood gates open up, and you remove the swamp, then you can benefit from dry fasting in such a way that you will not feel weak, fatigued, dry mouth, and dizzy etc. you will have more energy then you desire and will want to eat just to come down.

People judge dry fasting wrongly because they don’t understand how it works, because they think that we are supposed to drown the body will water all day putting a hit in the kidneys and bladder?! If your peeing 100 times a day then shouldn’t that tell you that your overworking tor body? If your body is quickly getting rid of your water through the urinary tract then it’s obvious that your overburdening your body, and putting too much stress on your kidneys, which means you’re not going to get rid of your lymphatic systems waste, because your overworking the body on getting rid of the excess water your drinking. This is very counter productive!

The miracles happens when you filter your lymph system, and dry fasting is known to help this process the most effective, not fruit, herbs, and water.

Dry fasting must be earned and transitioned to, and if you hydrate your body for several months to a year on a fruit diet, then you will experience the many benefits of dry fasting and learn quickly it’s not “dehydrating” to speak the truth because of the state of the water and fruits, they actually can dehydrate the body more because acids dehydrate, they don’t alkalize! If the fruit is eaten unripe and it’s been sprayed and compromised then it’s not going to aid the body with hydration. If the water is not in it’s proper ph balance in synergy with the body’s ph balance, and it’s acidic and not properly alkaline the way the body wants it in its proper ratio, then it will cause dehydration to the body.

When you remove acids and metabolic waste from your lymph system through your kidneys, you will become hydrated on a cellular level because acids dehydrate, so when the body becomes clean, and the lymph system is not backed up anymore reaching saturation, hydration on a cellular level will occur, and that’s when you can dry fast and feel hydrated, energized and strong, this is proof that the myth of dry fasting is “dehydrating” or dangerous to do.

People that have experienced with dry fasting heal much more quickly then someone just doing the diet. In fact their have been people that have healed chronic heath conditions dry fasting when their diet was not optimal, and that healthy. This is because when we are not eating, we allow the body to use energy to heal itself effectively, because when we get out of the way, and rest the body from consuming, it can do it’s job to heal and repair much more effectively. Dry fasting opens the flood gates and removes acids from the interstitial fluids in the lymph system.

The body is made up of over 100 trillion cells and the goal is to regenerate these damaged cells by removing the acids that damage them. Dry fasting increases the volume of sediment (sewage) or lymphatic waste via (kidney filtration) this is how you want to heal. You want to get the acids out of from cells in interstitial spaces (100 trillion cells) the filtration volume of tested by peeing in a jar, and letting it settle for several hours will tell you what’s more effective! And dry fasting has the “cake” when t comes to this, not when water fasting or just eating fruit and taking herbs.

If your in a fruit diet that’s awesome your hydrated and alkalizing and the astringent power of the fruits are steering things up and the herbs are buffering acids, and supporting the organs and glands in the process of detoxification, however you don’t just want to steer up and enhance with fruits and herbs, you want to steer up, enhance and eliminate effectively, and that’s where the dry fasting comes in as an effective tool, and it is an effective tool because there are people that heal and get rid of symptoms that dry fast for 20+ hours a day or 24-64hours weekly, and or do the daily dry fasting with one meal a day, and are not eating 100% raw but still filtering and recovering? Shouldn’t this prove to us how powerful dry fasting is? So how much more when done on top of a healthy diet? (POWERFUL)

I like the daily intermittent dry fasting on top of 1-2 meals a day in a 4 hour eating window. I personally through several months of eating raw have the ability to dry fast with ease by getting my adrenals healed enough to handle it, and from a couple years of fruit cleaning, herbs and several solid food vacations have trained my body to handle long term dry fast or daily long intermittent dry fast. I hydrated on an interstitial level enough to benefit from it. Please earn this so you don’t blame the system of dry fasting! I dry fast for 20 hours everyday, and I eat from 4pm-8pm and I feast until fully satisfied! I’m getting amazing results with kidney filtration, and by doing this, and being disciplined I have been filtering around the clock! And I’m not on a 100% fruit based diet ether. I’m probably about 75-80% fruit based, and the rest vegetables, raw and steamed, and also cooked tubers and quinoa for dinner. I’m not 100% raw at this time, or “fruitarian” or “fruit onlyism” ? and I’m getting the same results as when I was 100% raw and 90% fruit or 100% fruit. I’m eating some cooked for a season (30 day experiment)

I balance out in the spring and summer, and hit the cleaning in the winter and fall. I still consider myself a raw foodist because most of what I consume is raw food, and I’m not a purest thinker anymore, or hold to a strict dogma, and nether do I live a food based religion. I believe the true power is in the dry fasting, herbs second for most healing, and the fruits being 3rd, it’s our natural food source because humans are fruigivores.

I think it’s important to be flexible because however most of the fruit we get in the West are green, sour, picked to early, and very unripe, so if you’re not in a climate that’s conducive to local, and natural fruit, then learn to fast, and be flexible with whole plant foods, and avoid salt, sugar, oil, spices and grains and beans.

I’m not advocating anyone to do what I’m doing, and I believe when you already have transitioned to a fruit based 100% raw food diet to stay their for at least a year, and deep clean, and heal yourself to a certain level, before you balance out with some cooked whole plant food if you decide to do that because of the fruit situation etc. stick to the fruit/herb protocol, and dig deep with the dry fasting after several months of being 100% raw.

If you can adopt a daily Intermittent dry fasting protocol of 20 hours, and have a short eating window (4 hours) and you crack open those kidneys and get them filtering daily, you can achieve great healing results, and understand that dry fasting is medicine it’s not “bad for you” and work your way up stating from 12 hours daily to 20 hours daily to a short eating window in the evening, and make this a lifestyle, and avoid acid and mucus forming foods!

Their have been many cultures for hundreds of years that have dry fasted and have achieved great healing results, and it’s only those who do it long enough that can attest to the healing powers of dry fasting, and the skeptics will always just let their ego and intellectualism get in the way, and rob them of the experience they can experience. I believe long term intermittent dry fasting, and extended dry fasting should be earned so that you will understand that it’s not “dehydrating” and makes you feel weak! Shit I get the best work outs when I dry fast vs when I drink water or have eaten that day.

Please understand that it’s not about the foods and diets and 100% raw it’s about letting the body rest so it can use energy to heal itself, because the body is so backed up already, and just taxing the body on digestion will cause it to be overworked daily, and your healing will be slow. Don’t rush the healing process because people end up hurting themselves with the lack of patients wanting quick results that don’t exist. Dry fasting is a transition just like the diet should be also.

Through my experience I will say it confidently that dry fasting is the greatest medicine for healing, and much more powerful then any plant and even the fruits and herbs in my opinion!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

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First published: 6 years ago
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