Dry skin?

Dry skin?

Why would the skin dry and crack? What is the skin, and does it play a role with detoxification? These are questions that are important to understand so that you can go after the cause, instead of being left in the dark without answers, and not knowing what direction to take to get rid of the problem.

The skin is the body’s 3rd kidney, and also the human bodies, the largest eliminative organ when it comes to removing metabolic waste. You want healthy skin, and you also want to remove your waste. If the skin is getting a blowback, then your lymph system is oversaturated, and your kidneys are down as well. If your kidneys were filtering your great lymphatic system, then your skin would not have to pick up the slack, however, if the skin is getting chewed on, then you can count on dealing with systemic acidosis, and more serious health conditions down the road.

Damaged skin equals damaged kidneys, and a constipated lymph system!

You need to go after the systems in the body, not address the symptoms. No cream or steroid cream being even worse is going to address the causative factors, and steroids will shut down the adrenals, which sit on top of the kidneys and control their function, and many other functions in the human body, such as your cortisol steroids, hormones, Neurotransmitters, mineral, and sugar utilization, etc.

You want to move lymph and regenerate the kidneys, so you can filter your lymph system through them, and the skin will be able to rest and heal, when you move the acids out that way, instead of the skin being overworked trying to create that process. You also must remove the acid chemistry that causes the body to shut down, and lose its proper function.

Remember that acids dry things out, and dehydrate the body, so dry skin is telling you that you have acids stagnant in subconscious spaces in the skin, and your very dehydrated bathing in acids.

Hydrate and alkalize your body, hydrate and alkalize your body, and remove the acidic foods, and acidic chemistry you put in your skin, before and after you shower! Putting nothing on the skin is the best for it, and if you clean from within the skin will show its vitality on its own.

Diet is the answer, and getting your kidneys to filter is vital! Fruits and veg, herbs and fasting are how you achieve kidney filtration, and also to allow energy to the body to clean, and repair itself.

If your skin gets worse on fruit, or fruit and veg, then you’re creating a detox, and the body is steering up lymph, but your kidneys are still very weak, and damaged to keep up so that you can remove waste through the lymph systems primary, and preferred pathway.

Address the kidneys, so you can allow the body to not be so overworked by removing waste through the skin. The body wants to use the skin as well, but when they are clogged up too much, the acids will have trouble coming out, and this will cause a lot of problems, such as dry skin, itchy skin, and all kinds of skin conditions, which are all just caused by specific cellular waste not able to be eliminated through the kidney channel properly.

Look up herbs for the kidneys, adopt a raw food diet based around fruit, the transition to intermittent dry fasting to help the kidneys crack open to remove the waste trying to come out of the giant lymphatic system, and over time your skin will repair itself, and everything will repair itself as a system.

You can use oils to buffer and settle the skin, but if you don’t go after the lymphatic system, and you don’t hydrate your body internally with fruits, berries, and melons, then it will be a constant “maintenance” of “treating” but addressing the cause, is the most important, and humans on this plane need to wake up, and realize that it’s what you put in your mouth, and put on your skin that causes these lymphatic problems to occur, and a simple solution of removing this acidic chemistry can fix the problem for good.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


The Mangotarian @ YouTube:


First published: 6 years ago
Last updated: 5 years ago
Views: 651
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