When you remove foods that are void of energy, and replace foods with electromagnetic energy, you will open up your senses, and experience higher spiritual consciousness, because energy equals elevated consciousness, and you will feel it, and know what I’m talking about, when you start to wake up spiritually, and emotionally, when a living foods diet based around energetic fruits detoxify you on this level.
You cannot escape this reality on fruit! Why is that? Why do you go through emotional and spiritual ups, and downs on a fruit based raw food diet, or an all fruit diet? Because you’re no longer sedating your consciousness with dead foods that suppress these emotions you run into when your higher self is desperately trying to awaken itself, so you can fully embrace and accept the now!
It’s difficult in the beginning to except the now, when your in the fire of refinement, because it’s possible that everyone around you is in a zombie comatose state, because they are numbing themselves with sedatives, stimulants, and junk foods around the clock 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and they will not experience your level of higher consciousness, because it’s impossible to do so, when your robbing the body of energy with dead foods, and acidic chemistry. You will have to face these relationships with an awaken spirit, and you will be sensitive to the negative energy, and will no longer be attracted to sharing space with it anymore.
It’s not about not loving your people, because the absence of love, is the absence of consciousness, but you will have to embrace this now in your life in a way that honors, and loves your inner being, because, you cannot truly love others, when you fail to love yourself, because at that point you become a dependent slave on others, and a ball and chain around their neck, and in your state of higher consciousness, that’s never going to happen, because when you come to understand who you truly are, you understand that you’re not owned by anyone, and you can’t take anyone with you, when you leave your physical body.
You are now on living foods full of energy, which equals higher consciousness, so you now love yourself, and suppressing yourself, and oppressing yourself in relationships that are low consciousness, will no longer serve you, and you will be enslaved, and you will no longer want to beat up your spiritual and emotional body anymore. Follow your intuition, because your now elevated to higher consciousness, and that means your inner spiritual power, and divine providence will, never fail you, so don’t feel bad about letting go, when those in your circle continue to hold on to their inner person of slavery, because they refuse to transcend to higher consciousness like you are.
Embrace the now, let go of the mind chatter, be the observer, and get out of your physical body, and find that alone state, and loneliness will be a thing of the past. No master looks back, or to the future, but fully excepts the now. Anyone who puts their foot to the plow, and looks back, is not fit for the kingdom of the Christ consciousness.
Your eating energy, your now awaken enough, and vibrating on an electromagnetic field of energy, so you will leave your body at some point, don’t be scared, don’t use the mind, and understand, that ever righteous trial you embrace, testing on the fire of refinement, you will have the temptations all around you, in this low conscious earth plane we live on.
If you numb yourself, and ground too much, you cannot see the light, and receive the teachings from the ALLNESS, so you can work out your karma that you inherited from the negative forces taught to you. Take your power back, and take advantage of the opportunity, because you will become disciplined with a conviction to love yourself, because you will fully understand who you are, and everyone around you, and that’s not just a human body, but the exact nature of God itself.
Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!
Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian
If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/
Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:
Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:
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