Excessive thirst and dehydration

Excessive thirst and dehydration

Let’s say you’re always thirsty even though your eating tons of fruits and drinking juice. But you’re still always thirsty? Why would you be thirsty if your consuming fruit full of alkalinity, hydration, electrolytes etc?

What causes dehydration on an intercellular level? ACIDS!! The human body in today’s world is dealing with acidosis, not alkalosis, and because humans are mainly consuming acid ash forming foods it’s not a surprise that humans are dealing with excessive thirst and systemic acidosis.

The only time you should be thirsty is if your eating dehydrated foods, and cooked foods that dehydrate the body, and cooked foods are acidic and also lack electrolytes which on return are not going to hydrate you and will make you thirsty.

Your eating fruit, you’re on a raw food diet, your drinking juice fruit and veggie juice and even coconut water and drinking water. Your drinking a gallon of liquids or more a day and you’re still feeling thirsty!? How is this possible? it’s possible because your lymphatic system is backed up from head to toe, and your finally creating fluidity in the body and acids and the lymphatic system are moving and the body is trying to pull these acids out through the kidneys and skin. The thing is the opposite helps the kidney filter and that’s not consuming any fluids its food.

You don’t want to continue to drink over amounts of water because you created systemic acidosis in the body because you won’t be able to remove the acids that cause the body to be dehydrated interstitially. Excess liquids are hard on the kidneys and also low functioning adrenal gland. You need the adrenal gland to be on par because they control the kidneys, and you don’t want to overburden the kidneys with trying to get rid of all that water you just consumed because you felt like drinking until your thirst went away. If you consume too many liquids then your never going to allow the kidneys to be at rest to filter the lymphatic system and you’re just going to pee out water all day and night and continue to be thirsty and feel dehydrated.

I’ve learned from this early on when I was dealing with systemic acidosis and chronic dehydration. I felt like I needed to drink tons of juice and drink tons of water to get rid of excessive thirst and it never went away. I did not filter ether which means acids stayed at home and contributed to this symptom of excessive thirst and dry mouth and feeling dizzy and dehydrated.

You want to just eat your fruit whole and you don’t want to drink acidic water that doesn’t hydrate the body anyways, and acidic water will cause more dehydration and make you more thirsty. Water is not hydrating and neither are veggies like the fruits are. melons are the most hydrating fruits you can eat.

When you get the acids out through kidney filtration then you will be able to be hydrated on juicy fruit alone without any drinking water and you won’t need juice ether because of your eating water in the fruit. Fruit is 80-90+ eater already.

You may need to deal with the dry mouth and excessive thirst so you can get to the root cause of the problem and that’s knowing how to effectively filter your kidneys to get rid of the acid that is the cause of this issue, and the best way to encourage this is juicy fruit, herbs for the kidneys, and intermittent dry fasting so you can open them up to filter and over time you can overcome this issue, and you will be surprised on how little liquids you need to feel properly hydrated and overtime when you filter consistently and you remove the acids out of the body, you will be content with a little fruit and even feel fine on a dry fast without the need to consume liquids.

I’ve gotten to the level that I can dry fast for 23 hours a day for at least 5-6 days and sustain myself on one melon or a few mangoes a day and feel perfectly hydrated. This is a high stage of detox and I recommend you work up to it, because 5-6 days in row of mainly dry fasting with only one melon or a few mangoes a day can and will evoke a detox that you must be prepared for and have the knowledge to handle these levels of detoxification and hybrid fasting.

Just understand that drinking tons of water and juice is not going to hydrate you in the beginning of this detoxification journey until you create a daily pattern of eliminating metabolic waste out of the body through the skin and kidneys and don’t be alarmed if you feel more thirsty on a detox diet lifestyle of fruit mainly and veggies knowing that they are hydrating, alkaline and full of electrolytes, because your circulating acids of various forms out of your body, and if you’re not removing the acids, and your chugging liquids all day then your going against yourself, and will not overcome dehydration and excessive thirst doing that. You want to stick to fruit and get your kidneys to filter and over time you will notice this excessive thirst going away and dehydration will no longer be an issue but if you don’t understand then you will feel forced to consume liquids and this will not help the kidneys to filter so you can fix the causative factors to why your having this issue.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


The Mangotarian @ YouTube:


First published: 6 years ago
Views: 623
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