Fasting for physical and spiritual healing

Fasting for physical and spiritual healing

There are all different types of fasting and they’re all beneficial for the mind-body and spirit. One thing that is not essential is eating. We have been told that you can’t survive without food but really you can’t survive with an accumulation of waste matter in the body that fails to be eliminated because of the blockages that create the obstructions that enter it.

There is a fine balance in life and that’s the enjoyment and the pleasure of eating, and of course honoring the body with food that doesn’t obstruct it. You don’t want to be obsessed with and finding your self dependent on eating an abundance of food and you don’t want to find yourself mentally obsessed with not eating either.

Just as important it is to eat in your mind you should carry the same conviction when it comes to fasting. All animals fast, and all spiritual masters fast, and we all should collectively fast and give the body a rest because in my opinion the body is not designed to eat three square meals a day every day and never allow the body to rest and fast so that it could properly eliminate the metabolic waste that enters it and if there are any day and age that would require the importance of fasting it would be the one we are in now.

Fasting could be not eating food for a season and remaining on juices, fasting could be just drinking water, fasting could be removing all consumption and we would call that dry fasting and fasting could be how you choose to consume food meaning that you only allow yourself to eat one meal a day. However, you fast go into this not just to give your physical body a rest but also to allow your mind to find the clarity to go within spiritually.

Some people fast to heal physical infirmities, some people fast to find more mental clarity, and some people even fast to better their physical performance and also some people fast so that they could channel the God force to help activate the higher self to bring more clarity to their path so that they’re not so trapped and dependent on these 3-D obligations that often create stress, anxiety and more emptiness disconnected from nature.

If you’re trying to heal your physical body take time to fast because it’s essential to conserve energy so that the body can go deep within to repair the old stagnant damages. If you are feeling blocked regarding your intuition and trying to find direction in life then you should take time to fast Because energy is consciousness and when you conserve energy then Consciousness will be given.

If you are not hungry then your body is simply telling you to fast and instead of fasting with a physical mindset allow this time to better yourself spiritually!

Fasting should be a part of life and grounding also should be a part of life, but we must put more emphasis on fasting because we have been so brainwashed to think that eating is so essential! If you don’t nourish your mind and your soul and allow your body to rest then you’ll never be able to tap into his energy that goes above and beyond the energy, you think you’re getting from food. Yes, the fruit is energetic but processing chemistry doesn’t promote energy to where it’s going to better assist your mind and spirit.

Digestion and processing take energy away from the body it doesn’t provide energy, but nature in her wisdom created a food source with high electromagnetic energy when it comes to consuming food and that is the fruits, berries, and melons.

Regardless of what your diet is you should still take time to fast and if your diet is toxic that I wouldn’t recommend just jumping into fasting but allow yourself to get used to intermittent fasting which means that you would stay on liquids all day and only consume one meal a day and work your way up to extended liquid fasting and start with juice first and then work up to the water fasting down the road and dry fasting when the body gets more clean, hydrated and alkalized. Fasting promotes detoxification so you must be aware of what’s going to take place within your physical body.

I would highly recommend fasting from consuming dead animals permanently because this is not an act of kindness that takes away elevation to higher states of awareness and consciousness.

Incorporate fasting as a lifestyle, and educate yourself on why people have been fasting from the beginning of time and why it’s so important in many cultures all around the world. The world has lost its way when it comes to the consumption of eating and especially in western culture where fasting is not a huge part of it. If you’re not hungry you should fast, if you’re under a lot of stress you should definitely fast, and if your physical body is that the state of heavy lymphatic stagnation, then you should incorporate fasting as it pertains to a health protocol because regeneration is the process of fasting and encouraging the body to consume less and simple and of course foods that hydrated alkalize the body promote more affective detoxification which will in return allow the body to repair old damages that were caused from the overconsumption of eating and the consumption of eating the wrong foods.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 5 years ago
Last updated: 5 years ago
Views: 854
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