Fasting should only be done intuitively not impulsively

Fasting should only be done intuitively not impulsively

Fasting is something that should be done with a balanced and conscious mindset. Fasting can be very aggressive and most humans with their damaged bodies can’t handle the aggressive nature of removing metabolic waste from every orifice of the body. When you stop eating, drinking, or just discontinuing solid food for a season, your body will start the healing process, and when the body wants to heal it will get rid of anything it doesn’t want in it. The fix everything now type end up running into serious issues, because their coming off high protein diets jumping right in to a juice fast, water fast, or dry fast, end up experiencing very uncomfortable symptoms, the body ends up detoxifying way too fast than what they can handle, and this could become very hard on the organs and glands causing serious issues if not eased into properly. If the kidneys are very clogged up and you start fasting, the body could stir up so much metabolic waste, and if you don’t eliminate, it could cause a serious blow back. Fasting and detoxification is an art, and transition is important if your diet was extremely acidic and mucus forming. You want to avoid fasting, and start transitioning off of these foods first. Go a 100% plant-based for a couple weeks, then go 100% raw for a couple weeks and then start eating 100% fruit based for at least a month before you start fasting.

When you start eating fruits, and 100% raw, you will eventually want to fast and give your body a break so that It could fully focus on healing and repairing. The body can’t fully repair on a level that most humans desire when it comes to time, if your body is still eating and processing. This will happen intuitively, there will be a sense of passion, understanding, and your body will be clean enough to handle an extended fast. If you don’t fast intuitively, and you do it impulsively, you could end up creating unhealthy eating habits. There is no such thing when it comes to forcing the body to heal on your time, so trying to rush something without a correct understanding of what and how detoxification works should be avoided.

Fasting should be a spiritual experience not just a physical tool for healing. If you don’t heal your mind and your spirit, you will not have the patience to endure through the process, and also sustain yourself on a living foods diet and fasting as a lifestyle. If you think it’s dangerous too fast but feel like you need to heal, please don’t fast because you don’t understand how it works. Your body and spirit will intuitively tell you when your ready for fasting and there will be no fear, but passion, dedication, and a willingness to push through the detoxification process that you will experience when you stop eating food for a season. If you go on a 100% fruit based diet, you will create detoxification, and your body will heal and repair at a very high level, I would focus on that rather than jumping into fasting not preparing yourself for the practical outcome that may occur.

A true fast in my opinion is water or dry. When there’s a lot of chemistry coming in with juice, it’s not really a fast because you’re still feeding your body to process chemistry at some level, even water has to be processed through the urinary tract, however a real true fast would be dry fasting and that would be not eating or drinking at all, and this is the highest form of fasting, and the most effective tool to reverse and regenerate all damage conditions brought on by acids. Dry fasting for an extended period of time, will help to absorb metabolic waste, push them to the eliminative organs, so that when you break the fast, the fruits will pull it out what steered up. You will know when your ready for fasting, and it will be something to look forward to not to jump into with fear, and you feel obligated to do it because “you want to get this done” and not have to wait.

I also believe that if somebody is gifted with a powerful mind, has great discipline and determination can get away with fasting coming of a high protein diet or standard american diet, with the understanding of knowing when to hold and when to fold when it comes to breaking the fast, some people have the common sense and the intuitive understanding naturally on how to do this, however most people have really damaged they’re cognizant function, clogged up the pineal gland, damage the adrenal glands which helps control the emotional body, and have too much fear and anxiety to do this correctly. A lot of the times the mind puts fear and then the body shuts down when detoxification takes place at a high level like this. If you can control your mind, you can go great limits with anything you do in life. It’s fear and anxiety that suppress you from achieving high limits of pushing your body far when it comes to fasting and detoxification. I still would highly recommend for anybody, regardless of their will power and mind strength to transition a little bit before fasting, get their feet wet with the fruits and herbs, because there’s plenty of time to fast, and like I said fasting is much more than just dealing with a physical element, it’s designed to help to align your spirit with consciousness when to leave your body on this limited realm a Babylon when it comes to brainwashing and domestication of thinking.

There is no greater tool then too fast and meditate to overcome anxiety and depression. Fasting has been done in every culture whether that’s through spiritual evolvement, or religious obligation. The body should never be a slave to food, the reason why we’re having chronic and degenerative health conditions is because humans are slaves and severely obsessed and addicted to eating. It’s sad humans are dying on their own sewage waste and have no idea on what food to put in their body.

You must simply understand that no animal cooks their food so we’re not designed to eat our food cooked, if we can get away from that, we could remove the obstructions the block the flow of energy when it comes to achieving success on a spiritual, physical, mental and emotional level. In the Western World we have forgotten the beneficial experiences of fasting. The idea of not drinking or eating, would scare the average american, create an imbalanced emotional response of thinking that it’s deadly and you must stuff your mouth around the clock every single day!? Everything is ass backwards in today’s world. Human beings truly think that the one that has the imbalance is the one that fast rather than he who eats every hour of the day every single day!?

Well there must be a separation when you really want to evolve and enter high levels of consciousness. In order to achieve high levels of consciousness you have to leave your body from this limited realm we live on called creation. You could enter these out-of-body realms through fasting, and I think it’s important for humans to get aligned with the spiritual realms if they truly want to achieve awareness to why they’re even on this planet they live on.

You will have a spiritual hunger too fast and this is when you must fast!!! Please don’t try to fast if you’re not intuitively aligned with what it’s all about, you will have a horrible experience, and then you will end up touting off unconscious comments about how it’s unhealthy and dangerous. What is dangerous is stuffing your face with acid and mucus forming food all day everyday, and not giving your body a rest that it absolutely desperately wants so It can remove metabolic waste, remove the obstructions that block the flow of energy, so you could actually get in touch with the true human experience, and that’s the fact that you’re not a physical body but an eternal spirit.

If you’re still living in the past, and focusing on the future, fasting is not for you, fasting is to live in the present and embrace the now, and when you do this you could enter the outer worlds of bliss and Nirvana!!

When you intermittent fast every single day, you will experience feeling weighed down by too much eating, you will lose the desire to stuff your face around the clock, the whole nutritional concept, and calorie concept will just intuitively and naturally leave your existence of thinking. You will learn to go by how you feel, not by what how you have been taught. You must understand that when you enter consciousness you will soon realize that everything you have been taught is all a fabrication and mostly false. Fasting will teach you, that the body has a need not a constant want. However when you do fast and clean out your body at the highest level possible you will experience die off symptoms and deal with intense cravings, but if you pull through it and understand that fasting is also a spiritual experience and you meditate and you embrace the now during the process, you will strengthen your mind gain the discipline, and will create a healthy relationship with eating, and also have a deep respect for fasting as a lifestyle tool just as much as eating as a lifestyle tool.

Only fast when your body wants to intuitively, trust me it will be a waste of time, and you will regret even doing it not fully embracing the reality of detoxification that takes place when the body tries to get rid of the sewage waste that has been piling up in your body and damaging over 100 trillion cells since utero. Until you really get clean, you will feel uncomfortable during fasting, it’s only because the body is trying to heal itself, and get rid of everything it doesn’t want. The cleaner you get the more out of body experiences spiritually you will achieve through fasting. In order to benefit from a nutritive living foods diet you must remove the obstructions, in order to truly benefit from fasting, you also must remove the obstructions on an even grander and deeper level. The foods can only take you so far when it comes to regeneration of the mind body and spirit.

There will become a time where you must step up your game with fasting, and that’s when you will realize the eating part is a lifestyle, and that dead cooked food is no longer a priority. And hopefully eventually you will return back to the diet your biologically designed to eat which is a fruit based diet, and eating foods that are more compatible with your physiology and anatomy, if you can get to just fruits, herbs and fasting, you have reached the highest level, because eating is only a physical temporary comfort blanket, not something that can create what fasting can create when it comes to experiencing the vibrations and electromagnetic energy that you can channel while your embracing these high levels of healing.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 7 years ago
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