Fear, anxiety, and endless questioning regarding a fruit diet

Fear, anxiety, and endless questioning regarding a fruit diet

It’s quite apparent that we live in a world of endless questioning, fear, and propaganda regarding food and what’s healthy and what’s not. If we were turn back to common sense and what truly is natural for the human species, then we will come to the proper conclusion that fear regarding fruit is unnecessary. Fruits contain the most electric and magnetic energy for the human body. The human body is an electric magnetic energy. If you feed your body dead chemistry, you lower that electromagnetic energy. It’s quite apparent that nature created thousands of fruit trees all around the world, to be consumed because they contain a seed which is a gift to reproduce that plant to produce more food. There is no other food the truly produces a seed to reproduce like the fruits. Mother Nature did not make a mistake creating a food source for humans which are created for humans because of the way they digest in the human body and the fuel and energy that it provides for the cells for nourishment and vitality. Fruits are the easiest accessible food, you don’t need require tools all you must do is pick peel and eat and enjoy the fast digestion that they create.

The reason why people struggle with fruit is because they have been eating acid and mucus forming foods their whole life, and have not been able to filter the metabolic waste from their body effectively, because cooked food does not promote detoxification, and cooked food leaves behind toxic residues the block the flow of energy that contribute to acidosis which is an epidemic that humans are facing in today’s world. Fruits expose weakness in the body because they pull and astrange and try to remove them. If you allow the detoxification process to take place, and you get through the initial cleansing phase which a fruit diet will promote the most effective cleaning up a toxic body, you will be able to truly benefit from the fruits and understand that they are the perfect food source for your body. For those that have gone through the detoxification process and it cleaned out their bodies, that are living on fruits, can attest that there is no other food source that their body can tolerate because of the easy digestion on top of the endless energy you get from the fruits, will very quickly tell you that fruits are your food source no matter what the internet or the media continues to spread the lies regarding them not being beneficial for you because they contain too much sugar. The fact is fruits do not contain high sugar like the starches do, but yet the starches aren’t getting demonized like the fruits are, sugar is the human body’s primary fuel source to regenerate, fuel and replenish every cell in your body, your body is designed for carbon because it’s a carbon-based body. If you starve your body of fructose and glucose, then you run into acidosis.

Understanding that human beings are frugivores and that are anatomy is 97% identical to primates in nature, should end the debate about fruits being bad for you, and in my opinion human beings are even more refined than they are, and designed for all fruit diets. Another reason to end the debate the fruits are powerful with true healing and regeneration is the fact that there are quadriplegics that have had no mobility are able to get out of wheelchairs and move their body around on all fruit diets, there has been many four-stage cancer survivors that have reversed there issue on a fruit diet, you must understand that it’s the fruits that encourage the kidneys to filter the metabolic wastes, and that’s exactly what you need in order to heal and reverse a systemically damaged body.

If you need constant evidence, rather than just looking at this with common sense that no animal in nature cooks their food, and the human beings are the most sickest animal we have on this planet, that alone should tell you that it’s the raw foods that you need to be healthy.

You can either trust the cleansing process, or continue to blame the foods that promote health and contribute to regenerative healing. If you want to track your progress, take a look at your eyes and watch the colors change. this is a window and a mirror of your body regenerating. If somebody can go from brown, to green, to blue with their eye color this proves that those colors that impaired the true eye color is evidence of the body being extremely toxic and the fruits aiding and detoxification because the eyes are the window of the condition of the body, if study Robert Morse ND iridology you will understand the lymphatic system, and this will bring more clarity to detoxification, and understanding that you must go through this process on a fruit based diet before you can truly benefit from the fruits, but your eyes will tell you that it’s the fruits that are healing you, and that’s why your eye color is changing because it’s going back to its original genetic form because it’s been altered buy acid in mucus forming foods.

Instead of the fear in the endless questioning just jump in, and experience it for yourself, instead of trying to be constantly convinced by so-called health experts and intellectuals. If vegetables are our primary food source, then why have we invented juice extractors and steamers? The reason for this is because there extremely hard to digest raw proving that we don’t have a herbivore digestive system, and we have to alter their structure in order to properly consume them. Fruits however don’t need to be altered in order to ingest them properly, we didn’t invent steamers and juice extractors to eat the fruits, proving that it’s nature’s perfect food and how easily it digest in the human body.

If your health has gotten to where it has gotten, on the foods you been eating your whole life, and your plateauing on the raw vegetables, then you must adopt a fruit based diet, instead of the fear and questioning it. What other option is there for you nothing else has worked supplements, cooked food, green juice cleanses, and multiple diets have all failed you, but when you get on a fruit-based diet and you get rid of the sewage from your bowel movements, you get your kidneys filtering, and stuff starts creating activity, understand that it’s your body removing the acidosis and the sewage waste, so that you could fix digestion, absorption, utilization, and properly eliminate your waste, so that you could benefit from nature’s perfect food which is the fruit.

Instead of the endless questions, to help convince you that your making the right decision, listen to your intuition, and understand that you must experiment yourself. There’s plenty of testimonies of people reversing their chronic health conditions on a fruit based diet, so just start doing it instead of endless questioning, because fear and anxiety will only suppress your ability to attain optimal health, and without kidney filtration, there is no such thing as regenerative healing.

You can mask your symptoms with other foods, and you could convince yourself that you need protein, and a so-called “balanced diet” but all you have to do is look at all the animals in nature and come to the conclusion that they all eat raw food and the only species that doesn’t are humans and it’s quite apparent that we are the sickest species on the planet. So if humans are also designed to eat raw living foods, you must understand what raw living food are designed for your species and it’s not vegetables, so really it’s only the fruits that are left for us. Your body will tell you that fruits are your food by the way they digest, and you will not find the energy and the digestive power from vegetables unless you juice them. You will not fill your satiation and hunger on low-calorie vegetables either, and that’s why you will need the fruit in order to feel satisfied and full. You don’t have a herbivore digestive system and that’s why you can’t sit and eat a large amount of vegetable matter in a long period of time like the herbivore species do, they sit and they chew to break down these heavy fibers for hours on end, you could eat enough fruit to satisfy you and fill you up in 20 minutes, and that food will also digest in 20 minutes vs hours with other raw food options, especially the juicy fruits. So if we are designed to eat raw living foods, it’s definitely not nuts, seeds, vegetables or any other food, because it’s quite obvious and apparent that they do not digest like the fruits, or provide the fuel and energy like fruits do. nature has created fruits perfect for the human species, to where you could pick, peel and eat without any tool or device to consume it.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


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First published: 7 years ago
Views: 831
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