Feeling better on protocols that only mask symptoms

Feeling better on protocols that only mask symptoms

Regenerative detoxification is always going to be the best option for getting to the underlying causes of the problem. Simplicity of cause and effect is understanding there’s only two sides of chemistry and that being acid and alkaline. If your consuming chemistry that is acidic, it’s going to break down tissue and cause acidosis in the body. Since the lymphatic system is a cholesterol based system, lipids will help to fight off inflammation. But you don’t want to just simply fight inflammation but you want to get rid of inflammation. Protocols that promote detoxification will help the body to get rid of inflammation but in the process it’s going to hurt getting the acids out. You can either consume chemistry that is anti-inflammatory high (fats) to mask a symptoms that’s causing pain in the body or you can remove the acids altogether and eliminate the problem permanently.

When you go on a living foods protocol for healing very high in fruits, especially the astringent acid and sub acid fruits, there going to pull and rip acids from the body, in the process your going to feel the burn when it takes place. I would rather feel the burn and remove the problem then to cover it up and mask the symptom on a protocol that promotes anti-inflammatory fats in the diet, and only have to deal with symptoms returning in the future when the kidneys shut down from consuming too much proteins, because usually high lipid diets are also very high in proteins. No matter what anybody says proteins are not beneficial to the kidneys, and sooner or later the kidneys will not be able to handle the damage that’s being caused by them.

Regenerative detoxification may be the longer route with experiencing your wellness because of the level of toxicity and acidosis in human bodies today is on a level that cannot be measured it could take some time, but it’s better to dig up the root then to just trim the edges. Detoxification really is the only way to remove obstructions in the body you can’t do this with proteins and fats. If you feel better on lets say a high fat and high vegetable based diet it’s only because your creating an anti-inflammatory effect, and the neurotransmitters from the animal products are giving you a false sense of energy, but it’s really just steroids that are giving you your fuel. Eventually when you deplete your adrenal glands on these high protein diets and they stop producing neurotransmitters, steroids and hormones naturally, the body will fail to produce cortisol, the kidneys will shut down, and you will run into chronic pain all over again. If the sewage in your body is not being eliminated through your kidneys sooner or later you will experience the consequences.

You can go long term on these anti-inflammatory diets and the meats that are high in steroids and hormones, but eventually the body will shut down because if you’re not aligned with your species specific diet like every species has one, eventually the body will put up red flags. There is nothing about the human anatomy that is designed for animal food or even vegetables for that matter. If you compare your intestines to that of a carnivore or a herbivore, there will not be much of a comparison at all, but if you compare your intestines to a frugivore primate species you will see that 97% is identical. No matter what anybody says the truth of the matter is we are frugivores species designed for carbon and that’s the only way to refuel the nervous system and to replenish and repair trillions of cells in the body.

The very diet that humans are designed for will promote the highest level of detoxification. The reason why people struggle on fruit diets is because their body is full of acidosis, and the fruits are very aggressive at pulling and trying to remove them from the body. When acids, toxicity is being removed from the body it will trip up symptoms and expose weakness, and this could take some time to overcome, but when you get your kidneys to filter every single day and you get the acids out feeling better on protocols that only mask symptoms, eventually you will experience overcoming symptoms and not just masking them for them to return down the road.

I dealt with a high level of chronic pain for many years, and the only effective tool that has ever worked for me, is a fruit and herb based diet because it’s the only diet that promotes aggressive detoxification and allows the toxic waste to empty through the kidneys. The more acids I felt coming out, the less pain I soon experienced. I’ve done many different protocols, and I’ve been on many different diets, and they have all failed me even if I have experience results temporarily on them.

I felt terrible on a fruit based diet for at least 6 months straight, but thank god I got my kidneys to filter, because eventually I started to experience amazing results. Detoxification is no walk in the park, and can be challenging for a lot of people depending on how toxic their body is. If you could detox and remove toxic Terrain from the body on meat and vegetables, then all to you, but most people cannot get rid of metabolic waste buildup in the body without the high-powered astringent fruits pulling in them out. A high vegetable based diet just is not going to promote detoxification and high fat foods that you use will just act as an anti-inflammatories but eventually when the body continually builds up more acids from being on the wrong side of chemistry, eventually these anti-inflammatories lose power in their effect until you remove the underlying cause that created the acid condition your dealing with.

It’s unfortunate to see lots of people turning away from a fruit and herb based diet for detoxification because their unaware of the healing crisis that they face when it comes to removing obstructions from their body that are causing their health condition to plummet in the first place, forget about cause and effect, and you must deal with the effect when you remove the cause. If you push through the healing crisis, and you get your kidneys opened up filtering good, you will find your remedy, because most that do filter acids from their body experience results. It could take months of getting acids out in order to experience results as well, but eventually when you move miles of lymphatic fluid out of the body, and you remove the parasitic buildup that was caused from diets that are not designed for the human species, your body will start to heal and repair the damage that was caused. I highly suggest you get to the root cause of the problem and go the long route when it comes to regenerative detoxification, so that you don’t end up masking symptoms for them to return, and then find yourself scratching your head and confused on why the diet failed you.

Diets and protocols are not the answer for your problem, it’s understanding what your species specific diet is, and just because this diet promotes the highest level of detox doesn’t mean that it’s failing you it’s your body failing you because of the damage that was caused prior and the fruits and the detoxification reactions are just exposing how toxic you are. Yes in the beginning of my journey I had some doubts because I felt terrible and I didn’t understand why there was so many raw living foodist on fruit diets that were running 100K marathons and feeling great but I was feeling like death? But then I put it together that there are those that have chronic and degenerative health conditions that are also feeling like death on the fruits but those that have pushed through the detox process found the remedy and got their life back again and that was enough for me to continue in the process, and I’m glad I did because I’m the type of person that would rather go the long route and deal with some aches and pains from detox reactions then to mask a symptom and have to deal with it down the road.

I could probably say that I have found my remedy, and I’ve healed the majority of my health conditions choosing the aggressive fruit based detoxification protocol, and I’m glad that I’ve never cheated and have gone on and off the protocol several times, I believe it was consistency and determination to get the acids out that gave me my results. It’s extremely difficult to believe that people that go on 100% raw food diets high fruit, let alone 100% fruit, along with herbs for many years and get zero results!? I have never heard of somebody filtering well through their kidneys and consistently staying on a living foods diet high in fruits not experience results, and most of the time these are people that experience results that have never experienced results from 20 years of misguided information and only masking their symptoms. I also believe these people are being honest about consistency.

When we yo-yo on and off the raw living foods that promote detoxification, you could actually worsen your health conditions by shocking your kidneys and shocking your glands that help the body produce hormones and steroids and utilization. When the body gets extremely clean it also becomes extremely sensitive, so you need to be careful not to go on these rigid detoxification protocols and then return back to acid and mucus forming foods, because by doing this it may take longer the next go-around to detoxify your body.

The goal is to keep the kidneys functioning well so that you could remove metabolic waste on the daily. The reason why I’m extremely convinced on a fruit/herb based diet not because it’s a protocol, but simply because it’s a diet that is designed for humans because every species has their own specific diet designed for them, and to me this simple concept resonates, and that’s why I don’t approach this lifestyle as a protocol but rather just a regular diet for the human species.

You can mess around with diets all day long, and you could start eating foods that aren’t designed for you, and you can even cover and mask symptoms for long-term, but eventually the body will recognize the obstruction, and in my opinion it’s very difficult to reverse a chronic degenerative health condition and also create longevity until you clean out the body and allow it to function the way it’s designed to function on the foods its designed to function on.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


The Mangotarian @ YouTube:


First published: 7 years ago
Views: 749
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