From a sad diet to 100% raw, back to a sad diet

From a sad diet to 100% raw, back to a sad diet

It’s very common for somebody that has created an addictive personality to go from one extreme to another, this sometimes can be vital and important in certain circumstances. Somebody that has built up a chronic and degenerative health condition, that’s in a lot of pain and fatigue, may not have the luxury and the convenience to transition properly. But for those that are not in severe pain, and fatigue but just generally don’t feel great, and learn about the power of fruits and vegetables, and are also on a standard american diet of eating predominately acid in mucus forming food, I would highly suggest not going from one extreme to another. I hate to call a raw food diet extreme, because this is just terminology that we have come up with as a society not understanding what a balanced nutritious meal really is. However to make sense of what I’m trying to say, it is an extreme in today’s world to go from eating cooked food your entire life to 100% Raw. In all reality cooking our food is never going to be more superior than being on a raw food diet, but at the same time training yourself to eat a certain way your whole life, it’s not suggested to go from an extremely poor quality diet, right into an optimal, and extremely powerful nutrient dense living foods diet.

You must understand the kind of environment that you’ve created by eating the standard american way. The standard american diet, is very bad when it comes to what americans choose to eat, day in and day out. We are living in a fast-food era. Everything in society today is designed to be done quickly, and to get instant satisfaction. We have learned to box our food, created for the shelf, and put addictive chemicals in the food to enhance its flavor, which will only create more addiction, and physical withdrawal, making it very difficult to give up these bad habits. When your body starts to fail you, and you start feeling sicker, weaker, and more bogged down, you know that it’s best to change your eating habits. It’s also very wise to understand that the food that you have been eating can affect your body with physical withdrawal and some capacity just like a drug would. You have to wing off the cooked foods, and especially the processed, chemical-laden, addictive additive produced foods that you consume from the fast-food chains, and the stuff that we buy from the grocery store to put in the microwave for a quick pick-me-up. In my opinion it could be very dangerous, going from a standard american diet right into a raw food diet, because you want to start feeling better. We have become anxious creatures, that just want results so fast, but these results must be achieved through intelligence, and common sense, understanding that you cannot shock the body, and expect to go long-term on a very nutritive dense living diet, that you’re not used to eating, let alone even know how to eat this way properly to sustain yourself, to overcome these very difficult cravings. You want to slowly work your way up to the top of the pyramid when it comes to health and nutrition.

For those that are extremely dogmatic, that may have a little bit more discipline than the average person, may encourage somebody to just jump right into raw foods, and that eating cooked food, and junk food is horrible for your health, and these statments are true, but we must guide people in a way that can help them to transition to this lifestyle to make it sustainable long-term. Even 20-year raw food educators, are going back to cooked food, not to say that this is a horrible thing, and it’s the unforgivable sin, and that “raw is law”!, and that these people are such a horrible hypocrites kind of talk, is just full of judgment and pride, and only setting the person that talks that way up for a fall. I know for myself that I even have to keep myself in check, because I have experienced many benefits from raw foods, when it comes to detoxification and eliminating a lot of pain and suffering that I’ve dealt with.

I’m starting to learn that I must be careful with my approach, but also stick to the facts and be true to my convictions, and continue to promote the raw living foods especially the fruits, being the most optimal for humans, and understanding that we are frugivores species, and we will do our best to sustain our health, and to create an optimal vibration and aliveness on this type of diet, but for those that are not desperate to heal themselves, and that just want to transition to a healthy diet, must take it slow, and I must encourage these people to take it slow, understanding the big picture, that not many people last very long on a raw food diet coming off a standard american diet, because you can’t go from one extreme to another and expect yourself to last long doing this.

If your coming off of standard american diet, I always like to suggest just going vegan for the first 60 days. After 60 days start incorporating more raw fruits and vegetables, and do that for at least 60 days, then the next 60 days I would advise to achieve 80% raw, and have some steamed veggies and low mucus forming starches for dinner. Then I would advise the person to adopt a loaded variety raw food diet, with fruits, vegetables, with plenty of fats like avocados and nuts and seeds for another 60 days, and then I think that would give you enough time to go on an 80% fruit based raw food diet with salads for dinner which I believe is a balancing raw food diet to stick to for a long period of time.

I don’t advise everyone to even go to 100% fruit until they really feel like they’re called too, and can handle just eating fruit, and not desiring those savory cravings that we are so used to, from eating a certain way for the majority of our lives. You may want to adapt an all fruit diet, because your convinced that it will create optimal health, spiritual awakening, and a consciousness and awareness that you never thought was possible to achieve. There is no doubt in my experience eating only fruit has increased my mental clarity, my spiritual awareness, and has created an electrical currency, that I didn’t understand could even exist on any kind of diet. Truth be told an all fruit diet is way high out there when it comes to experiencing this compared to just eating fruits and vegetables. I had no choice in the matter, because I was in pain and suffering, and just eating fruit and taking herbs, made me feel the best when it came to pain, and severe vertigo and fatigue. But again if you have the convenience to transition it’s highly recommended because it’s definitely very unsafe to go from a standard american diet, to 100% raw overnight, because you will end up possibly falling back to a standard american diet again, and this can really damage your health and damage it quickly!

You must understand detoxification when you go from eating a standard american diet to a raw living foods. your body will rapidly try to get rid of metabolic waste and toxicity that has been stagnant, and has been congesting your lymphatic system, since the beginning of conception. You also must understand how toxic standard american foods are. When you go from eating cooked food to 100% raw, your body will want to heal, and it will have enough hydration and energy to start the healing process. This is the way that nature works, when you start hydrating your body with alkaline forming foods that are raw and living, then the body can eliminate the metabolic waste that is suppressing its function, and the body will want to heal every damage that has been caused, not just focus on one chronic element of the body, but repairing it from top to bottom, and that means possibly shedding hair, skin, nails, and even broken bones that didn’t heal properly. You must understand the reality that may take place when transitioning that quickly. It’s almost like your body has been begging to heal and repair any damage, and so it just wants to start going to town with healing immediately, and it may be too much for your body To handle, let alone even having the proper function of the organs to eliminate these waists.

Also what is common is when the body has been infested with parasitic activity, worms, candida, and other pathogens that live in your body, that have been eating these addictive foods that you have been eating your whole life, will also crave these foods, and your cravings for even the most basic cooked foods will become extremely intense at times. So if you don’t transition properly, and you don’t deworm yourself, with tools like green juice, parasitic herbs, and using enemas to flush them out, you could end up running back to these addictive cooked foods, feeding these bugs, and then find yourself frustrated and defeated, because you were not able to accomplish a goal that you felt convicted to accomplish. This is why I believe it’s important to wing off the starches. If you we’re eating a lot of flour products, bread, french fries, and a lot of that addictive starchy food, then in my opinion it’s important to go slow, by replacing those processed starches to living on steamed potatoes and sweet potatoes, and quinoa, and buckwheat if you have those grain cravings for a while, and try to create a new palette, of eating more fresh whole foods, so that you don’t run back to the processed starches from going from one extreme to another, and just eliminating all of them at once.

I have learned the hard way, from going from a standard american diet to a very high raw food diet, back to a standard american diet, and it only took a year for me to feel like I was dying from doing that. I found myself experiencing extreme fatigue, creating extreme fungal activity, and systemic chronic pain throughout my whole body, and mainly coming from my kidneys.

You will feel a little bit better actually when you start eating junk food, which is not expected, and this is because your eating food that is like a drug, and has actual chemicals that stimulate the brain like a drug, and may give you those artificial stimulating effect like a Red Bull would, but then of course comes the crash. It was the biggest regret I ever made because I had an addictive personality, and just wanted the quick fix now, and to jump right into the most optimal way of eating, coming off of a diet of extreme acidosis promoting foods thinking that I could possibly sustain myself long-term doing this.

Your mind will start to play tricks on you, you will find ways to convince yourself it’s okay to go back to that way of eating by getting information from the internet and listening to people that just don’t understand that it’s only temporary that you may experience the nirvana from the pleasure trap of eating highly processed addictive food, but soon your body will have a natural response rejecting this way of eating, when your lymphatic system gets clogged up with acids and mucus that these foods promote, if you don’t detoxify these acids and mucus out they will clog up the lymphatic system, and cause extreme damage to the endocrine glands. When you shut down these vital organs and glands, and you suppress the nervous system, it’s as simple as cause and effect. you will have to deal with the consequences.

You must find a balance, and spend at least a couple years transitioning if you have the convenience to do so, and are not dealing with the chronic health element then of course I would say hit it hard and go all fruit with herbs, because that’s the best way to detoxify your body and to get rid of the systemic acidosis that could be detrimental to your health and life if you don’t move quickly. It’s never a bad thing to incorporate foods back into your diet that you’ve abstain from, and because you’re not finding yourself fully satisfied on just fruit and vegetables. This is why you may need to have a cup of gourmet raw food meals, every once in a while to find that balance so that you don’t end up going from one extreme to another, because when you mess with your emotions, usually the habits are much more extreme When it comes to the food you choose to compromise with. You must understand what your capable of doing, and listen to your intuition.

Yes it is the most optimal way of eating to be on a fruit based 100% raw food diet, this is what human beings are designed for. However, it’s much better to transition to that level in a slower period of time if you can, then to jump right into it, and then find yourself falling back and just not even trying to pursue it, blaming the diet, not understanding detoxification when it comes to cause and effect of eliminating toxicity from the body, not understanding that you have to fix digestion, absorption, utilization, and elimination of waste, before you could even find yourself satisfied at that level. We’re so used to stuffing ourselves with salty, fatty, processed foods, it takes time to get fully satisfied from water rich and fiber rich foods.

Fruits are the best for humans hands down, but you have to earn this level of eating, and if you have a chronic element, and you’re in a lot of pain and suffering, then it might be much easier for you to sustain this lifestyle long-term, because you will experience so many benefits to where you can get your life back, to where you will appreciate it for what it’s worth, and not give into those cravings because you don’t want to end up dealing with that pain and suffering that you dealt with for so long. But even for those that are in that kind of situation still will battle with cravings, when it comes to cook food, but you just have to always remind yourself that the pain and suffering is never worth and instant craving, that only last a short period of time.

I believe it’s vital to transition if you have the ability, and to understand that we live in a world, where these highly processed and cooked foods are all around us, they smell and taste good, and to just rapidly give them up, and go on a raw food diet, you may find yourself relapsing and going back to junk foods that you wouldn’t even eat before you went raw. Go vegan, eat more fruits and vegetables, and transition at a reasonable pace, and you will find yourself feeling satisfied, long-term without having to have a cheat meal, or constantly thinking about cooked foods when you reach the levels of 100% raw. It can be done I believe if we transition properly, and get over our dogmatic and extreme approach, of wanting a quick fix now because it doesn’t exist, we have to earn it because we have gotten so far away from nature, and we must learn to get in touch with it again. So with that said I encourage you my friends to get back to nature, get back to the diet your biologically designed to eat, tap into your intuitive consciousness, let your instincts guide you, and earn your health, for long-term sustainability, rather than yo-yoing from one extreme to another.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 7 years ago
Views: 520
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