Fruit digestion vs veggie digestion on a raw food diet

Fruit digestion vs veggie digestion on a raw food diet

If you have experienced a 100% fruit based diet, and you have cleaned out the terrain in the body that would give you a problem with fruits in the beginning phase, you will experience effortless digestion. If you have issues digesting fruits it’s not the fruits itself but it’s the fruit stirring up the undigested plaques, fungus, yeast, biofilm, sulfur, and metabolic waste materials in the body because fruits are astringent and pulling. But when the excess trash comes out, you will soon come to discover that fruits are truly designed for humans because of the smooth digestion, and all the other amazing benefits you get when you limit yourself to eating fruits. I have eaten only fruit for a year straight, and just lately have been experiencing adding in some vegetables mainly veggie fruits or lettuce with a little bit of avocado. I’ve given it enough time to clarify that the energy that goes into digestion when it comes to consuming these foods is much heaver vs just eating fruit. I never see undigested fruits in my bowel movements but when I eat lettuce i see some undigested in my bm`s

If you see undigested foods in your bm’s then that’s your pancreas telling you that your putting a lot of stress and effort on your pancreas to digest that food that your trying to eat, and it’s not agreeing with your body. If you want to create optimal health you want to create optimal digestion as well. If your having digestive issues with a specific food that will impair absorption, utilization and proper elimination as well.

I truly believe that human beings are frugivores species and thrive on all fruit diets. I don’t believe that raw veggies are detrimental to your health, or leave behind acid and mucus residues, but if you want to create the most optimal digestion, then I highly suggest an all-fruit diet if your already 100% raw. I’m for now on going to only limit myself to eating salads when fruit is not an option but for daily routine I have experienced my body working hard to digest that evening veggie meal and I definitely feel it in the morning. I truly don’t believe there is an essential need for vegetables because of its mineral content or what have you, I think the fruits and the herbs are enough to give the human body everything it needs nutritionally. Even though herbs are pretty much vegetables, chewing on some herbs to suck out the medicinal benefits from them and spitting out the matter is really all you need, or just taking an herbal tincture, or having an herbal tea.

I think having some tender leafy green vegetables, is a good balancing meal for a lot of people, because vegetables contain much less energy than the fruits, and can bring somebody down off the fruit high that there experiencing all day long with endless energy and mental clarity. However for me, I digest the fruits much more effectively than the vegetables, and I enjoy the smooth digestion, and don’t like coming down with a hangover the next day from eating avocados, veggie fruits and leafy green vegetables.

It has been said that if God created it, its designed for you as long as it’s a raw living plant, I’m not sure if this is true, because when you experience the fruit diet long enough your body will reject the vegetables because of the heavy cellulose fibers that are extremely hard to digest considering the human anatomy, physiology and how different our digestive system is designed versus a true herbivore animal in nature. Most herbivore animals have specific grinding teeth for the cellulose, and they also have multiple stomachs to help them digest the matter, the human digestive tract is much simpler and much smaller than that of a herbivore. If raw vegetables are hard to digest, we need to stop saying that there important for us to eat because they don’t digest well, and take much longer to digest than that of a fruit which could take 20 minutes to digest in the human digestive tract which would tell you right off the bat with common sense the fruits are more compatible with your design than that of a vegetable. If your worried about the mineral content, and lack of amino acids found in fruits because of the soil or because of the way with it the world produces fruits today if they’re not grown in the tropical environment, then it’s much better to just have a veggie juice cocktail, rather than going through all the digestive distress trying to break down the heavy veggie matter, but then again if you have to modify the food in order to benefit from it it’s, not the most optimal for you but neither is the food that is grown in the world today. You also must understand that the same soil that the fruit grows on is the same soil that the vegetables grow on, so any lack of nutrition power in the fruit is going to be in the vegetables as well, and this is why it’s best to grow your own fruits, or move to a tropical environment where the soil is rich and contains higher minerals and nutrition power.

Berries are loaded with nutrition, and in my opinion are way higher on the scale then your leafy green vegetables. Even nutrient-dense fruits grown on quality soil do not contain high minerals and if fruits are truly the food that is designed for humans which I believe they are, we shouldn’t worry about mineral content, but instead focus on the chemistry and the ratio of nutrition and minerals designed in their perfect ratio in the foods that are designed for our specific species, that would make more sense, and trying to supplement with minerals or eating lots of vegetables that are extremely hard to digest, and not really designed for our bodies in the first place to compensate?

Dates however are very high in minerals so it’s much better to get your minerals from dates that are much easier to digest in the human body, then to be slamming down hard to digest veggie matter. Some people are blessed and able to digest better than others and eat the rough hard cellulose vegetables and not have much of an issue, but for the majority of us it leaves us feeling bloated, gassy, and creates digestive issues. There’s always that exception person, but for the majority it has been proven time and time again, that eating raw vegetables are extremely difficult to digest and that’s why humans have created juice extractors and steamers to break them down and digest them better.

You don’t have to juice fruits, or blend fruits to digest them effectively all you have to do is chew them well and they already predigest in the mouth before they even enter the digestive tract. I’m definitely not against having a tender leafy green salad for dinner every night, and from time to time I may incorporate this as well, or if I don’t have access to fruits and I’m at a restaurant it’s definitely an option that I would incorporate when it comes to my fruit based raw food diet, but when I have the option to just eat fruits, for me personally experiencing the raw foods and detoxification, they feel much better in my stomach and my digestion is much smoother when I’m just eating fruit and not incorporating vegetables. A 90% fruit based diet and the rest coming from raw vegetables, I believe is an optimal diet for humans but to say that vegetables out outweigh the benefits of fruits, is not looking at this with a broad lens or using much common sense when it comes to our physiology and design and through experimentation. It’s actually a proven fact that fruits digest much more effectively than vegetables, and they also contain more energy and electricity for the brain and nervous system, and also move the lymphatic system which is responsible for removing metabolic wastes which is important to create this process when it comes to reversing systemic acidosis.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

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First published: 7 years ago
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