Gingivitis is it really a gum “disease”?

Gingivitis is it really a gum “disease”?

You must understand the simplicity of cause and effect when it comes to inflammation. Replace inflammation or disease with the word acidosis, because any itis related condition, and label your given is not a disease, and doesn’t require “treatment” it’s cause and effect from the body being saturated with acids, and their stagnate in tissues because the chemistry you consume is constipating the lymph system, and your just pilling on acids, and your lymph system is unable to filter them out through your kidneys because your diet is void of electromagnetic energy (raw foods) and you’re not alkalizing your body enough to remove the acids that are continually damaging tissue.

If your gums are inflamed then your whole body is baked up with acidosis! Why? Because any inflammation response in your head means your backed up from head to toe, and your colon is also saturated with lymph and acidosis. The colon is connected to the head so whenever your dealing with head like conditions then your GI tract is very congested and needs to be cleaned out.

The body works as a system and constant inflammation means too much acids in the lymph system, and kidneys failing to filter them out. So why do the kidneys loose filtration? They get clogged up and damaged by acid and mucus forming foods. Mainly proteins from animal foods, processed foods and stimulants of all kinds.

You cannot drain and clean out your head until you fix your kidneys and clean out your bowels. If you want to get the acids out of your gums then you need to change the diet your on that’s acid forming, and start hydrating and alkalizing your body with foods that promote that. Fruits and vegetables will promote this, and also clean out the bowels, and clean the kidneys so they can filter. If your lucky and don’t have really damaged kidneys then a fruit based 80% raw food diet and 100% plant based can help you achieve this. If you really damaged your body then you need to 100% raw and 90% fruit with herbal botanicals and do some intermittent dry fasting to open up your kidneys so you can filter out your lymph system which is attached to your head and gums also, and you can drain the acids that are chewing on your gums causing them to be inflamed.

Remember your lymphatic system is the sewer system in your body. It’s the piping system that is designed in your body to remove cellular and metabolitic waste from your body via the skin and kidneys. Their is only 2 sides of chemistry that being acid and alkaline, and alkalinity hydrates, cleans and repairs, and acids are cationic, corrosive, damage and destroy cells and tissues in the body.

The food you eat contains chemistry and if it’s acidic your only saturating your lymph system to try and remove it. You want to keep your skin, thyroid and kidneys and adrenals and GI tract healthy because they are glands and organs that help your body eliminate waste.

Your thyroid controls your temperatures so you can sweat and eliminate properly though your skin, your adrenals control your kidneys so you can filter effectively (Neurotransmitters) mobility. And the kidneys are the main channel that are connected to your piping system (lymphatic system) the largest fluid system in the body to eliminate cellular waste. Your GI tract eliminates your daily digestive waste primarily so you don’t want to run into constipation, because this will create mucus saturation In the bowels and this is why your most likely constipated in the first place because your diet is causing the constipation due to mucus forming foods and animal foods that putrefy and are not eliminating and this is plastering your colon like dry wall texture ? (undigested fecal matter)

If your gums are swollen and inflamed by acids, and you have weak enamel and connective tissue weakness, you also want to consider that your most likely dealing with a parathyroid weakness and you’re not utilizing calcium well. If this is the case then like I mentioned your backed up from head to toe with systemic acidosis and your frying your glands as well causing dysfunction or dis-ease. The parathyroid gland is responsible for the utilization of calcium, and if it’s down and you don’t utilize calcium due to systemic acidosis then you will loose connective tissue, hence your gums, and the result will be the body stealing acids in these places to fight of acid in the body. You need as I mentioned change the chemistry you consume to a base dominate diet and get your kidneys filtering, and the whole body will clean and repair itself, and overtime these essential glands that help the body utilize minerals, and the like will repair and heal, and you won’t run into these conditions that doctors just slap a label on you like itis, or disease, and you just have to take pills, and cross your fingers it will go away bs! roller coaster ride you will have to go on, and you just ending up wasting your time.

Well they have no answers but I do, and all these acid like problems are related to the lymphatic system, and if you clean this system and maintain a base dominant high raw to 100% raw plant based diet then you can repair your whole body and never again run into these painful bodily conditions.

You created this problem and now you need to fix it, and you can if you adopt a fruit based diet that will detoxify your body, and remove the acidosis, and if you do this and maintain the diet as a lifestyle you can heal up all weakness that you have, and experience bliss and joy and vitality not just on a physical level but also emotional and spiritual level, because detoxification will change you on a none bodily level as well, because we are not a physical body, this is an illusion (a tent) we are a spiritual body that never dies!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
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