Going back to cooked food because of social reasons?

Going back to cooked food because of social reasons?

Society is never going to make things convenient for you in anyway that will be conducive to your spiritual growth and physical health. You can’t lower yourself to a model that doesn’t benefit you, when you have already have been called and found the desire to make the positive changes. It’s very obvious that societies model is based around food, and indulging in food. But just because this is a model that society created, doesn’t mean it’s something that should be a priority in your life, when it’s a killing field of lowering longevity, quality of life, and contributing to chronic anxiety and depression.

We know better not to take poison if Society started calling for it right? Well I wish that this was true but Society does suggest and encourage poison especially when somebody has poisoned themselves to where they have damaged their cells such as cancer and chemotherapy. I’m not trying to say that all cooked food is poison, but what I am trying to say is that cooked food is addictive, and the more you eat it the more apt you are to eating processed pleasure foods that do act as poison in the body.

Going back to cooked food for social purposes will only be a temporary phase, especially if you turn to the raw foods to fix your damaged body and feel like you have gotten enough healing to where you could start eating more cooked foods again. I feel from common sense that it makes no sense to return to cooked food, when you already know that it will not aid in healing and detoxification, and if you’re not careful it actually contributes to systemic acidosis, and you would think that the hell that you have been through with your health and reversing it with the raw living foods as a gift from Mother Nature, you would want to respect her laws and live this as a lifestyle regardless of the pull of society and what they teach.

If you have actually learn to enjoy the raw living foods lifestyle when it comes to the flavor of the foods, as well as the way you feel, but still feel like you are coming in between your relationships, and the convenience of preparing your foods doesn’t match your social lifestyle then in my opinion you’re falling prey to a temptation that will not lead you down the right path. Most people that turn away from raw living foods to cooked foods will end up experience low energy, feeling worse, and soon want to return back to the living foods. Its not worth experiencing this just for the sake of social purposes, because you will end up learning real fast that just because Society is on the path of extreme sickness and acidosis, doesn’t mean that you have to fall to peer pressure, or convenience when it has nothing good in store for you as a living being when it comes to your physical, emotional and spiritual life.

Sometimes we have to be the “Oddball” or the light bearer and shine on this lifestyle and show joy and happiness without complaining so that we could be more of an influence to encourage the world to make changes so that we can build the convenience rather than always falling prey to a broken system that doesn’t work, because it doesn’t work, human beings are more sick than ever before and cancer, obesity, diabetes, and many chronic degenerative illnesses are more prevalent today then ever before and it’s become a killing field because humans are highly addicted to cooked and processed foods.

If we can get over our pride and ego, and bring a salad or some fruit to a restaurant in a social gathering, or even just order a salad at a restaurant, and maybe bring some condiments if necessary, and put on a smile and a positive attitude and don’t draw attention, it’s really not that big of a deal or a lack of convenience. Health should never be a lack of convenience anyways. If we put priority on other things in our lives and bypass the so-called “convenience” talk then there really is no excuse to why we would use this for eating? It just goes to show that are pleasure-seeking desires of eating is such a huge addiction and that eating in general is such a priority the people drastically rearrange their lives in order to find the convenience of eating a certain way?

Food should be the least of our priorities but we’re so fixated on vitamins, minerals in nutrition we don’t understand how simple it actually is to meet our needs and it’s not based on RDA or Chrono meters either. Plus we don’t even understand where the real vitamins and nutrition even come from and it still raw living foods not the cooked! Basically the point I’m trying to make here is that we only say it’s an inconvenience because we’re trying to lower our self to an unconscious model that society created, rather than branching away from it, being light bearer, and afraid to be different because we may lose friends or miss out on social gatherings.

If you lose friends because you want to eat healthy, then they’re not really your friends at all anyways, and if your afraid to eat a salad or some fruit at a restaurant gathering then you have no control over your life, which means that your a slave to a specific consciousness, or person, and this will only lower the quality of your life over time, and you will have to learn from the karma, or you could just bypass that road now and understand that it’s not a big deal to live a raw living food lifestyle amongst a society that eats predominantly cooked and processed foods. If you make it a big deal and you attract negative attention to yourself, then yes I can understand that overtime it can be an annoyance and inconvenience, but when you act like you don’t care, or you simply just use it as an opportunity to share with people how you have cleaned up your health, or reverse to specific condition so that you could bring awareness, so that we don’t contribute to more extinction of the humanity, but rather in encourage an answer and a solution to end human suffering which has a lot to do with the foods we put in are mouth, the stuff we put on their skin, the things we drink, and the air we breathe.

I think a lot of the times subconsciously it’s not about the convenience but rather the addiction! If you haven’t properly detoxified the body, with the fruits, herbs and fasting then a lot of your cravings could come from the fact that you’re loaded with parasites and fungus and these microbes crave these very foods that you crave and most of the time it’s starch and cheese. It’s the bread and cheese that’s probably the most highly addictive food humans eat today, and also the most clogging and tumor forming foods that humans eat.

You need to get rid of the worms, parasites and fungus in order to really get past a lot of these cravings, and I think most of the time they are cravings not a matter of convenience. Because think about it, when your really enjoying the raw living foods, convenience is never going to be a priority, because we all know if you are enjoying the food you put in your mouth no “model” or standard of eating is going to stop you from eating it, especially if it’s healthy for you! be honest with yourself, and understand that cooked food is very addictive, and it is difficult to overcome because humans have been eating cooked food their entire life, so a couple years on a raw food diet is not going to drastically remove these cravings for good. Yes I completely understand that because Society is obsessed with cook foods that these temptations are always going to be around, but it’s not a matter of convenience, it’s more a matter of the pleasure trap and feeding it.

Whether you go back to eating cooked food or not, that’s your choice and your body, but I personally don’t think that convenience is a viable excuse and subconsciously it’s more based on addiction rather than trying to build a convenience. It’s not inconvenient to eat fruit, it’s probably the easiest and most convenient way to eat. We have access to fruit all around the World in an abundance and grabbing a stock of bananas and bringing it to work or on-the-go is actually very easy and convenient.

Blending smoothies or making juices and bringing an ice chest is not an inconvenient just because it’s not packaged in paper, or comes through a fast-food window, doesn’t mean that it’s an inconvenience, and if it’s normal to carry around boxed plastic foods filled with chemicals, but it’s not normal to bring a cooler with fruit in it, then I’m sorry that’s a scary society and you should avoid like the plaque.

The goal is not to follow the sheep if their going down dangerous roads off of cliff, the goal is to have common sense, intelligence, and stand up for what is right regardless of what other people do or suggest. I mean if we think that a raw food diet is inconvenient, it’s just as more inconvenient on a whole foods vegan diet if your making your foods and heating them up because whole foods that are not processed are very difficult to find at grocery stores, restaurants or fast food places.

If you could find a plain baked potato or a bowl of rice at a restaurant, I’m sure you could also find a salad or fruit as well. Society has built an inconvenience because they have built a fast-food model of extremely toxic processed foods that nobody should be eating anyways if you want to create optimal health.

You never want to lower yourself to fast foods and junk foods at restaurants when you know that this is what’s killing people, but it’s up to you whether you want to create vitality, or go back to the killing field, but I highly suggest you weigh out the options and you understand that a raw living foods diet based around fruits and vegetables you don’t have to heat them up, its not an inconvenience and is actually probably the most convenient way of eating.

Just bring your food to the social gathering, and let your artistic spiritual personality shine, and just don’t put too much focus on food, because it shouldn’t be everything that humans design their day around anyways, we have become gluttons, and we are paying the price for it. A fruit based diet is really nature’s fast food, and the most convenient diet you can go on it doesn’t require packaging or heating, you just peel and eat, and if you don’t want to be messy you could always just make a smoothie and it’s very easy to eat a smoothie and you can make this a convenience anywhere your at in the world.

Their salad bars all over the world, you can go to grocery stores nowadays and get salads, buy fruit bowls, and there’s tons of options to eat raw living foods that would make it very convenient for you, I highly disagree with the inconvenience chatter, and think it’s more of feeding cooked food addiction than anything else. If your changing your diet because of a relationship, then I’m sorry that relationship is doing no good for you, and it’s not based out of love and understanding.

I could understand a relationship being against what your doing, but for you to change what your doing for the sake of that relationship, is very out of balance and will only cause more health problems for you down the road due to unnecessary stress and unconsciousness. Get back to nature my friends, get back to the diet your biologically designed to eat, tap into your intuitive consciousness, let your instincts guide you, and don’t make the excuse of inconvenience because of addiction, because you will end up wasting a lot of time, and will end up going back to nature’s cure which are always going to be the raw living foods that are not only designed for you but every other species in nature.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


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First published: 7 years ago
Last updated: 6 years ago
Views: 565
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