You cannot love your-cellf and then hate another human or spend your time and energy hating in general. This is negative programming and lower cellf-conditioning. You are not a physical body primarily right? because the body dies but the soul lives forever. The thing is there is no individual soul. There are only individual body’s. Everyone and everything is simply energy and cells. You see a reflection of yourcellf in all living beings. You’re looking at your-cellf. Humans have been programmed in their minds. It’s the programmed mind that creates separation and disconnect. You may not like the mind state and energy from the other person, but that’s not the person itself that’s the programming.
We all can radically change and wake up and come into the higher cellf and this reality creates traits that cannot be hated and everyone can break the matrix programming.
Have you ever heard of collective consciousness? A mass collective of sharing the same energy vibration, and morals and principles? This is a great awakening of consciousness. Not everyone had this in their programming and lower cellf. My point is everyone has been hated but the same person that was hated can be greatly loved? Because we are all one and we all reflect the same instinctual intellectual spiritual vibrating mind, it’s just a matter of coming into your higher cellf to break the programmed mind.
When you come into your higher cellf you avoid all negativity, and you don’t find negative traits In other reflections, and you don’t judge and bash anyone because you simply see all life as simply just a reflection of you, which means your instinct naturally can never bring you to hate the person or care to hate anything, because the act is not the person it’s the conditioned mind that creates these “evil” actions if you will. You won’t care to be emotionally attached to this dualistic experience of life to care but we all do because we are human robots and programmed to care. god is in everything which makes god everyone.
You can’t hate god or consciousness because you created everything that exists, good bad and indifferent. Even the myths and fables and religious text teach this. If “god” (singular) created the “devil” then “god” created evil. It’s all duality and it’s all just a drama of creating and experiencing. Forget about the good or bad and you will when you come into your god state. You have a god state and that god state doesn’t hate itself because it can’t and you are a reflection of the individual you hate. You hate the person because you hate your cellf and because you don’t know that you are god itself! We all must learn with time to break this negative cycle and to bury the lower cellf old human if you will.
There are things that are ugly and evil and I’m not saying to love the actions. These traits and actions exist for a reason to teach us something. All humans can change, and do change, and can do evil one day and love the next, and eventually come into there higher cellf god state and commit evil no more. So stop being emotionally attached, and that’s what I’m saying. If your emotionally attached to hate it’s only because you are just as guilty as the person your hating, because you are vibrating that energy and creating that energy in the god mind, because you are guilty of the same traits and actions, because if you were not, trust me you would not be consumed and emotionally invested, because when you love yourcellf like you should you will be focusing on consciousness and awareness and how you can come into your higher cellf to waste any energy on hating.
God is duality and so are you. So you can’t hate or you just hate your-cellf because you have been programmed to. We are all just energy and cells and energy cannot die, and energy is not unison, it’s everything that’s alive, which means we are all one just expressing god in individual bodies because the universe created an astrological program that creates this unique individual energy and we should not hate “different” expressions, we should help create energy that brings humans out of the matrix program that has been created due to being out of harmony with nature’s laws. It’s the matrix program that has created the dis-ease, dysfunction, and disharmony and we all can break this cycle, and we are seeing this worldwide coming into the astrological age of Aquarius.
Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biologically design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!
Read this article again while listening to this song ?
Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!
Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian
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Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:
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