HIV and aids is not a death sentence

HIV and aids is not a death sentence

HIV or aids is not a “disease” it’s a viral load. (Dormant foreign proteins). Just because the medical community doesn’t understand detoxification, or will even say it’s dangerous, doesn’t mean it’s not the answer to these health crisis people develop from being out of touch with nature.

The only way to rid the body of these virals, is to detox it out of the body. You cannot kill viruses, you have to pull them out via the urine, and skin. Their is no cure for this disease, because the way it’s understood as a disease, there is no cure! ? you must understand there is no cure for diseases! That’s the medical world of illusion. Just understand that the body heals itself in a hydrated alkaline environment! You can heal, and reverse virals, and that’s all that matters.

It’s not the end of the world, and you’re not stuck with this deadly “disease” forever, if you detox it out of your body. Pee it out through kidney filtration. What I would do if I had hiv or aids, is I would go on an all fruit diet with herbal botanicals, and I would dry fast for 24-36 hours a week, and I would also intermittent dry fast for 18 hours everyday starting in the evening, and brake it at noon for lunch everyday.

I would do a grape fast for 30 days! Yes I would only eat grapes, and take herbs for 30 days straight, and I would dry fast to get my kidneys filtering, so my body will pull out, and get rid of the viral protein that’s dormant in my body, causing dysfunction to the immune system, and lymphatic system.

I would heal myself by nature, not by useless symptom suppressant drugs given by white coats, that would tell me I’m stuck without a way to heal this “disease”.

Detoxification is the process of creating a cleaning and hydrating environment in the body, and that can only take place effectively on a raw food, fruit based diet. The body cannot properly heal and clean itself on dead food. The body needs the energetics and astringents of the fruit, to put the body in healing mode, and so the flood gates will open up from the lymphatic system (body’s septic tank) and rid the body of virals, acids, mucus, pus, worms, plaques, parasites, fungus, molds, yeast, and other pathogenic microbes.

With hiv or aids you cannot waste time with hard to digest vegetables, or dead foods. You need a diet of fruit, because they are the cleaning foods, they are the energetic foods, and vegetables and dead foods are not. This is why I personally, if I had this viral, would not waste my time with any other food, other then fruit, and I would take herbs for my kidneys, bowels, endocrine glands, and lymphatic system, because wild herbs are also astringent, and clean the body, and they also turn on structure function to cells, organs, glands, and nerves.

I would get rid of this viral, and I would not waste anytime doing it!! I would only eat fruit for at least 2 years, and the first 30 days it would be only grapes, and herbal formulas, and the remainder would be water rich astringent fruits, berries and melons. This is the herbal protocol I would put myself on:

  • Kidney and bladder (1 tincture)
  • Kidney and bladder (2 caps)
  • Lymphatic system (1 tincture)
  • Lymph node (2 caps)
  • Gi broom
  • Endocrine balance formula tincture
  • Chem/heavy metal formula tincture
  • Heal all tea

I would hit the herbs, and the fruit diet as long as I needed to, until my body pulled out the viral, and it was none detected, and I would learn from my karma, and I would surrender to nature, and live a life of service to others, and loving myself, and I would continue a lifestyle of detoxification and a diet that promotes it, and I would say goodbye to a karmetic lifestyle of sex, drugs and rock and roll, and I would fall in love with beautiful nature!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
Last updated: 5 years ago
Views: 627
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