How our heath and mitochondria is effected by artificial light, and digital technology

How our heath and mitochondria is effected by artificial light, and digital technology

Achieving health and healing is much more then what you eat. Your environment plays a huge part with why your loosing your health. Think about it. Your living in a microwave oven when it comes to environmental radiation, toxic blue lighting, WiFi, EMF, smart meter, and 5g frequency that’s saturating your pineal gland and keeping you in a tired and comatose state!

Humans these days are staring at computer screens, bathing in WiFi and radiation, hardly every get outside in the natural lighting coming of the sun, and the consequences to our health is remarkable, because we have escaped the natural flow of nature when it comes to setting are natural circadian rhythm by staring at the sun, at sun set, so that we can activate the pituitary gland (master gland) to turn on the function of the adrenal glands to produce the hormones, steroids and Neurotransmitters, we need to find that energy source to tap into, to get through the day.

We are not designed to be in buildings being zapped by the blue lighting, this throws off our mitochondria, and when you throw off your mitochondria, you will suffer from serious health side effects and run into chronic fatigue. One of the biggest reasons we suffer as a species is because we have zapped our mitochondria, because we have escaped the natural flow of our environment which is outside in the sun, and being grounded to the earth and getting in the water.

Without the sun and cold water, it will be very difficult to reset our mitochondria and if we don’t get away from the EMF, blue lighting, WiFi, smart meters, and the 5g zones, I don’t know how we can thrive as a species because diet and herbs can only take us so far as a species if we are still bathing in these toxic modalities we have created in doors around this toxic technology.

What is mitochondria?

mitochondria contain two major membranes. The outer mitochondrial membrane fully surrounds the inner membrane, with a small intermembrane space in between. The outer membrane has many protein-based pores that are big enough to allow the passage of ions and molecules as large as a small protein. In contrast, the inner membrane has much more restricted permeability, much like the plasma membrane of a cell. The inner membrane is also loaded with proteins involved in electron transport and ATP synthesis.

Mitochondria are organelles found in the cells of every complex organism. They produce about 90% of the chemical energy that cells need to survive. No energy; no life! So it’s easy to see why when mitochondria go wrong, serious diseases are the result, and why it is important we understand how mitochondria work.

Now how will we truly benefit from a healthy diet, if are mitochondria has been damaged, and we continue to damage it everyday due to the toxic environments we enslave ourselves to? The reason why we struggle with the food so much is because are Mitochondria has been so damaged, it’s difficult to draw the energy we need from the food because we eat indoors, saturated by blue lighting and WiFi, and throw off our circadian rhythm because we are not getting the direct sunlight. If the Mitochondria is damaged then so is your adrenal glands and this is why you have trouble with carbohydrates and simple sugars, because the adrenal glands deal with sugar metabolism and of you’re not utilizing sugar, then you will ferment them, and when this happens you run into fungal proteins and chronic candida overgrowths!

Once we wake up in the morning and stair at the blue lighting from our phones, we have already compromised our Mitochondria, and this will jack up the body’s time clock the whole day, making you feel tired, because your going to trick your pineal gland it’s mid day instead of early morning, and this could also throw the other endocrine glands out of whack and negativity effect your digestion as crazy as that sounds. The body works and turns on with your environment, and it should be in nature the way that nature designed things to work.

Think about it!, in nature we would wake up at sunrise, get that direct sunlight spend most of the day outside, and then eat when the sun goes down at the end of the day. We would not be sitting in a toxic radiation oven eating the SAD diet all day and night looking at artificial blue lighting, the body will recognize as a toxin to throw off the natural circadian rhythm for proper bodily function, and this is why a lot of the time we end up dealing with brain fog and brain misery! and apart from systemic acidosis and a congested lymphatic system, this could be the very reason why mental illness, and neurological issues are so prominent amongst the kids in today’s world because they have damaged the pituitary and hypothalamus.

I’m still learning and trying to educate myself on the importance of environment, natural lighting, water treatment (hot/cold) meditation, and how to use the foods to reactive the mitochondria and DNA, but I intuitively, and with conviction feel like it’s a subject to be learned, and explored, because the diet can only take you so far when it comes to systemic healing even if your diet is perfect raw and based around fruit.

We have to get back to nature and do what we used to do as a species, and that’s to get in natural lighting from the sun, get in natural waters, and to do our best to go to a climate that’s not saturated with EMF, 5 g frequency, radiation, smart meters, WiFi and blue lighting!

This will take a huge change of possible getting a different job to where you can have the ability to be outside more in the sun, to were you’re not being radiated by the phone and computer, and a place that will be not be build around Babylon and technology, because it’s not going to help us detoxify our body’s when we constantly bathing in this oven of radiation, it’s damaging cells leading to “cancer”.

Yes it’s kind of counter productive to change the diet, and take the herbs but continue in a toxic environment that does serious damage to the human body, because if we damage the mitochondria every second, every day, and all day, then we can only go so far with detoxifying the body with the fruits and herbs, because there is always a plateau you will reach, especially considering the food has been so compromised, and altered, and radiated, it can act as an obstruction instead of a “cleaning” agent. Unripe gmo fruit is not going to solve all of our problems if we don’t change are environment to! I believe the fruit diet, and herbs and fasting will, and can get you out of hellville, but to make you thrive, and fully regenerate your body long term, without changing your environment, I don’t know if it can sustain us alone, and I don’t think any diet or food or herb can, if we don’t get back to nature and make these serious changes.

Things we can do to help regenerate the mitochondria! We can get blue lighting glasses, and ware them whenever we are exposed to blue lighting, we can wake up at sun rise, and stare at the sun (sun gaze/sun rise) this will activate all the gland in the body, and help them to function throughout the day. Without healthy function of the glands the body cannot utilize, and assimilate the chemistry coming in properly.

You can get rid of your WiFi, keep your lights off all the time in your house (yes buy candles) or proper lighting that’s not harmful to the mitochondria and I know that the blue lighting is!

You can do hot and cold treatment getting in ice water, or cold water, and then getting in the sun (sun bath) or warm shower, and continue this hot and cold process for an hour (repeat) this will also stimulate lymph so you can element acid stagnation in the body. You can jump on the rebounder for 20 minutes a day outside. Get as naked as possible, and go outside in the sun, and drink natural spring water, because it’s known to activate mitochondria effectively, and I’m learning that their may also be an importance of DHA with activating, and regenerating the mitochondria. Oxygen and water play a huge part as well, and that’s why it’s so important to get outside in the sun, and to get in the water as much as possible. Grounding in the ocean is also known to be beneficial. Another tool is if course is activating autophagy through intermittent fasting, and even better to create ketosis through fasting and that’s by dry/water fasting to get your body in regenerative ketosis.

You can Intermittent fast everyday by dry it water fasting all day for 20-23 hours a day and to eat in the evening in a 4-6 hour eating window it just have 1 meal in a 1-2 hour eating window.

I will continue to educate myself on mitochondria, and how it pertains to regenerative detoxification, because I believe it’s a missing link to fixing our damaged body’s, and we need to detoxify our bodies from the environment we live in when it comes to this matrix, and the Babylon system we live in. We can’t just change are diets and forget to change everything else we do that’s unnatural, we need to use every possible pathway to resist the obstructions, and it’s the EMF, WiFi, blue lighting, 5g frequency, our computers, and cell phones, and all this artificial technology stimulation that is ruining our health more then we know in my opinion!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
Views: 572
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