Sexually transmitted infections. A “virus” a foreign protein and unlearn bacterium whatever you want to call it. It’s sharing fluids with people that have health problems and you yourself that can contract it.
Don’t share fluids with people that have had many sexual partners live a Promiscuous lifestyle and have chronic lymphatic problems.
So why do I say lymphatic problems? Because the terrain determines how the “germ” or foreign protein affects you.
If you goofed up and had sex with someone unclean without protection than I would recommend you fast on raw juices for a couple of days to avoid a sexually transmitted virus from taking precedence in your body and I highly recommend this for those that don’t respect an optimal eating lifestyle and are congested from head to toe and to remain on an optimal diet as a lifestyle, not a “cleans”.
If you have done a lot of work on keeping your body clean and moving and removing lymph from decades of mistreating your body with foreign chemistry and you hydrated your body well and your body is in a state of alkalinity than you have more of an advantage of not contracted HPV or any other sexually transmitted infection because infection only happens when the terrain is filthy in your body and you have poor elimination due to clogged up eliminative organs such as the kidneys, skin, and bowels.
So how do you get rid of any corrosive foreign protein that makes you prone to infection and weakens the lymphatic/immune system? You need to start cleaning out your body and understand your lymphatic system and how to clean it out. I will post a video explaining how to do this.
To simplify things stop eating acid and mucus-forming foods and abstain from sexual activity until you clean out your body and get rid of the viral loads and next time exchange fluids with a person that’s healthy and energetically aligned with you spiritually.
Now when you stop eating dead denatured cooked foods that obstruct the body with mucus steal calcium due to the high acidic nature of the food the body can go to work and clean shop!
When you bring hydration and alkalinity into the body you can now allow the body to discard the calcification build up and harden mucus plaque and now the bowels, skin, and kidneys can eliminate waste in the body while you move lymph with a diet of fruits, berries and melons, fasting and herbal botanicals to enhance function and to clean and bring energy into the body to support structure-function to cells and to clean the acids in the spaces that obstruct them.
when you bring in electrolytes from raw living foods and hydrate and alkalize the acids and debris can come out as well as any sewage waste that weakens the immune system (lymphatic system).
The only real effective way to get rid of all kinds of viral loads including the sexually transmitted ones is detoxification. You can’t kill a foreign protein but you can get them out of the body by eliminating them under an alkaline sky.
Now, remember that it took you many years to congest your body and back up your lymphatic system and will take a while to take out the trash and it will take great discipline with not eating cooked sticky and dead complex and dense foods that putrefy and ferment in the body because you can’t congest your body more and think you will properly clean it out right!?
Live foods clean out the body. Live foods sweep and dissolve the rancid dirt in your piping system and this is why you must adopt a lifestyle of eating foods that are alive and discontinue a diet of acid and mucus-forming foods.
You can’t kill a virus and allopathic “treatment” will only suppress and weaken the body more and who wants to put chemical drugs in there body for the rest of there life to manage symptoms or take a useless neurotoxic vaccine full of metals, and other deadly poisons when you can address the cause and heal yourself the natural way with out any fatal events and bodily crippling side effects?
The terms, labels, and treatments will get you know where. Clean your sewer system by adopting a living foods diet and focus on the fruits because the most electrical, astringent, and designed for the Homo sapiens.
If you shift to the terrain and clean out your body and clean and strengthen tissue no virus or bacterium can infect your body.
Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!
Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian
If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?
Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:
Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:
The Mangotarian @ YouTube: