If you can't handle the aggressive nature of a fruit detox, don't do it

If you can't handle the aggressive nature of a fruit detox, don't do it

If you don’t have a life-threatening illness, and you do have time on your side, I actually highly recommend balance, and not a 100% fruit for detoxification. An all fruit diet, could really mess up a person mentally when they have come from a very toxic and acidic lifestyle. You need to weigh out the reality of what kind of Lifestyle your coming off of, and understand that the toxicity load that you have created in your body, will start coming out when you get to the high levels and power of what a fruit diet creates. Eating just fruit, for most people because of the toxicity load they are dealing with, will create the highest form of detoxification you can create other than just fasting on water or juice. When this metabolic waste biulds up in your lymphatic system and creats an acid ash response in the body, for many decades of your life starts getting pulled out aggressively with fruits, your going to experience discomfort, weakness, tiredness, and you will experience detoxification symptoms of all kinds. Some people are blessed to be able to pull through it, and still find energy and strength, but other people feel extremely weak, fatigued, and worse than ever before. You must understand what you could handle, and detox at a level that you could detox at without getting too freaked out and running back to the “treatment” of trying to fix your problem that gets you too a place of nowhere land.

If your mentally ratted out on just fruit, and your trying to fix a problem such as acne, GI tract related issues, anxiety, depression, weight issues, and just some of the lower levels of acidosis, and have a negative mentality, detoxifying on all fruits, I highly recommend you work your way up to this level of detoxification and have salads, green juices, and possibly some avocados and nuts and seeds for balance, and detox at a slower rate, and work your way up so that you don’t feel too ratted out, and think the diet is causing the problem, not understanding the aggressiveness of detoxing at a very rapid pace, that a fruit diet promotes and creates.

In all reality, getting somebody’s kidneys to filter because of the high protein diets can be a challenge even for somebody that doesn’t have a chronic degenerative health illness. Still you must be patient if you can’t mentally handle just fruit because you feel too weak. But in all reality it takes a fruit based diet, herbs, and even some intermittent fasting in order to crack open the kidneys to get them to filter. If your kidneys are not filtering miles of lymphatic fluids through the kidneys you can’t truly regenerate and restore the damage you’ve caused to your body. If you can get your kidneys to filter however on salads, fruits, and a variety of raw foods, then I highly suggest you stay on a balanced diet that promotes detox at a slower level, so that you could mentally handle the reality of how the body changes the minute you remove cooked foods. This is not a race, it should be a lifestyle of getting healthy and creating new positive habits that promotes health in a restorative and regenerative sense, rather than just trying to treat a problem by going on a so-called short-term cleanse, thinking that you can’t create a new problem down the road by going back to the filth.

If you transition properly, and don’t approach detox as a race, you won’t run into a lot of the problems people face, coming off acid and mucus forming diets right into a fruit based diet and 100% raw. Unless you have cancer, and a life-threatening problem, I really high highly recommend you avoid this approach, not only does it give a fruit based diet a bad rap, but it confuses a lot of people when they hear the complaining and frustration from people that don’t understand what regenerative detoxification is, and the process of elimination and what that can caused when the body wants to heal itself. If you think you can go from a toxic diet of eating processed animal filth, right into all fruits and expect an easy road of detoxification and avoid symptoms, your really disrespecting the art of detoxification and need to do some research. I highly recommend you educate yourself with dr. Robert Morse YouTube videos, and his detoxification miracle sourcebook, and also read up on Arnold ehrets books on detoxification. Arnold ehret has amazing literature on detoxification and a fruit based diet, but also has a comprehensive methodology on transitioning properly, so that you don’t run into these serious problems of thinking that your dying, when really it’s just your body cleaning out miles of sewage waste.

Your body will feel the burn when you create the toxicity, and your body’s going to feel the burn when you eliminate it. In the beginning when you eliminate these toxic loads, that are stagnant in the body, it may even create worse symptoms. If you have studied up on detoxification and understand the process, and trust it, and are educated on what happens, you will actually be excited and enjoy the fact that you’re getting worse symptoms, understanding that it’s only temporary, and it’s the process of elimination. Once you get your kidneys to filter, and you see the obstructions that have been stagnant in your GI tract, by investigating your bowel movements, you will see that it’s not the fruit causing a problem, it’s the fruit pulling out the problem and you should rejoice when it happens.

Some people that have a lot of mental baggage, and fears because of weak adrenal glands, and just coming up from an upbringing of being raised this way by their parents, should at least take 6 months of just a complex 100% raw food diet, before they just jump into an all fruit raw based diet. I think because of the genetic weakness on top of the domestication we have created, six months is actually a reasonable time for most people. If you are not strong mentally, in my personal opinion, I think that you will not be able to handle all fruits. When you go on all fruits your blood pressure drops, and all your genetic weaknesses go to its actual state, and that’s why you feel worse because you’re no longer artificially stimulating your body with drugs, and stimulating foods. Not to mention coming off a standard American diet with all the addictive caffeinated supplements and drinks, and meat is a lot like caffeine in its own right, you will experience fatigue temporarily until the body remove the acidosis.

However for those that have cancer, ALS, rheumatoid arthritis, lyme, and some of these serious chronic conditions that create a lot of chronic pain, and chronic weakness, may need to go quickly on an all-fruit diet. Usually though for somebody that’s been suffering for so long, will be able to mentally handle the process of an all-fruit diet when it comes to detoxification because of the disparity and wanting to get well, so the mind may be there to handle the reality that may take place during this time of elimination of toxic waste matter. Getting aggressive because your health is deteriorating and life is on the line is important, but if you don’t have one of these conditions, please do not jump into an all-fruit diet, without being able to mentally handle the reality that takes place during detoxification, because you will end up complaining, spreading confusion, and discouraging a lot of people that need the truth and reality of a fruit diet when it comes to detoxification, because they don’t have any other choice because nothing else has worked before. In all reality and aggressive detoxification program of all fruits is really your only answer, because the medical community and even the holistic community that promotes the high protein diets don’t have an answer for you, and have no clue on how to create detoxification, healing, and a true regenerative fashion.

If your struggling with body image, and don’t want to lose a lot of weight, then please don’t do an all fruit diet, because you may lose a lot of weight because the body will shed what it doesn’t want, and you may not like the time process that may take place waiting for the body to rebuild itself. Sometimes it could be a timely situation of putting the weight back on, and if your too focused on weight and you have family all around you pressuring you, and you have no escape to detox that promotes rest, instead of constant pressure an anxiety, then you may want to start a slow detoxification program, and not detoxing on just fruit. The reality is just by going 100% raw you may lose a lot of weight.

The body doesn’t want to hold on to toxic water, fat, or anything that is stagnant in the body that shouldn’t be there. You will lose artificial muscle that you put on with stimulants, so you must understand that detoxification isn’t just something to do, because you are fascinated with concept. Please understand that true regenerative detoxification is not for the weak but for the spiritual minded. If your full of ego, and are more of an intellectual type, you may not do well with detoxification.

Detoxification are for those that want to get back to nature, tap into the spiritual awakened mind, and don’t care about body image or anything material that comes from this unconscious realm we live in. Just understand that the minute you remove cooked food, you will create a detoxification process. Just know what level of detoxification you are comfortable on pursuing. I highly suggest for a lot of you to go slow if you have the ability and time on your hands. Just please understand that an all-fruit diet is not deficient, but very aggressive when it comes to detoxification. If you can’t handle some symptoms of fatigue, rashes, cold and flu like symptoms, mucus discharging from all the channels, some dizziness, and weakness, and low energy for a season, then prepare yourself slowly, work your way up, so that you don’t end up getting rattled out and end up disrespecting the process, and spreading disinformation to the masses. Fruit is highly electrical, full of energy, and it’s very astringent in it’s pulling. You will remove metabolic wastes from the walls of the cells in the body, and pull them from interstitial spaces much quicker than with vegetables. But vegetables are the good old boys, because their balancing, and you could still detox at a certain level, just not an aggressive level that you may not be able to mentally handle.

Get back to nature my friends, get back to the diet your biologically designed to eat, tap into your intuitive consciousness, let your instincts guide you, and always remember that there is no rush with jumping into an all-fruit diet, that could take sometime to earn and achieve, and if you transition slower, you will be able to handle the aggressive nature of a fruit diet much easier than if you were to just jump into it coming from a standard american diet of toxic filth.

It’s much better to go slower, and not experience a blowback that you can’t handle, because we don’t want to disrespect the art, and we definitely don’t want to disrespect the true nature of the fruit, understanding that it is humans food source, it’s just humans can’t tolerate the fruit because of the aggressive nature of detoxification it promotes. But in all reality fruit is the most gentle food when it comes to digestion, and when it comes to fueling the cells in the human organism. At the end of the day you are a frugivore, but you can’t even handle your natural diet because of the toxicity and damage you have created to your health from improper choices in life, removing yourself from nature, and allowing Babylon to domesticate you with acid in mucus forming thoughts, lifestyles, and foods. Go slowly because this is a lifestyle, not a diet program, or fad cleanse.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


The Mangotarian @ YouTube:


First published: 7 years ago
Views: 780
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