If you eat 3 meals a day you should poop 3 times a day

If you eat 3 meals a day you should poop 3 times a day

One of the issues is for one 3 meals a day is programming, and not optimal for health, and 2 if you eat 3 meals a day and only have one bowel moment a day, that’s a lot of meals still backed up in your colon and also putting a lot of pressure on the autonomic nervous system and causing a lot of head pressure. If you eat 3 meals a day and snaking in between and only have one bowel movements then your constipated and if you eat 3 meals a day and only have a bowel movement every other day then your very constipated and need to make serious changes before you end up ulcerating your bowels, causing diverticulitis, and causing the body to steal calcium from connective tissue in the bowels to fight acids that come into the body from acid and mucus forming foods. This also can cause prolapsing of the bowels and this contributes to sluggish bowels and improper bowel transit elimination.

If you’re constipated you should seriously avoid eating your standard 3 meals a day, and only eat one meal a day, and use the fruit juice as a solvent throughout the day until dinner time. If you want to fix your constipation issue you don’t want to eat as a standard American would.

2 meal a day is a good start and one meal a day would be best if your dealing with constipation and have tons of mucus, Mucoid plaque and protein plaque build up around the bowel wall, blocking the flow of energy and causing stagnation putrification and fermentation and microbial infestation, and this will end up causing anxiety, brain fog, poor thinking, and chronic headaches etc.

You need to pull out the sewage and fix your adrenal glands so you can get proper Neurotransmitters to activate your bowels and this will take a diet that will clean you, a fruit diet and “fasting” on juice to pull the sludge out. You need to filter your interstitial waste in the cell wall of the bowels, and of course get these acids out of the adrenal glands which control the bowels, and kidneys so you can fix your body as a system. It will take constant hydration and fluidity and the astringents to create this reality. The citrus fruits, grapes, mangoes, and acid fruit varieties are the astringents. The kidneys, skin, and bowels are the body’s eliminative organs, and they can only be fixed on a diet that doesn’t clog up these channels, and a diet of raw foods and mainly the fruits and herbal botanicals can do this and encourage the bowels to move as well as helping the kidneys to drain the giant lymphatic system that holds waste of over 100 trillion cells. The lymphatic system is hooked to the bowels, organs, glands and all the tissue throughout the body.

What I would do if it was me would be to adopt a fruit diet (100% raw, no oils, nuts, and seeds) and I would intermittent fast for 16-20 hours a day and I would only eat one meal a day, or I would graze on in small fruit meals throughout the day. If you are fatigued even on fruit then I would recommend the mono fruit meal graze method and with time adopt one meal a day lifestyle when you get cleaner and experienced with intermittent fasting. I would also do a 7-day juice feast every other week to work on pulling out the sludge so you can handle the aggressive astringent fibers of the fruit, and also so you can give the pancreas and gallbladder a rest to improve digestion.

How long does this take Jonathon? Who cares your body will tell you with time-based on how you feel and the improvements you will experience by cleaning the bowels interstitially and clean out the sludge plaque on the bowel wall. Time doesn’t matter because this is a lifestyle and you will only know in time when you can balance out with the green stuff and maybe a little cooked food once in a while if you desire, but never return to dead animals and their fluids because that’s just straight poison and foreign to a primate homo sapien design. Humans on record are the most refined pure frugivore species designed by nature.

If you have one meal a day, you should have one bowel movement a day, and if you have 2, then you should have 2, and you get the point. If you’re not then I would get a bowel restorative none addictive stomach and bowel herbal formula, and I would live on it until I was able to have good bowel movements. I used the stomach and bowel herbal formula from the herbal health club (cellular botanicals) for a year straight until I was able to have proper bowel movements on just fruit. And this was because my adrenals were in the dumps and I had chronic mucus clogging up my bowels making it difficult to push things through. A Lemon water enema a day, and a colonic once a month wouldn’t hurt ether.

It took constant kidney filtration to improve my bowel function because I needed to get the acids out of the adrenal glands so I could produce Neurotransmitters to active them to push things through. Remember the bowels are not just outside of the cell wall focus, but an interstitial one. The lymph system that’s hooked to the kidneys is also hooked to the bowels. Kidney filtration is just as important for the bowels then just focusing on scrubbing the bowel walls on the outside, because acids are interstitial, and it’s acids that break down the bowels not just the mucus and sludge plaqued to them.

This is why I like the mono fruit one meal a day focus with intermittent fasting and herbal botanicals to clean the acids out of the bowels interstitially through the kidney channel. (inside cellular spaces) and also to go on juice (solid food vacation) to pull out the outside sludge (Mucoid plaques, Biofilms, and protein plaques) from decades on processed food eating and the high protein diets that most of you grew up on, and even up to this day.

Your bowels are connected to your head and the embryonic trunk of the autonomic nervous system. The gut is the brain of the body, and a healthy gut means a healthy brain, and a high functioning nervous system central and autonomic.

The cool thing is that a diet of fruit, herbs, and fasting will allow the body to fix itself and you don’t need to focus on just one area at a time. This is conditioned programmed treatment based thinking intellectuals have created in their minds. The body will take care of itself when your sweating good, moving your bowels good on an alkaline diet and your kidneys are filtering your lymphatic system and this will all take place over time with fruit, herbs, juice feasting, dry fasting and not overeating. 3 meals a day is glutenous, 2 meals a day is vital, and 1 meal a day is optimal for a healthy person that has fixed the body of digestion, absorption, utilization, and elimination. When you get clean one meal a day is just normal, and when you can get to high levels of healing eating every other day is normal, and you will not feel deprived of wanting to eat food under the constant hunger spell.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


The Mangotarian @ YouTube:


First published: 5 years ago
Views: 551
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