If you participate in politics your lost in the program

If you participate in politics your lost in the program

Politics are for those that are playing in the negative side of life. If you identify with a specific country or political party and you ware your colors with pride you are not fully awake and your wasting energy and time on things that have no eternal spiritual value and you will remain in your karmic reincarnation cycle in your lower self.

Politics and country devotion is Babylon and that means an evil spirit has deceived you. Your allegiance should be to yourself and nature. Humans have put up walls and divided lines and have taxed nature and nature’s furry will have her wrath on all that turn a blind eye to natural law.

I am not proud to have a social security card, passport, birth certificate and identification card because I was born in a system that has rights over my freedom to roam the earth and to be free in nature without having to pay a tax and play by rules that lock me in a matrix system of control. There is no freedom in the concrete jungle and we must escape the system to kill it!

Do you understand what’s going on here? Do you want to have children in a system that forces vaccinations and proudly brainwashes them in a demon spirit school system!? This evil occult system is slowly conditioning humans to be obedient servants to the nature-hating system so that they can create slaves locked in a system of participation of political bullshit while the drama and brainwashing show goes on. These celebrity presidents, kings, and queens hate purity and want to create a culture of division and we play this game!? You really think that Babylon is going to serve the best interest of the human spirit while they rape nature and never give back to her!?

These governments continue to cut down trees, kill animals, dump chemicals and waste in the ocean, spray the skies with chemicals, poison the food and water, inject your reflection children with agenda 21-grade chemicals damaging the DNA and genetics creating weak gmo humans so they can continue to divide and Conquer. This reptilian hybrid being spirit is why we see evil and destruction in this dualistic earth realm.

Politics is a brainwashing tool that creates meaningless division and negative frequency. We need to end the divide and come together as a human spirit in harmony to the earth and to each other because we are all one reflecting each other in one collective consciousness, however when we violate the laws of nature and divide and separate over rules and laws devoted to countries and political differences then we will forget that we are becoming software programs that have turned there back on nature, love and the spiritual upgrades of elevating into higher conscious states of enlightenment.

What a waste of time devoting allegiance to a country, political party, flag, and political doctrine!? We are the humans and we need to stop dividing and creating wars over money, religions, and territory.

Don’t you understand that religions are a brainwashing tool just like politics? The evil spirits, hell and all that is evil have nothing to do with the religious belief it’s turning your back on nature and feeding the modalities that go against her. We are all “god” don’t you understand that!? Everything that vibrates energy and consciousness is “god” there is no creator there is only energy and energy cannot be created only transformed!

You pick a religion, a political party, and country you are born into to show allegiance to, you lower yourself to supporting your military while men and woman put there life’s on the line for pain, suffering, and alliance to “justice” when these wars are all created to extend power and control over territory, nature killing fuel, and economic control and this Is what your human spirit is designed for? This is what energy is being used for?!

When you wake up to love, light, and divine origins of higher consciousness you don’t feel at home in this society and Babylon system. We all must find a way to become free from the system and return are allegiance to nature the human spirit create a tribe of naturalism that is all about love for every child, wombman, man and animal on this earth plane. We need to return to living off the earth and allowing the fruit trees to reproduce for all those grounded and connected to the earth and to eat the plants that are picked right from the soil not picked, sprayed and packaged for this economic Babylon nature-hating system!

Save your money, sell your house, sell your stuff, and purchase land off-grid in the jungle and invest in the earth, not the political brainwashing system.

Let’s create a tribe of conscious spiritual humans that don’t call to divide but instead welcome all people from all countries that want to give back to the earth and be in harmony with her. There is no race, color, or gender when it comes to the human spirit and the human spirit has been blocked because we continue to feed the system and we continue to decline physically, emotionally, and spiritually because of it.

I’ll take the penalty!! I won’t sell my soul participate in this system of politics I opt out and give no allegiance to any country only nature because I am nature. One day I will no longer be a slave to this system and I will no longer be owned by the banks or be pimped and owned by these reptilian hybrid people!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


The Mangotarian @ YouTube:


First published: 5 years ago
Views: 543
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