Interstitial acidosis

Interstitial acidosis

Interstitial is inside the cell wall of tissue and the lymphatic system is connected to the tissue and around the cells. Interstitial acidosis simply is acids trapped and stagnant amongst the cells in tissue in specific locations in the body.

If you are dealing with pain inside your body (interstitial) you will be told that you have some kind of “itis” condition, for example, interstitial cystitis, prostatitis, bronchitis, gastritis, etc. this simply means that you are accumulating acids in tissue and you are not moving these acids out of the body because your lymphatic system in these areas is constipated. If you don’t move and remove lymphatic waste then sewage stays at home in the body and overtime when acids are dormant around cells in tissue burning takes place because acids burn and damage that’s the nature of what acids do. Inflammation means acid stagnation.

If you feel pain or inflammation in the body this means that your lymphatic system is filling up with waste. Your lymphatic system is the largest fluid-based system in the body and it’s responsible for holding waste and removing waste out of the body.

The problem is when you dehydrate the body with acid-forming foods and you irritate the mucosa because the chemistry you are consuming is foreign to the human body then you create stagnation of lymph which blocks the flow of energy and slows down fluidity which removes waste the body is compromised with. Acid forming foods and highly cooked processed foods dehydrate the body leave an acid ash and cause mucus to build up in the body.

If you understand what is alkaline and hydrating to the body and what’s acid-forming and mucus-forming then you can protect your lymphatic system and your cells and tissue in the body such as organs and glands. Hydration and chemistry that are energetic are what is going to encourage lymph flow and also clean and protect the eliminative organs such as your skin, kidneys, and bowels.

If you consume a diet of raw living foods based around fruit you will create hydration, alkalinity and you won’t create mucus and acid stagnation in the body. Avoid the acid and mucus-forming foods such as your grains, beans, eggs, meats and dairy products and oils and the processing of foods.

It’s the chemistry that is ingested, breathed and put on the skin that will determine dysfunction or protection in the body. If you already have an inflammatory condition then you must understand it’s simply because you are not filtering out the waste through your kidneys via urination, you are not properly sweating out waste, your bowels are accumulating plaguing from mucous forming foods and this feeds microbes that also create acidic waste from there waste they expel from consuming which causes inflammation. It’s the toxic terrain environment and clogging up the lymph system due to being out of balance with a diet that’s unnatural for the human that creates these problems.

Pain is not just a result of “old age” it’s a result of consuming foods and chemicals that break down tissue in the human body and old age is not the main factor anyways in the world today do to the GMOs, chemicals and the highly processed acid and mucus-forming foods humans consume and this is why we see children and even babies suffering from pain ? because of interstitial lymphatic acidosis.

Hydrate and alkalize the body and move your lymphatic system and clean your eliminative organs with hydrating chemistry that cleans them such as your fruits, berries and melons and wen the kidneys open up and you remove the sewage in the subcutaneous layers of the skin and you turn on your endocrine glands trough the process of regenerative detoxification on a fruit diet along with herbal botanicals and fasting then you can remove the acids before they accumulate interstitially around the cells in tissue that lead to itis related conditions which are interstitial acidosis.

For more research on the lymphatic system and systemic acidosis look up Robert Morse ND on youtube and study the knowledge because this information I am speaking came from this great man and without this vital information there is no hope for these chronic health conditions that all point to man’s poor diet that is mainly acid and mucus forming and returning to the diet designed for the Homo sapiens (fruit-based diet) the pain and suffering can be dealt with instead of masking and suppressing symptoms and prolonging suffering to return another day. If diet and fasting are not addressed then you cannot get to the root cause of these problems because these problems are caused by being out of balance with chemistry because the chemistry that is entering the body is mainly acidic and not alkaline.

For information on natural healing read these books ?

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 5 years ago
Last updated: 5 years ago
Views: 905
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