Interstitial cystitis, prostatitis, and how I reversed it

Interstitial cystitis, prostatitis, and how I reversed it

Interstitial acids trapped in the bladder is really the specific way to look at this problem. If you have acids in interstitial places in your bladder, you most likely have them trapped in your kidneys as well. Before I started to experience symptoms in my bladder, I had lower back pain for many years. I thought that the lower back pain was just due to twisting my back on a motorcycle, but the bulk of the pain was stemming from my kidneys, because I was on high protein diets trying to build muscle for so many years. If you have lower back pain you most likely are also dealing with inflamed and damaged kidneys, and if you also have Interstitial cystitis, it’s stemming from the kidneys that are damaged and not filtering. If you remove the proteins from your diet you will eliminate a lot of the pain.

If you have this issue and you’re still eating meat I would stop eating meat like right now, and remove all dairy, and gluten, and at least go gluten-free vegan whole foods in regards to your diet, I would also make sure to hydrate because the whole body systemically is backed up with acidosis thats dehydrating the body, and your kidneys are not opened up for elimination, and you will deal with acids chewing on your bladder until you get your kidneys opened up to filter out the acids that are chewing on them.

The best way to regenerate the kidneys is to go on a 100% raw food diet low in protein which means becoming a fruitarian and taking herbs for the kidney and bladder. Because your body is extremely backed up with acidosis, and it’s chewing on your bladder which is a very sensitive area in your body, you may have to transition yourself to an all-fruit diet by incorporating green juice for the bulk of your calories. You may not be able to handle the astringent fruits and that sub acid and acid categories until you get your kidneys opened up and filter out acids enough to where you could handle them exposing the pain in your bladder and tolerate fruits that are aggressive with pulling on acids and trying to remove them from the body.

What I did was I would have green juice and bananas only for at least 30 days before I Incorporated fruits like mangoes, and melons. I would avoid citrus fruits because the Citrus will sting the bladder until you remove enough acids out of the body to tolerate them. But as soon as you get your kidneys filtering on a raw food diet, along with herbs for the kidneys and adrenal glands, you want to incorporate the aggressive fruits because they will pull out the acids that are over stimulating the bladder causing burning after urination, and excessive urination which is very difficult to deal with along with the constant irritation you feel in your bladder.

In my experience, the more that my kidneys started filtering on a fruit based diet along with herbs, eventually the irritation and pain and excessive urination subsided. My creatinine levels also dropped on this diet proving to me that my kidneys were regenerating. You want to make sure your always eating ripe fruit that is very sweet because any type of acidity will irritate and inflame your bladder and give you UTI type symptoms, but it doesn’t mean you have a urinary tract infection your just removing acids from the bladder.

When I was dealing with this problem, and I found the mango, I was able to tolerate this sub acid fruit, and it was a fruit that was aggressive enough to move the lymphatic system that is backed up with acidosis that causes symptoms in genetic weak areas which happened to be your bladder, kidneys and possibly uterus and ovaries, or prostate if your a male. I got aggressive on a mono mango fruit diet along with herbs for my endocrine glands, adrenal glands, kidneys, and GI tract, and I started to incorporate dry fasting as well starting from 12 hours moving my way up to 18 hours everyday, and I did this for several months focusing on getting my kidneys to filter these lymphatic waste out, so that I could hydrate and bring alkalinity to my body, and my bladder, prostate, and kidneys started to regenerate, because I was removing the core issue which is acidosis, and so finally those damaged tissues and interstitial spaces in my bladder started to heal and the excess urination, the burning after urination, the constant inflammation in my entire groin started to go away, and I no longer deal with these issues anymore because I got my kidneys to filter every single day, and it’s important to work up to the sub acid fruits in order to aggressively create this process.

I did feel pain, while on this journey, but it’s subsided because I pushed through it, because I knew that my kidneys were filtering so that gave me hope to just push through the uncomfortable symptoms, and I’m glad I did because they soon started to go away because I trusted the process and understood that the more acids I got out through my urine eventually I would find my remedy.

I’m not saying that mangoes are the only fruit that’s going to cure your Interstitial cystitis but what I am saying is if you could go on long-term mono fruit feast and find a fruit your body can tolerate that is in the subacid category, and you can find enough fresh organic ripe fruit, and you get herbs for your kidneys and your adrenals, and you incorporate some dry fasting I truly believe you could overcome this issue and not deal with it for years on end. Kidney filtration is the cure for interstitial cystitis and a fruit based diet along with herbs is the best way to overcome this. If you don’t regenerate and heal your kidneys, you cannot heal and regenerate your bladder.

It’s not a difficult science, and the more simple you keep things the more results you will get, and I mean just eating fruits and taking herbs only, and using the green juices for a season until you could tolerate just fruit, and that means no supplements, or prescription drugs, and definitely no caffeine because that will really flare up your bladder, and definitely not eating any cooked food such as beans, grains, starch, and all animal foods, and in my opinion you cannot get far with healing your kidneys and bladder if you’re still eating those foods.

Interstitial acidosis is what people are dealing with today, and it’s damaging the kidneys and adrenals that suppress the body’s ability to filter out these metabolic wastes that are stagnant and constipated in the lymphatic system. If humans just get back to the diet they are biologically designed to eat which is a fruit based diet, and use the herbs that nature has provided for medicine, and they get their kidneys opened up and filter out these acid waste, then they could erase their medical term diagnosis, and get from Hellvile to wellville.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
Views: 640
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