That voice from within will guide you to truths that have no doubts or confusion. Doubts and confusion are only built on conditioned patterns and reputation of Culture.
Don’t ever doubt that voice, and you don’t need approval and assurance from anyone else when your intuitive spirit speaks to you. Their is no reservation with truth, this is only hesitation to trust that voice from within that guides you.
Your higher celf can be activated when you obey that voice. Obeying is acting, and trusting the outcomes. Your intuition when you become awaken to that divine celf will always guide you to the laws of nature, and the laws of the spiritual truths.
Your obstruction is yourcelf, because your mind is telling you to find that “safe place” because breaking free from the mind, and getting in the deep waters of the unknown can be scary, and that “safe place” is not safe, it’s stagnation, and never graduating from your lesser self, to the higher self, that has no fear to be that authentic self, and doesn’t care about being judged for being that authentic celf.
Growing is letting go, and insecurity is only breed from empty voids that can’t be filled, because voids that are trying to be filled are creating obstructed emotions to were insecurity is birthed.
When you say eye will, and eye can, and eye Am, then the success of completeness in thycelf is unmeasurable, because you cannot put limitations on what you can achieve, when you be that authentic celf, and tell yourcelf how powerful you are, and great you are. Their is nobody more special, and wiser then you! You are the greatest, but you can’t achieve that higher celf, because you put limitations on yourcelf, because you choice to believe the negative patterns of how not “good enough” you are, and you bought into the lie that there are gifted huemans, and then there is you, “the average”
You are not average, you radiate a light and beauty that put shivers down huemans spines! You just need to claim your power, and trust in your abilities. Ask your Intuitive guide to activate that power from within! Start tenaciously affirming your wisdom, and your abilities to overcome all your fears. Manifest and visualize your beauty, and how it can feed your soul, and inspire, and bless others as well, and let go of wanting and desiring, and nothing man made will be desired, because nature will be enough, and knowing that the body may decay, but the spirit is being renewed, when you put yourcelf in that state of eternal being, and fully excepting the decay of the physical body in the sense, that it will age and die eventually, but the spirit will never die, and if your higher celf is focused on the spiritual, these negative traits you posses will be lifted from your pattern of astrological personal celf that is being pulled in the negative side of duality, because there is the negative celf, if there is the positive celf, but what is being acknowledged, and feed regarding the bodies you possess will express that color that is inside you. It is the drama of life, and the ying yang, and balance is purposeful.
You don’t want to be only pulled to the masculine side of personal celf, and you don’t want to be pulled only to the feminine side of celf, you want to express the traits of both in perfect balance! How can you have this balance of celf that is wise and divine? You surrender to the balance by saying Eye Am balance, and EYE am perfect, because EYE simple am the EYE AM, because all knowledge, awareness and infante consciousness and hidden truths are found from thycelf, when you ask intuition to feed you with the energy of light, love and truth, that radiants beauty, and confidence, that says EYE AM the greatest! This is not ego driven proclamations, this is not unrealistic expectation, it’s only affirmations of claiming your power, so you can overcome your fears, and these negative ideas, that you’re not good enough, and somehow lesser then the person you see with the “gifts” and making the impacts.
Jealousy of others means you don’t believe in yourcelf, and own ability’s, because you are holding onto lies that you can’t, because can’t is always verbalized form your consciousness, because sub/consciously you really think that you can never graduate from your lesser celf to your higher celf! You are what you believe, and you are what you affirm in your sub/conscious, and patterns of being pulled into the mind chatter of negativity.
Whenever that negative thought comes into your thoughts, you rebuke it, and say EYE AM! And that EYE AM is all awareness, all abundance, and all powerful, and victory and positivity with overcoming is my only option, and I will manifest, visualize, trust, and believe, and nothing will stop the outcome when it eventually happens and unfolds!
you see just as great as the person you admire and look up to, in-fact you are greater, but you can’t become the great, until you believe it with a radical obsession. This radical obsession is not an ego driven desire, it’s a trust and belief in yourcelf, because when you have real tangible faith, there is no fakery going on, there is no lip service breed from a youthful passion or infatuation, but without action behind the words, you actually manifest this reality, and you become greater, when you truly believe in yourcelf, and act in your beliefs, even those around you will start saying your the greatest, because when you act without fear, and doubt, it becomes a reality.
Who cares at the end of the day about being the “greatest” it’s not about that, it’s about not being the weakest, and believing the lie that you’re not good enough! The negative forces have been telling you your whole life, that you’re not good enough, and you kept building on this lie, and this is why you fail, and never succeed, but today you stop that silliness, and you claim your gifts, and you can receive the tools, when you ask your intuition and higher celf, which is the Christ consciousness to feed you, and when you are feed, and your cup is full, you will be love, light, service, and when you love yourcelf, you will love in action everyone around you, because you will see everyone around you as a reflection of you, and god itself, and you can overcome this negative karma that enslaves you, and you will actually build up a higher consciousness, because you are higher consciousness, and your Intuitive inner guide (higher celf) will give you that conviction to act, not to talk a big game with no action behind your words, and empty beliefs, and then you can store up positive karma and imperishable reaches, and a positive legacy recorded in the Akashic records.
Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!
Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian
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