It's not about nutrition coming in when healing but acids coming out!

It's not about nutrition coming in when healing but acids coming out!

Our body is made up of a bunch of cells and these cells need nourishment that comes from the nutrition of the foods that the human species is designed for. But when it comes to regenerative detoxification, the nutrition focus is not going to help in the facilitation of removing metabolic wastes. What causes chronic and degenerative acid conditions in the body is a backed-up lymphatic system and an environment in the body of sewage that is blocking the flow of energy creating a state of dis-ease. Not to say that nutrition is not an important aspect of keeping a healthy body, but if you don’t get to the underlying cause which is the sewage that is within, the body cannot repair itself until the terrain comes out.

The body when it’s full of acidosis it’s going to compromise the body’s ability to absorb and utilize nutrition anyways, so in order to get the best absorption and utilization of nutrition, you need to clean out the sewage in order for the body to fix this problem. If you don’t remove the acids that are burning the glands, organs and cells, they cannot regenerate. During detoxification you don’t want to focus on getting a specific ratio of nutrition found in the fruits and vegetables, for one if your on a fruit and herb based diet your going to get plenty of nutrition, but you must understand that detoxification has nothing to do with nutrition.

To create healing and detoxification at the highest level is to not consume any form of chemistry, so that the body will go into a resting state and focus on healing itself. When your consuming a lot of nutrition and chemistry from foods this causes a lot of energy for the body to process and breakdown for digestion rather than focusing on damaged tissue and areas in the body that need to heal from old compromises damaging it.

There is only two sides of chemistry and that being alkaline and acid. The body is made up of a bunch of cells into major fluids, blood and lymph. Medical doctors put all their focus on blood work, and trying to find nutritional deficiencies, and in my opinion this is a waste of time when it comes to detoxification and regenerative healing. If you want to get a nutritional deficiency under control then you got to change the environment in the body by bringing in alkaline chemistry and removing acid and mucus forming foods. Well you may ask then nutritional foods will bring alkalinity to the body, but the goal is to remove acids and adding nutrition is not going to remove acids, fasting is the most effective tool with removing acids from the body and that’s why dry fasting has become in my opinion a great detoxifying tool when it comes to removing acids through the kidneys which is vital for regenerative healing.

Acids dehydrate the body nterstitialy so you must remove acids which you can on nutritional chemistry and that being fruits and herbs but ultimately it’s when the body gets into the resting state of fasting that is going to facilitate in the most aggressive regenerative healing when it comes to the process of elimination. Detoxification is not about building up the body, but rather removing old stagnant waste so that you could rebuild the body in the future.

When somebody goes on a raw food diet that promotes detoxification most of the time they lose a lot of weight, get anxious and fearful and try to build when they still have interstitial acids all throughout the body that need to come out in order to fix the absorption issue that is causing the severe weight loss. The body doesn’t build and clean at the same time and that’s why In detoxification you don’t want to focus on building with nutrition, but rather fasting to remove the terrain so you can actually benefit from the nutrition coming in.

If you don’t understand kidney filtration, then you cannot systemically heal the body damaged by acidosis. The simpler you keep things, the more effective you can increase kidney filtration. Less is more in detoxification. This is why people reverse chronic and regenerative health conditions with dry fasting and water fasting, and there not bringing in nutritional chemistry to make this happen.

There is way too much hype on nutrition, not understanding that the body functions when the metabolic wastes is out of the body. You can’t add nutrition on top of a sewage and expect the sewage to go away without an astringing and pulling it out with a very simple fruit based diet with herbal botanicals, hitchhiked with dry and water fasting.

The more mucus and parasitic activity you get from your bowel movements, the more sediment you see in your urine from kidney filtration, and the more mucus you hack up from your lungs and get out through your eyes and your skin, the healthier you will become. The problem is humans have not fed their bodies with proper nutrition from birth and that’s why they don’t utilize and absorb it properly because they have created a sewage environment in the body that blocks the body’s ability to even process the nutrition coming in.

If you were born on just fruits and some vegetables, then you most likely wouldn’t have to worry about detoxification and would benefit from the nutrition coming in but the problem is the human race needs to detoxify and even babies coming out of the womb because of the lymph systems they inheriting from their parents damaged bodies rsising them on fruit is not enough.

Focus on cleaning out the body, then building up with the nutrition. Understand that every species has a species specific diet that has a perfect ratio of nutrition but that species needs to function. Trying to find a specific amount of nutrition and minerals from foods were not designed to eat is a dead-end focus and does absolutely nothing to create optimal health.

The reality is the human species food source has the highest form of nutrition you can find especially found in the berries. Regenerative detoxification is the focus of fixing digestion, absorption, utilization, and eliminating waste so you could ever benefit from the nutrition coming in. You never have to worry about nutrition when your on a fruit-based diet because your getting all the nutrition your body needs, but less is more, and fasting is a great tool to remove the underlying cause of acidosis which is a backed-up lymphatic system.

If you get your kidneys to filter, with fruits, herbs and fasting, you could remove interstitial acid waste, and the body will heal itself the way it knows how, and without simplicity, and falling prey to the nutritional guru’s that tell you need 20 supplements for each problem, and how you need to eat specific foods that are not even designed for you to assimilate and process because their not for your specific species design will get you absolutely nowhere if you don’t understand kidney filtration and the focus of elimination rather than adding on.

Most humans need to focus on transition anyways, so adding on is not the goal, but eliminating specific foods that are acid/mucus forming should be. When you get to the most simple diet which is a fruit-based diet, and even consuming mono fruit meals you will be able to experience more effective regenerative detox, and when you get through the initial cause and effect of detox reactions which is uncomfortable for a season, you will be able to benefit from the nutrition coming in, and the energy you will experience may be out of this world, and you may need to balance out with lower vibrational foods just to stay balanced.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 7 years ago
Views: 514
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