Just because the food is "VEGAN" doesn't mean it aides in regenerative detoxification

Just because the food is "VEGAN" doesn't mean it aides in regenerative detoxification

There is a lot of confusion of thinking just because the food is plant-based, that it’s going to help you to heal specific damages that have been caused to your health. This is not true, most people that are dealing with systemic acidosis and a constipated backed up lymphatic systems, can only go so far when it comes to cleaning out their body a metabolic waste with dead cooked food. You will only get so far in your healing until you your body will stop healing itself, because there’s not enough electromagnetic energy coming from dead food, and you need the high electricity that comes from the living foods in order to fully regenerate a lot of these damages that are contributing to your symptoms your dealing with.

Yes it’s true that a whole foods plant-based diet has done a lot of great things for a lot of human bodies, such as reversing heart disease, diabetes, and many other health conditions, but there are a lot of people that are dealing with backed up lymphatic systems, and systemic acidosis that are not getting very far on cooked food and need to step up their game to the living foods, so that they could open the floodgates and empty the septic tank (the lymphatic system) a whole foods plant-based diet cooked is more for those who decide to balance out in the future after they have detoxified their bodies on the living foods, but I still hold very strong to my own convictions that humans are frugivores, and will thrive not only on a physical level, but a spiritual level as well on a fruit based diet, because your going to thrive on your species specific diet, more than on a diet that was discovered due to human’s migrating out of their natural habitat which is a tropical habitat where the fruits flourish and vegetables, not the grains, beans, and tubers that must be cooked at high temperatures in order to digest and process the denatured food.

Fire was only discovered for survival purposes, and other foods were brought into the human diet because of migration. It doesn’t matter regarding the arguments of civilizations and what they ate for thousands of years, what matters the most is what did early humans eat before civilization, and before fire was discovered? And it was fruit primarily, and this dates back millions of years ago, that showed in the fossil records, that humans were basically on all fruit based diets eating their foods raw in their natural state. It takes a lot of time to break down beans, grains, and tubers, but it’s as easy as picking, peeling and eating when it comes to fresh properly ripe fruit. If every single species on this planet is able to process and digest and assimilate their food in a raw living state, then so are humans, and that’s why humans thrive on fruits and vegetables that are not tampered, manipulated, and cooked in order to properly eat them. Yes we have the Okinawan diet that proves that Okinawan are the longest-lived humans in regards to modern-day civilization, and they lived mainly on sweet potatoes and steamed vegetables. But at the end of the day it’s not about how long you live but how long you thrive, and how you can achieve the highest level.

You must understand that fruits are the highest energetic foods, and also so important for regenerative detoxification when it comes to cleaning out the body sewer system, that must be cleaned out, in order for the body to repair damaged cells, damaged organs, nerves, bones, and endocrine glands. When you have damage the endocrine glands, then your body stops utilizing nutrition properly, minerals, calcium, steroids, hormones and neurotransmitters. Cooked food is low in energetic angstrom power, will not allow the body to regenerate, let alone hydrate the cells to repair like the fruits and vegetables will. You must provide electricity and energy to the body in order to encourage it’s process of cellular detoxification, and cooked food slows down this process, regardless if it’s vegan and plant-based.

Humans have a cooked food addiction and that’s why we have come up with excuses, but we must understand that a cooked vegan diet even whole foods based, and not processed, is still second-class nutrition when it comes to a living foods vegan diet. Starchy food is sticky glue, and fruits, berries and melons clean out sticky glue residues that becomes stagnant in the body. And just because the plant-based food is plant-based, doesn’t mean it’s not acidic in its nature, and when the body recognizes acids it creates a mucus response to protect the body from being burnt by these acids. Cooked food also robs the plant of its water and electrolytes which will then in return dehydrate your body, and if your dealing with systemic acidosis and a constipated stagnant lymphatic system that’s backed up, the last thing you want is more dehydration because your so dehydrated on a cellular level already.

Grains especially your wheat and barley, are very acidic in nature, and that’s why people that have inflammatory conditions experience much better pain relief when their removed. Most people experience excessive gas on beans, and it’s because beans are very hard to digest, which is a clear indicator that were not designed to eat them even though civilizations have lived on them for many years. You must understand that excessive gas is fermentation, and when the body creates fermentation it creates acid chemistry and also the microbes and fungi will come in to clean up the mess. Gas is also an indicator that your body is not digesting the food properly. People will experience gas on a fruit based diet in the beginning when the fruits are stirring up terrain and pulling out sulfur, and mucoid plaque Etc, but you must understand that fruits are the easiest food for the human body to digest, proving that it’s a perfect food designed for them, and when the body becomes clean you don’t experience excessive gas on fruits, and if you do, it’s only because the fruit has been tampered and manipulated in some way by man.

I’m not saying that a whole foods plant-based diet causes degeneration in the human body, but what I am saying is when man has destroyed their body on the high protein diets, and processed foods, which a lot of vegans resort to unfortunately, can only go so far when it comes to removing systemic acidosis, because they need to get on the fruit level and 100% raw to regenerate the kidneys, bowels, and skin so that the body will circulate and remove the stagnant sewage, and the cooked whole food plant-based foods just don’t have the ability to clean, like the living foods do, especially the astringent fruits.

As a detoxification specialist, I get a lot of clients that have been on a whole foods plant-based diet trying to reverse their chronic health elements, and they plateau very quickly, and need to step it up to a raw foods diet, in order to create enough activity for the body to empty the sewage tank. When the kidneys become damaged and your unable to eliminate metabolic waste through them, you can’t afford to be messing around with denatured cooked food, because the way that man prepares their food and cooks it, it’s very acidic, creates acrylamides, and carcinogens from the high heat, which makes the food very acidic, and only exacerbates more symptoms and constipates the body even more from cleaning itself.

If your plateauing on a whole foods plant-based diet because your dealing with systemic acidosis, you know what I mean, and need to hear this message to step it up to a fruit-based diet, because even the raw living vegetables are not going to be enough to pull and remove stagnant lymph at the level that humans are saturated with it. Fruits are so powerful that people repair their bones and nerves and there’s no other food that could come close to creating this level of health.

Just take a look at the energetics of the foods and understand that it’s the energy that the body needs to repair damages and also to get things moving and circulated through the system out Through the eliminative organs, and this will give you an understanding of what I’m saying when it comes to regenerative detoxification needing a high electric and energetic power to move lymph and to remove acidosis.

Energy of Foods

  • Fresh raw fruits - 11, 000 to 12, 000 angstroms
  • Vegetables (fresh, raw) - 8, 000 to 9, 000 angstroms
  • Vegetables (cooked) - 4, 000 to 6, 500 angstroms
  • Milk (pasteurized) - 2, 000 angstroms
  • Cheese - 1, 800 angstroms
  • Refined white flour - 1, 500 angstroms
  • Cooked meats - 0 angstroms

As you can see even cooked vegetables are much lower in angstrom energy than that of a raw fruit, let alone a starch, or a grain or a bean would have. And if you’re still eating flour products on a vegan diet, then as you can see there’s very little energy given from the food to promote the body in cleaning itself from being enhanced by the energetics thatbyou need in living foods which are vital and important, as well as proper hydration when it comes to the body healing itself when it gets too high levels of damage, and becomes oversaturated with systemic acidosis.

Cooked whole foods that are 100% plant-based, without salt, added sugar, and fat, can clean you out at some level, but what I’m trying to say here is when it comes to most people dealing with the degeneration at the levels they are dealing with today, and the backed up terrain they have created on poor diets prior, cannot accomplish this task uncooked food like they will on the living foods, and there are people that have damaged their help to such a degree, that are struggling to heal on high fruit 100% raw food diets and may take years of hard work at the highest level possible even with fasting to heal their bodies. We are living in crazy times when it comes to the damages that humans have created to their bodies, and you don’t want to settle for second best, when you can get this done on a diet that’s most compatible with your body, and also will help aid and cleaning your lymph system, so that if you choose to balance out in the future with some cooked whole plant foods it won’t hold you back.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


The Mangotarian @ YouTube:


First published: 6 years ago
Views: 711
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