Know when to throw in the towel, or when to step it up when detoxing and fasting

Know when to throw in the towel, or when to step it up when detoxing and fasting

Fasting truly is a healing experience, and the body will open up the flood gates, and clean house when your just fasting on water, or abstaining from both water and food (dry fasting)

For those of you that have been on fruit and 100% raw for a while now may plateau with your healing, and need step it up to fasting to experience detox on a higher level. I know for myself the only time I feel any detox related symptoms is when I’m water fasting, or extended dry fasting. Most of you though will detox hard on just fruit and herbal botanicals, and may even need to slow down the detox with veggie broth, because it’s getting to intense, and it’s making it hard for you to function, and attend to your daily responsibilities. Don’t make it a race or become a perfectionist, because your body will tell you when it’s time to fold your card, and throw in the towel, to slow it down a little. Once you get cleaner, it will be easier to stick to a diet of fruit, and you will feel your best on fruit, and especially mono fruit meals, which is not mixing a variety of fruit together, but just enjoying several pieces of one fruit variety for a setting.

If you just transitioned to a raw food diet, I would do fruit all day, and a low fat, low protein raw salad for dinner for at least 30-60 days before you adopt an all fruit diet. If you have areas of weakness that are greatly impairing the quality of your life, then you defiantly should add in a herbal protocol, and have an iridologist put together a report for you, and write you out a herbal protocol, so that you can enhance and better clean these areas of damages in the body, because I know first hand in my own experience I was plateauing on 100% raw, and I started experiencing detox, kidney filtration, my bowels moving better, and parasites and Mucoid plaque coming out with the help of the herbal botanicals. The herbs really helped me a great deal, and I stayed on a herbal protocol I would write for myself, for about a year and half, while I focused on regenerating my body.

Signs to slow down a detox, and when to push through it.

If your on your death bed, then you push through the detox, and have someone monitor you, because slowing it down may be problematic, because getting out the toxins, acids and viral loads, is exactly what you need to get out, to see a brighter day, and time is not exactly on your hands to have to revisit a healing crisis down the road.

For those that can afford to slow things down, the best time to do that is when your to weak to get out of bed, and you have responsibilities to attend to, if your getting very dizzy, and your heart is beating fast, and your blood pressure is dropping way to low, or way to high, and your kidneys are throbbing, and it’s making it hard to walk. This is actually a good thing, because your kidneys are trying to open up and clean themselves, so you can filter your lymphatic system, but slowing it down intelligently, may be what you need to do temporarily so you can get things down, and step it up the next day. If your green to this lifestyle, then you may have to slow things down with steamed starchless veggies or a veggie broth, until you becomes stabilized, and this will slow down detox enough to were you will understand that it is detox your experiencing, and you’re not “getting worse” and then just jump back on fruit the next day, and only use cooked veggies or broths as a tool if you absolutely need to slow down the detox, because it will a great deal, and you may need to use this tool, and don’t be ashamed to throw in the towel, because healing and detox, is not a race, it’s a marathon.

If your kidneys are filtering, and more pain flares up, push through it, because you want to get the acids out of those tissues, so you don’t have to revisit it another day. I always pushed through the pain flare ups, because when your filtering this is when the acids will eventually come out, and pain is not fun for anyone to deal with.

For those of you that have gone through the aggressive detox on just fruits, herbs and fruit juice feasting, and know how to slow things down with heavier raw foods if need be, but have reached a plateau with your healing, and still have stubborn areas of weakness that are not going away, you need to understand that you cannot get further with eating now that your clean enough, and have adapted to a fruit diet, and no longer feel detox symptoms on fruit. You need to fast now, to experience this.

If you want to get further with your healing, you may need to find more discipline, and don’t become to attached to eating. Take a solid food vacation for a couple weeks, every other month, do a water fast for 3-5 days, or longer If need be, explore a 3-5 day dry fast if you already have experience with daily time restricted dry fasting for 16+ hours daily, and are hydrated on a cellular level enough to handle it, but eating even if it’s mono fruit meals, may not be enough to get you to wellville faster, if you have plateaued.

I am starting to explore water fasting, not to use as a tool to better kidney filtration, because I already know that dry fasting is much better for that, but to give my gut a rest, and to give my pancreas a rest from digestion, because digestion takes up a lot of energy away from the body to heal these damaged tissues. I highly abused pharmaceutical drugs for decades, so I have a lot of work to do, to heal my gut and microbiome. I killed tons of bacteria in my gut, and it’s not a quick fix on fruit to fix it, so it makes sense to take brakes from eating, and water fast, as my next step with speeding up the healing process.

I just did a short term water fast, because I’m not trying to be a master overnight with something I’ve never done before. I did 3 days, and I plan to increase that more and more, as I am able to handle longer ones. I have done several solid food vacations, long time restricted dry fast daily, 3 day extended dry fast, and I did a one fruit vacation for 7 months straight (mangoes), and I lived on fruit, and a few salads once in a while in a 2 year time frame, and I got through a lot of healing crisis, and detox symptoms, and this 3 day water fast brought back those old detox symptoms I once experienced in my past, and it told me a lot about water fasting, and at least in my experience, it was a detox on an emotional and physical level, that I haven’t experienced in a long time, and it quickly reminded me that eating after years on 90% fruit, that it doesn’t matter if the food your eating is fruit, that food can really cause plateaus quickly, and fruit juice has not been enough as well to throw me into a detox like just drinking distilled water has.

I had to throw in the towel after only 3 days on water, because I was getting extremely nauseas from the water braking up old stagnation build up in my gut, heart beat started pounding, dizziness kicked in, and could hardly stand up to make my mango pudding to brake my fast. Even my 3 day dry fast didn’t create this detox reaction, so with my personally water fasting experience, through me into a detox that I will continue to explore in the future. I would have gone longer but I owe my clients quality service, and have to be present to assist them, as well as putting together an iris analysis that is top notch, and done professionally.

Just know when to throw in the towel, don’t make this a sport and competition, understand detoxification, and if you want to understand detoxification symptoms, and the process of healing on fruit, and fasting, then go to and you can find a lot of information on this process, so you understand detoxification regarding when to slow things down, when to speed things up, and how to transition depending on were your at regarding the state of your physical body.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 5 years ago
Views: 515
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