Lupus is systemic acidosis (stagnant sewage in the body)

Lupus is systemic acidosis (stagnant sewage in the body)

Lupus is considered in the allopathic community to be systemic autoimmune disease that occurs when your body’s immune system attacks your own tissues and organs. Well this concept is silly, because the immune system doesn’t attack your body, it’s the lymphatic system that backs up with acids, mucus and metabolic waste material that create the symptoms that you may be experiencing. Just because a doctor puts a fancy label on your symptom conditions, that are all related to inflammation, you must understand what causes inflammation in the first place. There’s only two sides of chemistry that being acid and alkaline. Acid creates inflammation, so any kind of inflammation response means that your lymphatic system is backed up with acid and your kidneys are not filtering out the waste. If you’re experiencing inflammation in your joints, skin, kidney’s, blood cells, brain, heart, and lungs and all the other organs and glands in your body you must understand it’s your sewer systems sewage waste that is backing up every room in your body. If you drain the septic tank which is the lymphatic system, on a nutritive raw living foods diet that promotes detoxification and cleansing of these wastes, then you can remove the inflammation and get rid of the symptoms that are causing your problem. Once you create the detoxification process by removing acid and mucus forming foods from your diet, your symptoms will start to go away, and once your symptoms go away, you will realize that ridiculous terms that medical doctors put on conditions that are all related to one simple concept and that is acidosis.

If your experiencing rashes on your skin, you must understand that your skin is the largest eliminative organ in your body and acts as a third kidney, when your kidneys are not filtering well because of high protein diets and the damage that was caused by them, then your skin will pick up the slack of removing metabolic waste from your body because of the lack of function in your kidneys. If you regenerate your kidneys, you could filter out acids through the urinary tract and not experience a blow back in your skin. Any kind of redness and inflammation especially on your head or your face indicates that your whole body is systemically backed up with acidosis from head to toe. You must understand the importance of diet when it comes to healing these conditions. You can’t eat acid and mucus forming foods, and expect your acid condition to go away.

Doctors will only try to prescribe medications to help you to treat and manage your symptoms, but you can’t treat and manage your symptoms when you have systemic acidosis. You can’t put a medication or a vitamins on top of a sewer system, and wish it to magically clean up and go away, you have to intervate and get inside the body and move the lymphatic system with energetic chemistry, that comes with the living fruits, and you use the herbs that nature has provided to help the kidneys and all the eliminative channels of the body to get rid of these waste. But you must stop eating dead, dormant acid in mucus forming foods in order for the body to heal itself. The body will not heal itself until you bring energy, alkalinity and hydration to its cells. You can’t bring alkalinity and hydration with dehydrated cooked food. If you clog up your eliminative channels with mucus which takes place in the body when you eat foods that are foreign to your anatomy and physiology, then mucus will build up to protect the body from being burned by acid. Raw living fruits and vegetables and herbs do not cause acid and inflammation in the body. That’s why when people start detoxing on living foods they go into a healing crisis and experience drastic detoxification symptoms, it’s because the body that is stored up acids from childhood and the body wants to get the junk out fast! so when you have acids and metabolic waste in your body for many years that wants to come out your going to feel a blow back in the process.

If you’ve been told you have lupus, or an autoimmune disease You must understand that this is a hopeless label that will not help you to put your focus on regenerative detoxification which is the solution to the problem. The reason why doctors think the body attacks itself is because they don’t understand detoxification, and that you must create this process in order for the body to start to fight off pathogens and acidosis and heal properly. If you remove acid and mucus forming cooked foods, then the body will heal itself and you will soon realize that autoimmune is a ridiculous concept that disrespects the intelligence of the body and how it heals itself. The body knows how to heal itself we just must change the chemistry of our diet, and the things that we put in our mouth, on our skin, and everything else that we expose our body to that creates toxicity in an abundance.

There has been researchers that have estimated 1.5 million Americans that have this so-called “disease” called lupus, it’s also believed that 5 million people throughout the world have some kind of form of lupus weather that being women, children, teenagers, or the elderly. This is sad that we buy into this scare that these autoimmune problems just appear out of nowhere, and the body attacks itself. Your body is attacking itself because your putting acids in your body that are causing corrosion to the cells, organs and glands. The world is suffering with systemic acidosis because the world only eats cooked food.

The percentage of fruits and vegetables, and nuts and seeds in the raw living state, is like in the 6%, and we wonder why we’re unable to get these chronic and degenerative health conditions under control? Nobody’s eating raw living foods anymore, people avoid fruit because they think the sugar in the fruit is bad for them, not understanding that this is not the case. It’s the sugar in this process junk that causes the problem. Raw living foods like fruits that are loaded with nutrition especially the berries, just because they’re sweet doesn’t mean there sugars are bad like processed sugars made in labs. We must get our minds away from this intellectual foolishness, and understand that nature has provided a remedy and food source for every species and that is raw living foods, and fruits happen to be the foods design for humans. If we stop putting fire to our food, if we stop eating processed foods, if we stop eating animal foods that are extremely acidic, and corrosive to the human organism, then we can heal our bodies and get rid of this sad epidemic of 5 million people throughout the world that have these so-called autoimmune problems!

I can’t put it in a more simple way, that fruits and vegetables in their raw living state will allow the body to heal, and take care of all the issues and symptoms you may be experiencing. It may take some time to remove the damage that you have caused storing up this metabolic waste in the body for many decades, but if you just stay on board with raw foods and get rid of this silly concept of deficiency, which is impossible to create with raw food, because you’re not destroying any of the nutrition that’s found in it. We must understand that cooking food is not natural. Nature gets to the cause and the root of the problem and that is acidosis. You could either eat acid forming foods and masking manage your problem and never find your health and remedy, or you could just allowed nature to clean yourself out, through detoxification, and experience the reward from doing it.

Get back to nature my friends, get back to the diet your biologically designed to eat, tap into your intuitive consciousness, let your instincts guide you, and understand that your problems are related to acidosis not “disease” which is at concept of medical doctors imaginations. You don’t have to live in the world of Illusion thinking that everything is bacteria related or disease related. Just simply understand cause and effect. You eat food you’re not designed for you create acidosis in the body, you eat food you are designed for you create an alkaline environment, and you’re able to regenerate every cell, and enhance the function of the organs and glands, to where your body will function the way it’s designed to function, and you will never get sick or experience any of these symptoms that your experiencing. Just start eating more raw fruits and vegetables today, and transition yourself to a 100% raw food diet, so that we could become a species like every other species in nature which is designed for raw living foods. Please understand that these mysterious so-called “diseases” don’t just come out of thin air, it’s the foods that your eating that are causing your problems, you change the foods you change your health!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 7 years ago
Views: 848
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