Male pattern baldness at a young age?

Male pattern baldness at a young age?

Why are you going bald so young? What would cause balding if we look at cause and effect? Acids! Your lymph system is backed up! Acids are chewing on your scalp, and are removing your hair. It’s excessive inflammation in the head. Pee in a jar, and If you’re not filtering, you’re not removing acids, and this is just another condition of a stagnant lymph system, and not removing your metabolitic waste.

Yes it can be inherited from your mother and fathers genetics, but understand their genetics are determined by how they eliminate their waste, and the state of how backed up their lymph systems are, and you will inherit your mothers lymph system while feeding in her while she was pregnant with you.

Humans literally have to address their lymph system, and clean it out from birth! And even more so in today’s world, due to the acidic foods that keep getting more acidic as the days go on! This is a reason why men at 18 years old are going bald, they are living in a very acidic body, and also living on very acidic processed foods and drinks!

So how can you go about trying to reverse male pattern baldness? Well you need to get your kidneys filtering, and you need to bring circulation to your head. You need to detox! Bring regeneration to a highly acidic body! If your balding so young, understand that your dealing with chronic systemic acidosis, and this means the problems will just get worse as you age, because more acids stagnant in your head, means cognizant brain issues down the road.

Detoxification is an alkaline and hydrating experience! You need to hydrate your body, and that’s not going to happen drinking gallons of water, and feeding on cheese cakes and Cheetos on top! You need to give up the fast food, and the high protein diets, and start eating the living foods that nourish and regenerate damage cells. The kidneys are the main channel for draining the lymph system, and removing the acid chemistry chewing on your head. The kidneys hate acid chemistry, , because acidic chemistry damages the kidneys, clogs them up, so they don’t filter your lymph system. You want a diet of fruit and vegetables, because the body can only heal and repair itself by creating true hydration, which is interstitial, that means a lymph system that’s not bathing in acids that dehydrate the body on a cellular level.

A fruit diet will create detoxification and this will remove the acids that damage, dehydrate, and cause bodily dysfunctions like balding. Nobody should loose their hair, this is only a result of a highly acidic body.

You can make excuses, and say it’s a genetic curse, or you can focus on a diet and lifestyle that promotes detoxification, and regenerative healing and restoration. (Fruit based raw food diet)

What I would do if I was determined to reverse male pattern baldness would be to get on a diet of fruit, berries, melons, and I would get herbal formulas that also promote cleaning and enhancing of tissue for my kidneys, endocrine glands, lymph system, GI tract, brain and nervous system, and I would get herbs that bring circulation to the head, and see if I can get some hair to grow back!

If you don’t bring alkalization and hydration to your head, you cant remove the acids that impair the scalp from growing hair! You need to move the glymphatic system in the head, this is the lymph system in the head. I would make a strong herbal tea with herbs that bring circulation to the upper body, and I would mix it with a pulling oil, such as castor oil, and I would rub that on my head several times a day, while I detox on a raw food diet based around fruit! I would dry fast to get my kidneys to filter, and I would adopt this as a lifestyle, not only to reverse male pattern baldness, but to keep my body alkaline, and healthy, to avoid anything else that can bring dysfunction to tissue, organs, glands, nerves, bones and cells.

This is not some short term “cleanse” my friend! This is a lifestyle change you need to make long term, if you want to regenerate your body and keep your sewer system clean (lymphatic system) you can’t return to animal foods, and processed junk, those days are over, if you want to get long lasting results, with not only trying to get your hair to grow back, but to heal your mind, body and spirit from the obstructions and vices Babylon has created to keep you in a zombie and comatose state, you need to adopt a fruit based diet, and detoxification lifestyle!

I believe you can grow your hair back with a raw food diet based around fruit, herbal botanicals, and fasting as a lifestyle. You can grow your hair back, and you can also loose your hair again, if you return back to acidic chemistry that backed up the lymph system. If you get your kidneys to filter the very chemistry that causes all bodily dysfunctions (ACIDS) you can reverse any “dis-ease” the body expresses!

Herbal botanicals I would take to reverse male pattern baldness on top of a fruit based raw food diet that promotes kidney filtration would be the following

  • Kidney/bladder (1 caps)
  • Kidney/bladder (2 tincture)
  • Lymphatic system (1 tincture)
  • Lymph nodes (1 caps)
  • Endocrine balance tincture
  • Stomach and bowels caps
  • Upper circulation tincture
  • Brain and nerve (2 tincture)

I would live on these formulas and take a week brake so 2 weeks on, 1 week off, and I would do this until I fixed my body, and reversed the problem!

Envision, believe, will, perceive, and receive!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 5 years ago
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