Medical medium thoughts and criticisms (part 2)

Medical medium thoughts and criticisms (part 2)

I really do think that the medical medium protocol is a dead end and the reason why I’m addressing this protocol is because it’s gaining traction and only get you to a place of masking symptoms rather than getting to the root cause. My heart and focus is to spread the truth and the simplicity that goes with healing and to encourage our species specific diet and not to try to treat symptoms the natural way because the only true natural way in healing is through detoxification, and through eating the diet that your biologically designed to eat which is a raw living foods diet mainly fruits. The medical medium protocol does not emphasize enough on the living foods to promote detoxification, so you can only go so far when it comes to the body’s eliminating specific foods coming off at standard american diet, but eventually you must get to the raw levels when it comes to consumption and allowing the body to heal itself.

Medical medium Advocates garlic and onions for healing.

I don’t believe the garlic and onions have any healing properties whatsoever, and I also believe that the body rejects garlic and onions as a toxin not a healing remedy such as an herb.

Garlic, once eaten in large quantities (1+ cloves a day) changes the chemistry of the body. It becomes dependent on it. And like any drug, a repeat dose is necessary to feel good. Because it is an antibiotic, it kills most of the good bacteria, and due to it’s harshness it will damage the lining of the GI tract as well. Anything that kills the beneficial bacteria in your body should be avoided and will only cause digestive issues, and when you lose the bacteria in your body then it will impair your ability to detoxify metabolic waste from the body.

The Taoists realized thousands of years ago that plants of the alliaceous family were detrimental to humans in their healthy state. In his writings, one sage Tsang-Tsze described the Alliums as the “five fragrant or spicy scented vegetables” — that each have a detrimental effect on one of the following five organs — liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys, and heart. Specifically, onions are harmful to the lungs, garlic to the heart, leeks to the spleen, chives to the liver and spring onions to the kidneys.

Garlic and onion make you smell bad, and cause reactions that people mistake as detoxification reactions, however you shouldn’t expel harsh odors from the foods when you detoxify, this doesn’t happen with herbs, and it doesn’t happen with fruits so the body is trying to get rid of the garlic and onions. You should not smell like onions and garlic for several days after consuming it if it’s truly being absorbed and utilized for health. I’m a firm believer of letting your food be your medicine and your medicine your food, so in nature nobody’s going to be chewing on garlic and onions for a meal so in my opinion it shouldn’t be revered as a health food.

Believes that potatoes have beneficial healing properties?

I personally believe that starch is detrimental to the human body and should be avoided at all cost. Starch is a toxin and it’s a sticky glue-like substance that blocks absorption, and also can create lots of fungal problems in humans. It’s a complex sugar that is extremely difficult to metabolize, and anything that must be cooked to death is not an optimal food source if you. When you keep things aligned with nature you can effectively detoxify the body to get to the root cause of your issue which is stagnant waste that is constipating your body and suppressing your lymphatic systems ability to remove it through the kidneys, bowels, lungs, and skin.

His words about potatoes

Potatoes are an important food for those who are heavy thinkers and those recovering from stress damage and adrenal exhaustion. They’re also particularly beneficial for depression, insomnia, Sleep Disorders, brain fog, and stress-related illness. Potatoes are also known to be good for promoting cardiovascular health and reducing the risk of heart attack, stroke and atheroslrosis and copd.

This is a loaded statement of silly talk in my opinion because I would say that potatoes cause all these problems because creating fungus in the body will end up creating depression, insomnia, brain fog and stress-related illnesses not prevent them. Cooking your food should never be revered as something that will heal you because no animal in nature cooks their food and neither should humans when they’re trying to create optimal health. I was on pretty much on all potato diet with vegetables for several months trying to get rid of my candida, adrenal exhaustion and kidney damage. The potatoes only created more brain fog, more fungal problems, and suppress my kidneys ability to filter metabolic waste which is vital and important when it comes to regenerative healing. There’s only two sides of chemistry that being acid and alkaline and any acid and mucus forming food will suppress the body’s ability to remove acids that are stagnant in the lymphatic system which is the main contributor to all degenerative health conditions. Starch is glue and you do not want glue like residues in your body blocking absorption in the small bowel because this will lead to malabsorption. There’s a reason why when somebody detoxifies on a living foods diet they crave starch especially potatoes it’s because it’s a high fungal food, and when you give it up you will remove fungus from your body as well as parasites that live on these starches.

Advocates poor food combining

Combining fruits, vegetables and oils is a recipe for disaster when it comes to the pancreas and gallbladder as well as a recipe that will create fermentation, and it’s fermentation that feeds fungus, because fungus comes in to clean up fermentation in the body and that’s why people get candida overgrowth. Poor food combining is also a lymph clogger. You cannot move the lymphatic system with complicated recipes that are very difficult to digest. Take a look at the simple salad dressing it’s filled with oils, fats and also adding simple sugars such as your dates together.

Salad dressing example

  • 1⁄4 cup raw tahini
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 2 medium dates (or 1 large date), pitted
  • 1⁄2 cup water

This is a lymph clogger and a recipe for fermentation (candida)

Another example recipe to avoid. Basic rule never combine proteins with a starch.


  • 8 large onions!?
  • 8 cups diced potatoes
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 1⁄2 teaspoon fresh rosemary leaves
  • 8 cups chopped mushrooms
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon poultry seasoning
  • 2 tablespoons pine nut

Even though it’s only 2 tablespoons of pine nuts still mixed with potatoes is really poor for combining especially with oils, and this will only be difficult for the pancreas and gallbladder to process and leave your toxic body having to work overtime in digestion which will prevent your body from healing itself through detoxification. Pine nuts are high in protein and fat and potatoes are very high in carbohydrates and high protein combined with high carb will create fermentation which will contribute to fungal overgrowths. I’m only trying to save you from creating unnecessary fungal overgrowths and spending all kinds of money on these protocols that only set you back from healing and getting to the root cause of the problem.

Medical medium recipes are also filled with poor fruit and vegetable combinations such as your green smoothies. Fruits digest much quicker than vegetables so any food that is combined with another food that takes more digestive energy for the body, this can create fermentation as well, and it’s fermentation again will creates fungal problems. I truly believe that a lot of recipes that the medical medium advocates, will create a lot of candida like symptoms and the goal is to remove the metabolic wastes, and fungus from the body in the best way to do that is to detoxify your body on simple sugars and focus on mono fruit meals.

As far as I would go with food combinations would be to have avocados and a salad when it comes to mixing fruits and vegetables. There’s only one sweet juicy fruit that really combines well with vegetables do to the pectin and digestive enzymes and that’s the apple, all other fruits mixed with green vegetables don’t combine well, and that’s why people get bloating, gas and digestive distress when mixing fruits with vegetables. You may think I’m picking on this protocol but in all reality poor food combining is detrimental when it comes to healing your body, because nature designed the humans to digest foods in a simplistic way like all the other animals in nature, so when you get into these complicated food recipes mixing oils vegetables and fruits together your only creating discomfort in your body and it’s just something I’m trying to save you time and effort focusing on a simple diet of fruits, berries and melons, rather than getting caught up and treatment based thinking going after symptoms instead of getting to the root cause which is getting on a diet that promotes the cleansing and detoxification effects that are vital and important for reversing all chronic health elements.

Don’t get me wrong I understand that transition is important but when your desperate to heal with a chronic health element then you need to get on a fruit based diet that promotes detoxification, and get your kidneys filtering as well to removes sewage from the body that’s caused from these high protein and high starch diets, and especially cooking your food altering its structure which will then in return alter the chemical structures in your body, creating acidosis and over loads of mucus trying to protect the body from harm.

We don’t need to cook our foods and we don’t need to complicate recipes to suit our pallet because we’ve been conditioned to eat a certain way. Nature has provided a food source that is naturally appealing and pleasant to our taste and that is fruits. If you get used to eating foods your designed to eat which are fruits, after a while these complicated recipes and cooked food cravings will go away, and you will save a lot of time and effort because your body will heal at a drastic level.

Cooked food suppresses the body’s ability to detoxify. The minute you remove cooked food the body wants to start to heal itself, and when you get on foods like fruits that digest quickly that are very astringent and move the lymphatic system and promote aggressive detoxification, then you will be able to benefit from a fruit diet in all areas physically, emotionally, spiritually, and satisfaction.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
Views: 597
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