Missing cooked food on a raw food diet

Missing cooked food on a raw food diet

Missing cooked food on a raw food diet, is completely normal if we get our egos out of the way. We cannot be in denial of the reality of missing cooked food. Humans have been eating predominantly cooked foods for the majority of their lives, and we have been cooking or foods for thousands of years. Regardless of what the homo sapien species has done to their food, and how long they have been doing this, doesn’t justify the fact that are human bodies are still designed for raw foods like every species in nature is. We have created a serious dilemma and problem, by putting fire to our foods. Because we have learned to put fire to our foods we have come up with creative ways to cook our foods and ways that our bodies do not recognize. We have built a relationship around food, not in the nourishing way, but rather and a pleasure, addictive seeking way. The reason why humans crave sugar, is because we’re designed for sugar. Sugar that is found in whole foods such as fruits, and we are naturally attracted to fruits. The problem is we have found ways to ulter sugars and highly process them to create something that is not compatible with nature, and not compatable for our bodies.

There is no doubt that processing fat, salt, sugar, and starch, can create a nirvanic and absolutely amazing tasting meal. The problem is our bodies do not react to these foods in a positive manner, and when we create mucus and acid in the body, we will soon regret giving into these addictions. Humans have created this addiction, and it’s all around us. It is so easy to fall into these temptations, and to give into the these traps, when these cooked foods are so easily accessible at our fingertips whenever we want them.

If you don’t properly prepare yourself to eat raw foods because you know that there good for you, and you also know that in order to create a disease-free body, you have to be most compatible with nature, and eat your foods raw the way nature intended them for you. So what do you do with yourself when these temptations arise? Do you give in?, is it too difficult?, is the smell enticing you? All these questions are realities, and there’s no doubt that it’s very difficult, to find the self control when you have trained yourself to eat this way the majority of your life. You must prepare yourself for the battle! You already know that cooking your food is not the most optimal for you, and for those that have gone on a raw food diet have experienced health, and healing, and many other benefits, that outweigh anything that cooked food could ever offer. You know that raw is the best, but this still doesn’t take away the fact that cooked food addiction will be something that you must battle with until you clean out your body well enough.

Train yourself to crave raw foods, and you will no longer have the severe pull to eat cooked food. If you push through the temptations, and you learn to find satisfaction in raw food that are properly ripe, you can overcome these cravings. In the beginning of a raw food diet, I believe it’s important if you’re not detoxifying your body, to focus on the sweet fruits, and even the avocados for a season. Fruits like bananas, persimmons, dates, and avocados are going to be very filling, and help to control these cravings for unnecessary cook foods that you may be tempted to eat. You want to make sure that you fill up on the dense rich sweet fruits, and then work your way up to the juicy fruits. Alot of you unfortunately live in cold climates, and must endure through the winter seasons, I believe it’s very important to make bananas the staple of your diet, not only are they calorie-rich, and have that sugar that your body needs to feel satisfied, but there also the only fruit that you could actually eat that is picked unripe that will ripen properly, because they ripen nutritive picked green. Because bananas are able to ripen picked green, this means that they will create enough sugars, to make the fruit nutrient dense,

And calorie rich, to sustain your hunger needs.

Cooked food addiction is not just something that is created because you may have parasites, it’s easy to blame everything on parasites, but a lot of the time the produce such as the fruits and vegetables where you live are extremely low in quality and just do not organically meet your body’s needs, because there lacking nutrients and minerals, But this doesn’t mean that you have to be a fruitarian if you live in a cold climate, you can still get through the winter on raw foods. You can make warm soups, drink your teas, and focus on the dates and bananas for the calorie richness that you need in the beginning. After a while if your patient enough, and you clean out your body, and you alkalize the body, these cravings for processed, oily, cooked to death, salty foods will not be appealing to you, and your body will naturally reject them.

If your body is still very toxic, and you go back to cook food to get your fix, it’s only because you haven’t pushed through the tough cleansing process well enough, because if you were to eat these cooked foods especially the ones that you were eating that were unhealthy before you got on a raw food diet, you would feel extremely terrible, and would be enough for you to return back to raw foods and pursue this as a lifestyle, and understand that patients does win the day, and you can endure through the tough craving cycles of reactivating your body back to a nutrient-dense diet, rather than a diet that is based around toxic pleasure and addiction.

A lot of the times it’s our minds that cause us to fail, because we think negative, and we keep telling ourselves how hard it is so that becomes the reality rather than having the passion determination to overcome the addiction understanding that it is an addiction. There are many people, well not thousands and millions, but that have been able to succeed 100% Raw four decades and, because they were determined enough to get healthy and to find the nutritive foods, raw and living in their natural state, and eventually the desire for cooked food will go away. We think that a couple months on a raw food diet is going to solve our cooked food addiction, we are sadly mistaken. You have to put in the work, and you have to be determined and also manifest positivity and success, or you will fail miserably. I myself haven’t been pursuing this lifestyle for very long, and the smell of cooked foods are very enticing, but instead of just thinking of food as pleasure and addiction, I also tell myself everyday that I felt terrible on those foods, and 20 minutes of pleasure for 8 hours of pain, it’s just not worth it, when I could find the satisfaction in the fruits, as long as I’m eating enough, as well as eating enough ripe and sweet fruit. It’s the sweetness that will bring the satiation and filling. The problem is people are eating rancid, acidic, unripe sour fruit, and this is why they don’t last very long, and also dont spend enough time to find raw food dishes that are satiating and learning how to prepare them, because their used to just throwing a cooked tv dinner in the microwave and not putting any effort into it. If you don’t make this a lifestyle, then you will fail miserably. There is nothing convenient about preparing a vegetable based raw food dish. The beautiful thing is if your on a fruit based diet you don’t have to do anything but just peel and eat!

If your missing cooked food too much, there’s no point to even be on a raw food diet in my opinion, being on a raw food diet is something you should be passionate about, and never force yourself to pursue it. A lot of the times we have to hit rock bottom and get extremely sick, on these cooked foods to completely understand and value and nurturing benefits that you can get pursuing this as a lifestyle. The fact that somebody gets extremely sick and also becomes convinced that raw foods will heal them, and are the best option to clean and replenish a damaged body, should never jump into this kind of diet kicking and screaming, because that is true cooked food addiction at its finest, because if you still missed the food that cause the damage to your health, then that is full-blown addiction no if ends or buts. What do we value the most? a pain-free, thriving life feeling joy and happiness and having energy?, or being bogged down and enslaved to junk food that’s highly cooked and processed, because we want to just cover up our problems and suppress them, rather than deal with our karma and evolve as a species in higher consciousness.

A raw food diet can be very pleasurable, especially if you live in the right environment that’s conducive to producing quality fruits and vegetables. The problem is the world is not producing true quality fruits and vegetables like they once were a long time ago, but you will still find the nutrition in the raw foods that will truly nourish your body and take care of your true hunger needs and that is not found in cooked food. This is just addiction, and nobody wants to eat their cooked food plain anyways, it’s a mixture and concoction of salt, sugar and fat that makes you crave them. If you have to add salt sugar fat, and spices, then you are chemically altering the food, and making it an addictive substance rather than a food itself.

I believe nature created the perfect food which is fruit for the human species, that has all the flavor when its naturally, grown, properly ripe, fresh and organic, to meet all your needs, the problem is we have created a chemically altered food, that artificially enhances the taste buds to crave them, but it’s not a natural craving that you have, it’s an addiction craving that you have. A lot of people because of the way their minds have been trained, would say lighten up and enjoy some cooked junk food once in awhile, you only live once right! The problem is nobody is living, there just existing, and if people were living and thriving we wouldn’t be suffering as a species like we are today, and we truly are suffering, just look around and see how many people are coming down with cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, and all kinds of degenerative health conditions!

You can make this work for you, you just have to put in the effort and rearrange your lifestyle, and it’s worth it in the end to create a healthy body, a healthy spirit, and evolve consciously back to nature, and obey her laws, so that you don’t have to endure through the suffering of damaging your health and minds with this modality of eating foods, cooked, altered, and chemically structured, because you want a mask and suppress your troubles, only having to deal with them later. Its not that you never will struggle in life just because you eat raw food, but it really does make a difference, when you stop eating mucus and acid forming foods, that block the flow of energy, dehydrate the body and create a state of disease.

You have to keep telling yourself that its not that you miss cooked food because their something beneficial in them, it’s more like you miss the addiction and pleasure that these altered cooked foods create, and also suppress real life emotion. It’s just like a drug addict would have to work through his drug addiction, eventually if you abstain long enough you will overcome this addiction and not return to it. I don’t believe that addiction is a disease, this is a fabricated term coined, to make excuses, because we no longer understand that we have a God Consciousness that lives in us, that could help us to overcome any obstacle in our path if we just tap into it. and believe the power that is within.

Give it some time, and allow your body to become acclimated to an alkaline homeostasis. If you remove the obstructions the block the flow of energy and dehydrate the body interstitialy, and you start bringing in the proper minerals and nutrition, and you remove the acidosis from the body, you will soon crave the nutrition in the foods, and you will enjoy the energy that these living foods give you, as well as enjoying the sweet and natural flavors they produce. You will learn to enjoy the natural flavors of the food, not chemically altered cooked food. You just have to give it more than a couple months, and focus on the goal and the prize at the end, rather than constantly wrestling with the anxieties of wanting cooked more than raw food, because it’s much more convenient, it suppresses emotion, and it hasn’t addictive quality to it.

If you miss cook food on a raw food diet, then you’re not pursuing this as a lifestyle the way you should in my opinion. If the reason why you miss cooked food is because you know that cooked food will not heal you, because you know that detoxification is the only route that you have to heal yourself, then you’re still dealing with full-blown addiction, and must understand that there is no point to go back to something that damaged your health in the first place, and knowing that your health has been damaged should motivate you enough, to not miss the food.

Become a light and become an example to the world, because if we don’t change this addiction we have for cooked food, will never be able to save humanity from the suffering that they’re going through day in and day out, because they refused to get back to the food there biologically designed to eat. I don’t want to come off harsh, but when it comes to this topic, I must be straight forward, because it makes no sense to miss something, and force yourself to pursue a diet if you don’t enjoy.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


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First published: 7 years ago
Views: 617
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